Galaxy S III vs. iPhone 5...go!

_Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
I'm up for a "new every 2" phone from Verizon. I have the Samsung Fascinate and I DO love it though after a few years of use and abuse it's starting to get slow. Granted, I have literally thousands of photos and a few dozen apps on it so it's on system overload. The iPhone 5 is rumored to be released or at least announced later in the fall so I'm willing to wait for it, if need be.

I have RL friends who will battle to the death all the merits of both Droids and iPhones. This is a much wider audience so tell me, what are your thoughts? I'm not one to argue that this one or that one is better or worse. We all have our own likes, needs and uses for our phones.

I love apps (FREE apps!), I’ve yet to pay for anything in the 2+ years I’ve had my Droid. I love taking pictures, lots of them. I love lightning fast response as the touch of a finger. I love the internet, I love reading, I love Google!

I guess what I really need is someone to convince me, without a shadow of doubt, that I need an iPhone. Is that obnoxious? Probably. So, can you convince me I NEED an iPhone?

Please save me the “Well you obviously hate Apple” or “You already know what you want” speeches. I don’t! This is why I’m asking you well informed lovely people.

Btw, anyone know how the MFP app differs from Droid to Apple?



  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    The iPhone 5 is actually a hollowed out case filled with an infinite, self-replicating mass of peanut butter and chocolate. It is also known to assist with fat burning while taking self-pics in any bathroom mirror.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    I LOVE peanut butter AND chocolate...Did you read my profile?
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I say go with what you like, all my friends including myself have Iphones, two of them bought the Galaxy SIII and have already sold them. Their complaint was battery life and the fact they couldn't Imessage with us, I guess that has more to do with the group of friends than the phone though.

    I have the Iphone 4, I must say the camera on the Galaxy is awesome!

    I'm sure the MFP app sucks equally on both!
  • clumsygermangurl
    I just got the new Samsung Galaxy S III, and it blows my mind. Everything it can do, from the picture/video quality. I absolutely love it. Wish you the best of luck on your choice!!!
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    It sounds like you're answering your own question. If you love free apps, you love google then Android is the obvious choice for you.

    From a hardware standpoint, iPhones and high end Android phones are very simliar. They all have very powerful processors, great cameras and are loaded with sensors and such.

    Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and its up to you to determine which ones are most important.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    LOL! It probably does but Apple, from what I've gathered, gets out the better quality apps and updates sooner than Droids do.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Sorry I can't be of much help. I'm not an IPhone fan. My husband has been trying for years to get me to let him have one and I refuse. There's nothing an IPhone can do that my Android can't. And every single IPhone I've ever seen has a cracked screen. I've had my phone for 2 years, dropped it numerous times, no case, and have yet to break my screen. The Spiderweb App joke is around for a reason. LOL. What I don't understand (for anyone who has an IPhone) is that my insurance will send me a new phone if my screen cracks or whatnot. Why in the world doesn't anyone do the same for their IPhone? I know there is insurance for them and seems mandatory from my recent browsing of the AT&T plans.

    Anyways. I love my Android.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have the S3. I LOVE it! I love the larger much easier to surf. Camera is excellent and I have the 32GB model so I have plenty of storage for videos and apps. Its just a cool phone all the way around. It does everything an Iphone does. The only thing it doesn't have is Siri (the Svoice isn't very effective) but once you get through playing with that, what's left?

    I don't hate Apple...I never owned an Iphone but have used other peoples. It hasn't impressed me. I like my S3. :)
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    I've got an iPhone 4s, Galaxy S lll and a Nexus 7 tablet. I prefer the Android. The tiny screen on the iPhone doesn't do it for me
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Don't be persuaded to go with an android based phone because you have to pay for apps. I've had my iphone for months now and haven't paid for an app yet. And the android platform is NOTORIOUS for buggy apps that crash your phone.

    I would recommend not buying a phone based on the app store. Buy a phone based on your user experience and personal taste.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    LOL! It probably does but Apple, from what I've gathered, gets out the better quality apps and updates sooner than Droids do.

    It seems that way because for an app to be released to the IPhone, they have to be approved by Apple. Android is open source so anyone and their dog can upload an app whether it is crappy or not. You just have to pay attention to the ratings and customer reviews (just like Amazon). You do have the option to not allow 3rd party apps thus increasing the quality of the apps you download of the Play market.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    I have the S3. I LOVE it! I love the larger much easier to surf. Camera is excellent and I have the 32GB model so I have plenty of storage for videos and apps. Its just a cool phone all the way around. It does everything an Iphone does. The only thing it doesn't have is Siri (the Svoice isn't very effective) but once you get through playing with that, what's left?

    I don't hate Apple...I never owned an Iphone but have used other peoples. It hasn't impressed me. I like my S3. :)
    Wait till you try Google Now it crushes Siri watch some videos on YouTube of it
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    That's true too. I've dropped my phone down a flight of steps, my toddler ABUSES it and it's never cracked, chipped or even shut down on me after going through all that. Almost everyone I know that has an iPhone has had a spider webbed screen at one point or another.

    Is the Apple screen made of shatter prone glass?
  • ashes1492
    I LOVE my Galaxy SIII and know tons of people who love it as well.
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I have the Galaxy S III because I had to have a new phone now vs in Oct. You might like it faster than me since you have had a Samsung. For me it was purely cosmetic silly stuff but adjusting to how to do what I wanted on a Samsung vs a HTC was annoying. Just stupid stuff like it's more steps to set an alarm. The home button was in a different place on the old phone so I keep hitting the wrong button.

    But after a weeks vacation at the beach................. love my phone! The camera is amazing. It took better photos than my single shot digital camera (which is 3 or 4 years old) and HD video. I have to say that my first requirement of a smart phone is a good camera. I use it a lot.

    My husband accidentally took his phone into the ocean. Oops! Forgot it was in his bathing suit pockets.... see why put pockets on men's swim suits? We don't have pockets, my phone never went into the ocean. He went with the Galaxy S III and loves it. Which is a shock because he was a big blackberry user. A bunch of people he works with have it too. Two of them turned in iPhones for the Galaxy.

    My problem with Apple is the whole iTunes thing. I hate having to hook up to iTunes to do anything. I could dump my photos, load music with a quick copy and paste onto my droid. I have an iPad so I know what an iPhone can do. If you are an app person, then maybe an iPhone is for you. I am not sure there is enough information out on the 5 to know if it's worth the wait yet or not.

    My two family experts..... nephew who sells smart phones and our son who just loves gadgets.... both said the Galaxy is the best non-iPhone out there. nephew prefers droids even though he has used iPhones each time they come out since he has to know what they do etc. for his customers. Our son is a big Apple fan but likes the Galaxy. He would say wait for the 5.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I love my iPhone and will never own anything else besides an iPhone.

    I do believe that it's merely a mater of opinion. They are both great phones.
  • MonkRocker
    MonkRocker Posts: 198
    I love my S3. Never had a problem with the battery life at all, like someone else alluded to.

    I don't have any hate for Apple. I own 2 ipods and a Macbook. But I just prefer Android for phones.

    My $0.02.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have the S3. I LOVE it! I love the larger much easier to surf. Camera is excellent and I have the 32GB model so I have plenty of storage for videos and apps. Its just a cool phone all the way around. It does everything an Iphone does. The only thing it doesn't have is Siri (the Svoice isn't very effective) but once you get through playing with that, what's left?

    I don't hate Apple...I never owned an Iphone but have used other peoples. It hasn't impressed me. I like my S3. :)
    Wait till you try Google Now it crushes Siri watch some videos on YouTube of it

    Cool! I will check it out. :)
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    I KNEW I could count on you guys for great opinions. :flowerforyou: