Upped my weight, but Allowed more?

Hey there!
I started MFP about three days ago, with a guess at my weight (which was waaaaaay off, like, 2 Stone off.)
So, I changed it today, and raised it to what it should be (I raised it by a fair amount) And told it still to lose 1 lb a week.

but here's the weird thing, It's allowing me to eat more calories? Surely I should have lost some of my Daily limit, rather than go up?
I've gone from 1820 to 2442?? That can't be right, can it?


  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    It might be!

    MFP will create a 500 calorie deficit for you when you say that you want to lose 1lb per week.

    You raised your start weight by 28 pounds. It takes more calories to sustain the higher weight.

    If you want to see how MFP calculated your daily calorie goal, go to the My Home Page and then click on Goals.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    Basically, the more you weigh, the more calories it takes for you to maintain your weight. Basically, MFP is estimating that it takes 2900 calories for you to maintain your weight so if you eat 2400 calories, you should lose a lb per week.
  • TheTeeJaii
    Wow guys, That actually makes sense!
    so, i's saying 2400 is 500 less than is needed to maintain this current weight?

    Funny, I thought the more you weigh, the less it'd allow me, Maybe not =D

    Thanks so much!


    Just gone back and checked, and it's changed from 2440 to 2030...
    That makes even more sense now =D