Where's everyone from? (And food too!)



  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
  • shewdog
    shewdog Posts: 34
    Wales, Great Britain.

    Welsh Rarebit - basically posh cheese on toast. I was in the Maldives 5 years ago and they actually served Welsh Rarebit labelled as Welsh Rarebit!! Amazing comfort food with a big cup of tea.

    But I see myself more as British and my fave has to be a nice bit of beer battered haddock with chunky chip shop chips, with lots of salt and vinegar. It's been 3 months since I ate this last . . . mmmmmm
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I guess the only weird thing eaten here would be squirrel. To me they are tree rats. lol

    I live in lower New York, USA ....... I'd have to be freaking STARVING to eat squirrel ..... or bugs, or snakes !

    I did have alligator once (not bad) ..... love Asian cuisine (veggies & noodles dishes) ...... Italian pastas & sauce ...... BBQ pork & beef ...... fish & seafood ...... almost anything, actually ...... and hubby goes hunting in the winter, so we eat venison ...... but I'm sad inside, because deer are so magnificent ..... oh, and I love GOOD chocolate :drinker:
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    Living in Little Rock, AR but born and raised in Oklahoma. My FAVORITE food is Sushi, but it is not native... it's prob the oddest thing to love being in the middle of a continent! Any fish is frozen, packed, and drove in from wherever!
    I honestly don't know what is considered native in Oklahoma... deep fat fried would be my guess!
  • RilantheFirebug
    RilantheFirebug Posts: 207 Member
    USA - Indiana, here (where the last Superbowl was held). I'd say the food we are most known for are giant, bigger than your head, breaded tenderloin sandwiches. That and sugar cream pie -- butter, maple sugar, and vanilla cream. There are a few major food companies here; Orville Redenbacher (popcorn), Wonder Bread, and Red Gold (tomatoes). I googled it out curiosity because the first thing I thought of was corn and soybeans and found persimmon pudding, which I've never had but it apparently its native to Indy.
  • irisdescennt
    irisdescennt Posts: 3 Member
    I'm from Russia but living in Canada at the moment :),

    Russia: This dessert чак чак, and a meat pastry чебурек.

    Canada: Hashbrowns!
  • zealousmissjj_wechange
    Unfortunately, we Dutch are also good at this: Dutch cheese and Bitterballen!!

    ugggh I grew up in a primarily Dutch town in Ontario. Oliebollen was always my biggest weakness. To top it off, my boyfriend is Dutch and thus it makes a nice little appearance at his parents cottage.

    Oww, oliebollen!! Yummm!!
    ValRAAAAY Posts: 270 Member
    You HAVE to add leftover cornbread to your milk. HAVE TO!
  • Menecairiel
    Menecairiel Posts: 164 Member
    Unfortunately, we Dutch are also good at this: Dutch cheese and Bitterballen!!



    And now I want to cry.......I love both of those! A nice belegen...well, what can I say?

    I am amazed how many have responded to this! However, my favourite challenge nowadays is to make my "downfall food" healthier so I can still enjoy it! Had a taco meal yesterday which wasn't too hideous, not with Quorn mince, half a tin of taco beans, Healthy living sour cream (rather than any other dips), 20 grams mozzarrella and cucumber :) But I am learning portion control too!!! And man, that is difficult, since I am quite fond of a "second helping" when no one is looking.

    I am amazed how many Dutchies are here! Luckily for me, the one thing I adore in the world when I visit my Mum is somewhat healthy...beetroot! (Unfortunately, the bacon that comes with it isn't healthy, but I want to try turkey bacon and weight it up) Well, she calls them "krootjes met spek"...so you can quess where my Dutch side hails from ;)
  • Tracepa98
    Tracepa98 Posts: 219
    I like in Maryland, USA. There isn't much as far as weird foods. Summer here is all about blue crabs, tomatoes, corn on the cob, and beer.
    We have scrapple though which is pretty heart clogging as far as breakfast meats go. And we eat soft crab sandwiches.. mmm.

    Im originally from Pennsylvania and lived there for 17 years. My stepdad was of german heritage and we ate mostly from that line of food. My family background is Slovak, German, and French Canadian.

    When I moved to Florida, I branched out and experienced foods from Italian and Chinese cuisine. I so badly miss some of the dishes I had when living in PA. Scrapple was one of them! Definitely not to be eaten all the time though.

    Oh and the softshell crab sandwich creeps me out too. lol Ive had snow crab but you dont eat the shell! :smile:
  • mcn79
    mcn79 Posts: 112 Member
    Monicals! I live in Chicago but went to school downstate (EIU for the Illinoisans) and love Monicals... dipped in french dressing! So good.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    So I was born in England..raised in SoCal...of East Indian descent..oh and married to a Polish man raised here in the states (yes we are a fun group..its fun confusing people)

    my foods...bangers and mash..love it! i love dhal and of course chicken tikka masala..which i always have to make so much of cause the family just devours it. as far as american cuisine...i will eat just about anything...love pizza, burgers, fries...but its got to have flavor..so i usually make everything at home.
  • Trapwolf
    Trapwolf Posts: 142 Member
    Atlanta, GA in the US.

    the Southern US (Southeastern, really) is notorious for frying EVERYTHING. We are the same part of the country that created Fried Oreos, Fried Snickers Bars and Fried ________.

    Trapwolf> Georgetown, and Knoxville, Tennessee :bigsmile: all foods are bad..hhahaha I have to specifically seek out healthy food
  • H8T3D
    H8T3D Posts: 77 Member
    From Philadelphia, Pa

    We are known for everything unhealthy and some of the unhealthy people in the US.
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    I was born in Wash. D.C but raised most of my life in MD. I'm not sure there is a native food but where I grew up there were an abundence of carryouts on every corner (mostly Asian) and my favorites were the over stuffed steak & cheese (where there was enough meat to make 2+ subs), fish subs, fried chicken w/ mumbo sauce (mumbo is like a sweer bbq sauce served over the chicken, fries or on the side), crinkle cut fries w/any of those choices w/ a grape Rock Creek or Nehi soda. There is also chinese foods that I liked too such as, General Tso chicken, combination fried rice or lo-mein & egg foo young. They're also known for some southern fav's like sauteed cabbage, turkey wings in brown gravy, mac & cheese, collard greens, potato salads and I could go on & on but basically one stop shopping there. There is also fresh fish, seafood & crabs cooked to order at some of the other carryouts. *drool* I just made my self hungry talking about it :tongue:
  • WhatDoesLisa
    From Philadelphia, Pa

    We are known for everything unhealthy and some of the unhealthy people in the US.

    Yes, but OMG the Italian Market in Philly...Claudio's is amazing. The fresh mozzarella and burratta cheese is unreal. And DiNic's roast pork sandwich. I am dying just thinking about it!
  • LosinItAll2012
    LosinItAll2012 Posts: 238 Member
    Born and raised in Ontario, Canada but spent a good deal of my life in my parents hometown in England. Oh lawd, anything curry based. Flying saucers sweets. CADBURY'S BUTTONS.

    But most of all. I live 3 blocks from a poutine bar that is open 24/7. The ultimate Canadian food. The other day I was thinking about Mac and Cheese poutine with bacon and thought, when I get to my goal, we are going to order that and I'll get to have some of it.

    POUTINE!!!! Yummy!!!!
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    Michigan here..

    Coney dogs!
  • abadaba
    abadaba Posts: 44
    Although I now live in Seattle, I'm a New Yorker through and through, which means pizza and bagels are my downfalls! Nothing like a NY pizza or bagel---(salivating just thinking about them).

    For Seattle-it's all about the Salmon!
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    I'm from India, from South India to be specific, and everything I love is made from rice-- beaten rice, puffed rice, rice flour, mashed rice, fried rice, sweetened rice!
    Idlis, dosas, a hundred different rice preparations, snacks, desserts and breakfast foods all have rice!
    Everytime I eat a cup I get 200 cals of carbs and no protein out of it.
    Also, things made out of rice make me super drowsy!