Looking for a motivation and support buddy in Calgary

Hey everyone. I am looking for a support buddy in Calgary that will push me to meet my goals as I cant seem to get motivated on my own :(. Whether its just holding me accountable or being a workout buddy I am open to it all. Looking to lose at least 90 lbs so who's in it for the long haul?


  • RunningAggie
    Hi! I'm also in Calgary. Maybe we can support each other on this journey...
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member

    I am also in Calgary. I am on MFP everyday, and I also workout quite regularily.
    I will be a support friend if you need one :) I have alot of other personal friends on MFP as well.
  • 1959Shelly
    Hi Candice,

    I work downtown Calgary and need to lose about the same as you. I'm shooting for 100. So far I'm down 26 since the middle of May. My secret - I attend a weekly TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) group. We meet at the Coop in Creekside. A number of our members are on MFP and I watch them like a hawk to ensure that they are journalling every day. :smile: Especially if that has been their goal for the week. I'm not into a lot of exercise at the moment as I am having major issues with my right foot. (Off to the doc tomorrow). However, I do like to walk and I'm hoping to get back into acquasize in September. I'd love to have a buddy that is about at the same stage that I am that I could share meal ideas with etc. If you work downtown we could get together to meet and start brainstorming. Let me know what you think.

    Have a great day.
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    TOPS .. I didn't even know we HAD a support group!! How do I get in? ;) Just show up?

    All welcome to add me - in Calgary!
  • JenniferARoss
    JenniferARoss Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Candice,
    I'm also in Calgary, on MFP way too much. Sending a friend request your way! :)
  • 1959Shelly
    My group meets every Monday evening and yes you can just show up. There are a number of TOPS groups in Calgary so there may be one closer to where you live. Just google Take Off Pounds Sensibly and go from there. Although you are welcome at our group. We meet in the meeting room on the second floor. Weigh in starts at 6:15 and the meeting begins at 6:45.
  • LessJos
    LessJos Posts: 113 Member
    Kind of Calgary here :-) I live outside of the city but I work downtown. Everybody feel free to add me.
    I would also be interested in some walking buddies for lunch breaks.
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    I'm also from Calgary, all can add me :)