Do you ever reach an age ...



  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    To the are 62? Do you consider that old?

    To all the other people that made a post what do you consider as old?

    I certainly don`t think 62 is old???? Mature, wise, lived a little maybe??
  • staceface519
    im 27 years old. . . .

    at 16 i was diagnosed with a diabetic. . . .

    i was over 200 pounds. . .

    concerned about my life. . u bet i am! its not a diet. . a diet is like a chore. . . u do it only knowing u "have to". . . well i "have" to keep in shape for my daughter and for my future. . . so it became a way of life. . granted im not the best eater (currently) and do exercise that i can. . im still doing something for my health. . . .the longer u wait to do it the harder it is to achieve what u want. . . and i want to live to be 99 :) But after having my first child i wanted to lose the baby weight (havent done so yet) but on my terms.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    lol @ us older people. Not sure what age you consider old.... but when I was super morbidly obese I used those excuses that i couldn't lose, i am too old, its hormones, it's just too hard... blah blah blahhh. I finally had a wake up call .....changed my lifestyle... and did lose weight... who'd a thunk it lol.
    Health is wealth people... no matter what age...
  • sunnygirl87
    sunnygirl87 Posts: 40 Member
    LIFE CHANGE. Yes! I actually did a stationary bike for ten minutes today. AND I count housework. That's a change. I THINK about what is going in my mouth, that's a change. Sooooo I am teaching this old dog new tricks. Keep it up. You can do it one day at a time!
  • grannisue
    We are the same age. I have lost 30 lbs. this last year. I am no longer pre-diabetic, I still have a lot to go and granted it comes off slower the older you get but I have finally realized this is a life style change. Yeah, there are times when I really mess us like camping this past weekend but today I got up and went water walking at the pool and am back to eating the way I should. I do feel soooo much better on the days when I eat healthy versus when I just shove food in my mouth that is loaded with fat and empty calories. I don't feel old! and I don't want to either. I have had a lot of health challenges but things could be a lot worse. I try to keep a positive attitude. You need to keep a positive mindset or you will feel older than you are. I'll send you a friend request. You can do this and feel good and younger!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    it's not a "diet!" the word diet denotes something temporary. It's a "lifestyle" change!

    Semantics. If you eat stuff, you have a diet. I have a high protein diet, some people have a vegan diet, others have a paleo diet and a lot of people are on the Standard American Diet.

    I use the word diet to keep communication clear and concise. When speaking to others about my "diet" they know exactly what I'm talking about. If I use the word "Lifestyle" they may think I'm a spouse swapping swinger. Swingers also use the term "lifestyle" to describe their sexual exploits, so be careful in whose company you use the phrase, "I'm practicing this lifestyle." :bigsmile:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm 51 and have maintained my weight loss goal for over a year. I now am working on improving endurance and strength. I set mini-goals for myself to keep me on track. Current goal is to be able to do 20 regular pushups non-stop by the end of Sept. It might not sound like much to the body-builders on here, but for this aging cardio lover it will be something I've never been able to do before in my life.

    I think I'll beat my goal date though. I'm up to 10 already and it's only been 1 week!!
  • JennKoz529
    JennKoz529 Posts: 144 Member
    I am getting to old for a diet. what i am doing is a life change, and i will never get to old to for that!

    I LOVE THIS!!!!! And I so totally agree with you!

    I am 32 so I'm still young, but I think it needs to be a lifestyle change....not just a fad diet. With any change, comes struggle to go back to "the way it was". But when you sit down and think to yourself....I can't keep doing this.....then something DOES have to change. Look at what you are doing, what isn't working and look for new ways to make it work. Doing the same boring workout routine gets old real fast. So, change it up. Instead of going to the gym.....go for a walk / run (whichever is more comfortable for you). Look at what you are eating and how much of it you are eating. We all eat WAY TO MUCH for our own good (Me included!). Someone said to me, not so long ago, there is no magic potion that is going to make you thinner, and there is no words that anyone else can say. This is you and it is all up to you and how you want to do it. Only you can change the things in your life!

    Good luck, and if you need any support or motivation please feel free to add me!!!
  • karennicholsss
    karennicholsss Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 45 and I don't feel old.

    BUT....years as a firefighter wracked my body and especially my back.

    I had to stop and now it IS harder to be as active as I once was!

    I do water aerobics and I love it!

    Highly recommended for all of us "OLD PEOPLE" .. lol.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    How do you post on the sub forums? I am interested in a couple but there is not post button when I follow the links. Thanks in advance!

    You have to join the group first. Then you can reply to threads. Until you join, you can only look at the threads.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    when you think I'm too old for all this diet stuff.

    I guess I've never done 'all this diet stuff', so I'm not going to ever think that. My focus tends to be on being healthy and having energy.

    I'm nearing my 40s, so not as young as I used to be, but also quite a way to go yet. I find as I get older, I have different goals as my body changes, and I assume that will continue, but the overall main goal of optimised health and wellbeing will remain the same. I find a lot of people, myself included, prioritise their health more as they get older, because they can no longer take it for granted.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    it's not a "diet!" the word diet denotes something temporary. It's a "lifestyle" change!

    Semantics. If you eat stuff, you have a diet. I have a high protein diet, some people have a vegan diet, others have a paleo diet and a lot of people are on the Standard American Diet.

    But 'all this diet stuff' implies something more specific than just eating stuff - I wouldn't imagine the OP was suggesting people get to a certain age and decide to stop eating!
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    when you think I'm too old for all this diet stuff. I've been this way too long to think things are going to change? Well, maybe some people do but not me. Granted, I have started over way too many times but I always have hope and in the current moment think I've really got a shot to be able to wear ANYTHING in my closet. I have four successful weeks under my belt. But yet, I don't see that many older people here saying the same thing ... have you let go of your dreams?

    why lump older people all together like that?:noway: WHAT????????????????????????????????????????

    The main forums are often filled with threads like, "What's hot about the person who posted above me?":yawn:
    and "Who is sexiest gal here?":yawn:
    and "Help! Help! My boyfriend said my tits are too small, what to do?":yawn:
    and "I've gotten older and put on weight" and the person is 28.

    see, a lot of the more mature ppl here just can not relate to that stuff.

    and all types of nonsense questions, being debated for 10 pages..........
    and tons of ppl who can not even imagine not being able to join in a marathon, or insist that it is their way or no way, etc etc.

    so yeah, you might be right, that older ppl might not be posting in MAIN forums as often as younger ppl.
    I find a lot of the older dieters here
    tend to stay out of the main forums, (rolls eyes)
    and instead,
    post in subgroups where the body builders who have never faced having arthritis or heart conditions will tell them it's my way or no way, etc.
    The subfroups for older ppl:bigsmile: tend to have WAYYyyyyy more polite discussions,
    way less "know it alls"
    way more sensible and CARING supportive discussions,
    way more supportive and knowledgeable replies,
    way less angry people.

    try one and see how much nicer it is in a subgroup for older people::bigsmile: :smile: :bigsmile: :wink: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

    Here are just a few of the subgroups you may find older ppl who feel safer to post in here:

    ENDLESS list of SUBgroups where mature ppl can have rational discussions,
    understand each other,

    without dealing with an 18 year older popping in to announce, "well, i just run 12 miles per day and lift weights, and that is what you have to do, too"
    or angry screaming posts, NASTY stuff,:noway: people actually making fun of each other:indifferent: ,
    or discussions on whose a#$ is best looking.



    How do you post on the sub forums? I am interested in a couple but there is not post button when I follow the links. Thanks in advance!

    I think you have "Join Group"
    to be able to post a new thread,
    or reply to an existing thread.
    After you click on "Join Group"
    the "Post Reply" button WILL appear.

    You will then be among ppl you might relate to better. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR JOURNEY AND CONTINUED SUCCESS!!!
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    there are also subgroups
    for various illnesses or conditions,
    like groups for those with arthritis, diabetes, heart troubles, etc etc.
    as well as groups for those who have over 50 lbs to lose,
    or over 100 lbs to lose,
    all types of SUBgroups,:bigsmile:
    where the discussions are almost invariably polite and caring.:flowerforyou:

    Just click on "Groups" tab
    and then type whatever special needs YOU face into the search bar, to find like minded ppl you might relate to better or
    that you can get actual support from.
  • jillebean60
    jillebean60 Posts: 78 Member
    Nobody is ever too old to invest in their own appearance and health. Our self esteem affects nearly every, if not every, aspect of our lives. INVEST HARDCORE! And best to you on your journey!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    it's not a "diet!" the word diet denotes something temporary. It's a "lifestyle" change!

    Semantics. If you eat stuff, you have a diet. I have a high protein diet, some people have a vegan diet, others have a paleo diet and a lot of people are on the Standard American Diet.

    I use the word diet to keep communication clear and concise. When speaking to others about my "diet" they know exactly what I'm talking about. If I use the word "Lifestyle" they may think I'm a spouse swapping swinger. Swingers also use the term "lifestyle" to describe their sexual exploits, so be careful in whose company you use the phrase, "I'm practicing this lifestyle." :bigsmile:

    :laugh: That's funny. I use the word diet all the time. I'm on a diet. Technically everyone is, but most people use it to mean that they pay attetion to what they eat. The reasons may vary, but there is nothing in the word's definition that suggests temporary. A lifestyle change can be just as temporary as a diet.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i'm not old but i can kind of get it. last year i had resigned myself to be a size 14 for the rest of my life, i really was beginning to accept that fat was just who i was, but this year my friend challenged me and i took it...and ran with it...and now i'm almost halfway to my goal weight. its never too late to turn things around. never.
  • Tracepa98
    Tracepa98 Posts: 219
    So ... I'm only 31 so I don't think I have reached that age you may be talking about, but let me share my little story here.

    I have had bouts with my self over why am I forcing my self to eat this way.. This sucks having to watch what I eat all the time.. I should be able to eat how I want when ever I want... I feel trapped etc...

    Truth is.... it was the other way around.. I would have slaved my self to cake and other B.S. that isn't good for my body... If I would of done it right the first time I wouldn't be obese and in the first place...

    I had to change my mind set.. For me and this may not work for you but for me food is nothing but fuel for my body. Some people say you can have a relationship with bad food and balance your self out with good food if you learn to do it right. I say forget that, I don't need cake.. Its just crap that only brings fleeting joy any ways..

    I find joy in the other things like knowing, I can feel comfortable to put on a swim suit on and take my shirt off in public. I can go out and RUN a mile in under 7 minutes, I have more energy for my kids. The better physic has brought me a better attitude and more positive outlook on life..... I am more willing to get out of the house with my wife instead of wanting to stay in because I was embarrassed about how I looked before..

    These are all things that bring true joy to me, and its lasting and life changing.. I do not need to find joy in a bowl of ice cream or a slice of pie.. Will I have some ice cream or pie some time in my life again .. OF COURSE I will but I am more informed, I have seen the other side from Fat to fit, and I know I can make better informed decisions on that piece of pie, and chances are I will just skip it..

    Don't give up because when you are back to how you were designed to be, you can live MORE LIFE in just a 24 hour period then you ever could when you were sluggish and over weight...

    So it all comes down to weighing the negatives and positives.. Sit down and make a list.. I promise you the positives will be a mile long while the negatives will be all alone ....

    So do you want to give up now ?

    I LOVE this!

    Im in the same boat as i want to feel those great moments of joy that I cant have right now- IE- Slipping into smaller clothes, running with my niece and nephews, and know that I am physically fit.
  • MSimm62385
    MSimm62385 Posts: 227
    Nope, only 27 and I know that there is no better time to get in the best shape I've ever been in.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    No. People can better themselves at any age. You don't have to be old to make excuses and rationalizations. Plenty of young people do it too.