cheat day?!?



  • lizzieann
    I think it's great to have a cheat day. It gives me perspective. After enjoying the day, I realize that I really enjoy the "healthy" foods that I'm eating and that having the cheat day just reminds me that I'm not giving up anything really. It also reminds me that when I remain active, I can enjoy those days with little guilt.
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    My cheat day is Saturday night, and I find myself not even WANTING to go crazy. Having some wine, and then maybe snacky foods like chips and sour patch kids lol!!!! During PMS, I have to cheat, or else everyone I know will despise me for the whole week!! I believe the more that you tell yourself to deprive, the more you crave.....
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    My cheat day is Saturday night, and I find myself not even WANTING to go crazy. Having some wine, and then maybe snacky foods like chips and sour patch kids lol!!!! During PMS, I have to cheat, or else everyone I know will despise me for the whole week!! I believe the more that you tell yourself to deprive, the more you crave.....
  • AMarie471
    Thanks everyone! I think I'm going to incorporate a cheat/treat day on either Saturdays or Sundays. My fiancee and I love to smoke meats and use the slow cooker for gumbos and roasts... soooo... here we go! LOL
  • Margiegoble7
    So I'm currently a personal trainer, have done figure competitions, etc. Of course you are allowed a cheat meal (from appetizer to dessert) now don't go ballistic, but that is your reward to yourself have working so hard all week on wkout and nutrition. I tend to designate my cheat meal on Sat--but I always make sure I hit the gym on that day. Sunday is usually my off from workout day so I wouldn't cheat on a day that I wasn't going to go to the gym.

    Also, there is a nutrition program called Paleo Diet--with this you get a whole cheat day, however, I have found I feel hung over from the food I ate, and the next day is awful, I eat a modified Paleo all lean meats, fruits, veggies, nuts (ie: almonds, walnuts, cashews) no rice, potatoes, starches like corn, peas, bread, oats--and on my cheat 1/2 day or meal each week I will eat the No foods, however, I have learned not to go crazy or I feel so cruddy the next day.

    Well hope this helps!