Oh my gosh... I'm pregnant! :-) exercise and dieting?

Hi all!

So I've found out that I'm 7 weeks pregnant! :-) I'm so so excited!

But now I'm thinking about my fitness and diet plan and how I'm gonna have to adjust it! I normally do gym sessions of sprints (1min jogging at 8.5kmp then 1min sprinting at 12.5-13.5kmp for 20min) with a lot of weighted squats, lunges and core exercises (good old press ups and sit ups but lots of bosu ball exercises and lots of mat work)

Diet wise... I'm eating about 1400cals and I'm maintaining a healthy weight.

I don't want to get fat in pregnancy but I know that a gain is needed, my doc said anything between 20-30lbs is normal.

I've heard so many mixed things, people saying to exercise as normal, to not exercise, to exercise but at a low level, to exercise but not get too hot, to not do core work...

Diet wise, I'm not sure how much to eat. I'm maintaining on 1400 but should I be eatinging 2000?

Has anyone had babies recently or being pregnant? What did you do?

I've got my first midwife appt in a few weeks so until then I'm stuck as to what I should be doing!

Many thanks!


  • tikafly
    tikafly Posts: 184 Member

    Eat to hunger, drink to thirst. Make healthy choices, but don't count calories. Light to Moderate exercise, depending on your energy level. Don't push yourself too hard. Listen to your body.

    The Brewer Diet is helpful for overall nutrition during pregnancy. It's protein-heavy, and it can help prevent some pregnancy-related issues. http://www.drbrewerpregnancydiet.com/id96.html or http://www.blueribbonbaby.org/brewer-diet-checklists/brewer-diet-basic-plan-checklist/

    Best wishes to you in your pregnancy.
  • prov31jd
    prov31jd Posts: 153 Member

    Eat to hunger, drink to thirst. Make healthy choices, but don't count calories. Light to Moderate exercise, depending on your energy level. Don't push yourself too hard. Listen to your body.

    The Brewer Diet is helpful for overall nutrition during pregnancy. It's protein-heavy, and it can help prevent some pregnancy-related issues during pregnancy. http://www.drbrewerpregnancydiet.com/id96.html or http://www.blueribbonbaby.org/brewer-diet-checklists/brewer-diet-basic-plan-checklist/

    Best wishes to you in your pregnancy.

    ^^^^ THIS! Every word of it. The Brewer Diet is fantastic! My last two births were with a midwife, and she highly recommends this diet.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I've always heard that you can exercise at whatever level you were doing before you got pregnant. And actually, a few months ago I saw something saying it was ok for pregnant women to run! Definitely check it out with your doctor and do research before you take my advice, but those are a couple of things I heard. =)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Exercise will be greatly dependent on how your pregnancy goes. There will be some exercises that aren't very safe as your pregnancy progresses, and your doc can walk you through that. Basically, you should be able to maintain most of what you are doing now, but pay attention to your body on intensity. Some days you will just have to take it easier. If I remember correctly, the doctor advised maintenance calories + 300 in the the first trimester. If you are hungry though, eat more.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I just wanted to say congrats!

    & ^ Like she said. If you were active before, there is nothing wrong with being active during your pregnancy!
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    First of all, congrats! :D

    As for exercise, my doctor told me when I was pregnant that if you did it before pregnancy, you can do it during, as long as it's not lifting and it doesn't feel uncomfortable. Heck, I did taekwondo during my pregnancy! lol. (Granted, none of the sparring, but I was kicking and all. Just no jumping. :P)
  • I did workouts until I couldn't do them anymore with my last two babies. I lowcarbed with both eating 90 grams or less generally about 60 to 75. I had gestational diabetes so I was trying to keep my Blood sugars less than 100 most of the time, and as close to 80 as possible. I did pilates for pregnancy, The Firm, adapting skipping anything that was on my back, (one reason to do pilates for pregnancy), and did mostly walking outside or with Leslie Sansone, and some Leisa Hart for pregnancy as well. I lost weight during my pregnancy only gaining in the last trimester. Fats and Protein are essential for fetal development, carbs are pure energy only. I always gained after birth when my IR comes back with a vengeance Good Luck, and congratulations..
  • daylily2005
    daylily2005 Posts: 203 Member
    Never been pregnant....but I have a good friend who is a runner. She ran until she was 8 months pregnant, and walked the last month. Then she was up running a half marathon 3 months after giving birth. I think she's a bit crazy....but yeah. Everything I've ever been told indicates that you can do whatever kind of activity you want as long as you are comfortable and not starving yourself by exerting too much energy and not eating it back.

    Also, congratulations! :)

    ETA: I think my friend is a bit crazy because I don't know how you run 13 miles 3 months after a natural birth....but more power to her! :) I don't think she was harming her body at any point. Or her baby!
  • Congrats!! I have had 6 children. Unfortunately with the last one, I abandoned all reserves and didn't exercise.

    Anyway. My doctor always told me I only had to eat 300 extra calories a day to support the baby and exercise is perfectly fine throughout most if not all of the pregnancy.

    You should go over your diet and exercise concerns with your DR. or midwife because they will know what is best for you. They have ultrasounds to monitor the baby and many tests you'll take to monitor you.
  • rl1421
    rl1421 Posts: 9

    Check out these blogs: http://www.katheats.com/ and http://www.babykerf.com/

    She's an RD who blogs about her weight loss, exercise habits, and eating life style. She's about to have a baby and started BERF to blog about her experience being pregnant, how it affect her eating and exercising, etc. Lots of good stuff!
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    sexyminxinthemaking Posts: 451 Member
    congratulations :drinker:
    just eat healthy foods while your pregnant hun, everything in moderation
    im a midwife and would advise you against any sort of diet during pregnancy x
    on the other hand we do advise you to try and stay active as you were prior to pregnancy within reason x
  • violetness
    violetness Posts: 131 Member
    I would say you need to ask your doctor. You certainly do not want to lose weight during your pregnancy, because that creates an alkaline environment for the baby. If you gain the recommended 20-30, you should be back where you started 6 weeks or so after the birth, and have a fat, healthy baby too! And congratulations!
  • I gained 14 pounds while pregnant. When I left the hospital, I weighed 10 pounds less than I did before I got pregnant. My daughter weight almost 9 pounds, and was perfectly healthy. Today she is 18 months old and can say her ABC's (ALL OF THEM!) and count to 10. Very smart. When I was pregnant, I didn't exercise (much). Not that you shouldn't, I just didn't have the energy. I didn't count calories, but I was very concious of what I ate. I ate mostly vegetables and fruit. Luckily I didn't crave much sweet stuff, but when I did, a peach or a few strawberries killed. Pregnancy is a wonderful feeling, so don't kill it by worrying too much about this. Enjoy it! Congratulations :)
  • Everything that is mentioned is what I was told but also your heart rate will need to stay below a certain number. I forgot what that was though.
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    Firstly CONGRATULATIONS :flowerforyou:

    this early you should be alright to carry on as you are till your first midwife appointment but a couple of things to watch out for

    1) any contact sports you need to be careful or stop if there is a risk of being hit in the stomach, and avoid heavy lifting as well

    2) if you're not taking folic acid already start doing so ASAP. If you are taking a multivitamin or other supplements make sure they are safe in pregnancy. Particularly be careful about vitamin a (this is also why you are told to avoid liver and liver based foods such as pate as they are high in vitamin a). Check NHS website for other foods you need to be careful of.
  • catherinemaclean
    catherinemaclean Posts: 6 Member
    Congrats! I agree, I'd stop counting calories and eat and drink to hunger (within moderation when it comes to cravings!). I had a baby 11 weeks ago and most of the weight I currently need to lose is weight I gained prior to my pregnancy. I only gained 28lbs with my pregnancy,19 of which I've lost by doing nothing (not watching what I eat at all) but exclusively breastfeeding. LISTEN to your body. It's amazing how in tune you become with it once pregnant! In terms of exercise, you're a fit person so keep doing what you're doing but limit too heavy of weights.Hope you have a great pregnancy!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Congratulations. You may want to check into a class for women who are expecting. It can be a great resource. I did classes during my first and second pregnancies. They combined step and aerobic classes with aqua jog and aqua aerobics. My class had probably 20-30 women in it that many became very close. After the births they had baby and me classes.

    I agree with everyone on this though eat within moderation. Make good choices.