c25k outside vs. treadmill?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am running inside without a treadmill. Just do what works. It doesn't matter.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Outside has varying inclines, weather and you're trying to propel yourself through air. You're standing still on a treadmill. Ego, treadmills are easier.

    THAT said, I use a treadmill. Why? It's way to hot and humid here and I don't have time until after dark. I'm still running, I'm still getting my heart rate up and I'm in better shape. Haters to the left. :)
  • Sthrncupcake
    Sthrncupcake Posts: 79 Member
    Outside all the way! I have the attention span of a gnat ( that's a funny looking word!)...and get SO bored running on the treadmill. AND...you get to scare the bajezus outta squirells running outside...on the treadmill...not much entertainment. Unless its Thursday, which happens to be when the college guys do the ellipticals...and they are in front of the treadmills...I havent ran outside on a Thursday in MONTHS!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    ^ :laugh: I get the best mental image of you scaring the local squirrels!

    I honestly can't compare treadmill to outside running because I've never set foot on a treadmill! But I can say that I'm glad I have learned to run outside because of so many people saying it's harder and less boring.

    Plus, if you ever intend to race (which you should - running a 5k is fun and there are so many really fun races out there!), you never know what conditions will be like on race day - I've done my weekly runs in rain, high winds, freezing temps, fog, heat, humidity, blowing dust - pretty much everything but snow (give me time :tongue:), so I feel more prepared for whatever happens on race day.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Outside all the way! I have the attention span of a gnat ( that's a funny looking word!)...and get SO bored running on the treadmill. AND...you get to scare the bajezus outta squirells running outside...on the treadmill...not much entertainment. Unless its Thursday, which happens to be when the college guys do the ellipticals...and they are in front of the treadmills...I havent ran outside on a Thursday in MONTHS!

  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    Running outside gives you the opportunity to see the world moving around you and take in the sights... with a bunch of hills it will mess up your time while on the hills, but will make you stronger.

    You could always alternate between the two (what I do) because after a while the treadmill does get boring, though I have one in the garage so it's always easier.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    i've been doing the c25k program the last 4 weeks - on a treadmill. i wanted to be able to set a pace (4mph walking, 6mph running) and stick with it, just to prove that i could run 10 minute miles.
    but i've been hearing from a lot of people that its harder to run outside. is it time to head out? i also live on a HUGE mountain (vermont = grean mountain state), so the hills would completely throw off my pace. when i do run a 5k, i will be in boston, where it is mostly flat. any thoughts?

    I think it's harder on a deadmill. the thought of being stuck in the same place for running..id rather have water torture. liberate yourself and run in the outdoors and all the challenges it throw..it will make you a much more COMPLETE all-round runner.
  • I did it on a treadmill and then ran a 5k (outside, obviously).

    The only thing that was harder was pacing yourself, which is really difficult when you've had the treadmill doing it for you. Hills etc were obviously different, but if you can get through the boredom of treadmills you can get through hills.

    Do whatever gets you moving.
  • WhitneyT586
    WhitneyT586 Posts: 279 Member
    I find it is more difficult to run outside because you have to physically propel your body forward. The treadmill can be more difficult because you have to set a pace where outside you can run however you want and slow down/speed up as you want rather than waiting on the treadmill to slow down.

    I'd head outside when you can. You'll just be that much more prepared and in shape. Good luck!
  • I did my first 3 weeks on the treadmill. Now I can't run even 3 solid mins outside. I am going back to week 1 and starting over. It is sooo hard.. My legs hurt.. My breathing is terrible. I would say get outside as soon as possible.
  • I tried doing c25k on the treadmill and would throw my lower back out every time. Plus I was super board staring at the wall. I moved to outside, and my attention span was much better. I started taking my dog with. He keeps me going. :) He even lost 10 lbs, sadly though, even with the running, I seemed to gained what he lost...
  • Shelli_78
    Shelli_78 Posts: 17 Member
    I always feel like my balance is off on the treadmill and prefer running outside..However maybe it is because I've watched one to many of those videos where people fly off the treadmill...haha