Need Help From Clean Eaters!

My husband and I will be doing a "Detox Month" starting 9/10-10/8. We've noticed that we both let ourselves get a little to crazy with drinking and such, which is why we are doing this. We also want to take the opprotunity and get back into a good routine, meaning exercising at least 5x a week and we want to eat clean.
This is where I need help from the clean eaters. What do you enjoy making for meals (breaksfast, lunch, and dinner)? Our breakfasts and lunches will need to be something easy to take to work. I've never really eaten fully cleand before, so I was to prepare myself with idea before I dive in.
Any help would be wonderful!


  • sustainablehealth
    Great choice to start eating clean!

    My husband and I ate extremely clean for just one month and he lost 25 lbs and I lost 10. It was a bit quick so we had to be careful that we ate enough food and enough good fat, protein and carbohydrate. Plus drink lots of water.

    Start with emptying out your pantry of any processed foods - crackers, chips, soda, cheese, white enriched breads, cereals unless its fresh oatmeal (not the flavored, sugar added individual serving packets). If you can go organic as much as possible. Visit the environmental working group web site for the fruits and veggies to eat organic and the ones that are ok to eat as non organic.

    If you can share the food with family, don't throw it away. It is food and wasting it is a shame since there are so many people going hungry.

    8 am. Breakast for two - try sauteeing 2 handfulls of spinach using 1 tbs of extra virgin olive oil, then add a proportion of 6 egg whites to 3 whole eggs (scrambled) . Don't use vegetable spray it has petroleum as the "propellant" - they don't want to tell you what its made of... gee guess why. Add salsa or hot sauce. (takes 5 minutes to make, quicker if you crack your eggs the night before and just put them in a bowl ready and wisked for the week).

    10:30 Mid morning snack: nuts, seeds, fruit (eat about 200 calories worth)

    12;30 Lunch: grilled chicken kabobs with veggie kabobs (use any veggies you like and as many as you like) season, add salsa, or small slices of avocado for healthy fats. Grill everything the prior evening and just store it in containers. Make lots so you don't have cook every night.

    3:00 Afternoon: Fruit and veggies, Strawberries, hummus and cucumbers, peanut butter/almond butter with banana

    6-7pm Dinner: Lean meat, fruits and veggies and grain (brown rice, quinoa, barley). Fish is a treat for the evenings, or do a lean ground beef with a homemade spaghettie sauce and instead of spaghetti try Spaghetti Squash! trust me you will love it.

    I hope this helps. if you need more ideas let me know.

    Also, check out this cookbook. Rebecca Katz - Cancer-fighting kitchen. She believes in using Food as Medicine. People with cancer and who go through chemo lose their sense of taste sometimes so her recipes are sooooo flavorful and she describes why she uses the ingredients she does.

    My husband LOVES every item I make from this cookbook.

    Good luck, add me as a friend if you want. I do health coaching, and am on here to support my client, but I'm always willing to post and help people out on Myfitness pal for fun an support.

  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    For lunch, we tend to have dinner leftovers which we microwave. That is useful if you have access to a microwave.
  • Momma_Grizz
    Momma_Grizz Posts: 294 Member
    Bump to get ideas too :)
  • almorrow1s
    almorrow1s Posts: 33 Member
    bump - clean eating myself, and would love some new ideas!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    mmmmm. avocado.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Look at my dairy. You can get some good Ideas from that. I also learned how to make carb free pizza using Portabella mushrooms. Instead of a pizza crust put your toppings in side the mushroom. Its like a healthier pizza bites.
  • trunkfish
    trunkfish Posts: 81 Member
    Houmous with carrot sticks is handy for lunch and easy to prepare. Wraps have less calories than bread and are easy to fill with salad and avocado. I make a vat of homemade soup (no cream, no oil) and take it into work in a tub. Love spicy food, so also make large amounts of chilli with Quorn mince and curries with Greek Total 0% fat yoghurt instead of coconut milk which you can just freeze and use as and when.

    I like the sauce (booze) too much like you - so if you cut that out you're doing better than me and will save yourself a heap of calories. I use up about 500 calories on booze alone per day. Good luck!:drinker:
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    thanks everyone! This is all really helpful, keep it coming! lol
  • KS_4691
    KS_4691 Posts: 228 Member
    Look at my diary. Some of it is questionable (particularly my pre-workout, but what can ya do?).