60 Day Juice Fast?

Hi everyone (:

Today is my first day starting my 60 Day Juice Fast.
Was Inspired by the movie "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead"
So far it's going good, No cravings as of yet.

Just wondering, Do I have to follow his recipe and drink the "Mean Green" Juice that consists of: Kale, Cucumber, Celery, Ginger & Apples? Or can I mix it up a bit and juice all kinds of fruits and veggies?

Any recipes, advice or opinions would be GREATLY appreciated. :D

Please share personal experiences, Pro's & Con's.
Before & Afters would also be appreciated. (:

- Did you do it to cleanse? Or to shed a few pounds?
- How much did you end up loosing?
- Have you been able to keep it off?



  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    My PERSONAL Opinion: Fasts don't work for me, yes I lose weight but it just comes back the next day.
    Also I can't live on just juice.
    I always suggest this to people who are choosing to do these silly diets....
    A: Do a 2-4 juice fast, I like to do these or eat just raw veggies and fruit if I just went crazy on the weekend (Las Vegas?)
    B: Use the juice smoothies as snacks and maybe as one meal of the day.. so then you have two proper meals a day plus how ever many smoothies you drank.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Mix it up, if you want to make it 60 days. Mean green gets boring. Google juice recipes, and you can get some from Joe Cross' site, jointhereboot.com, too.

    Good luck. Plant some kale and spinach and other various greens today, if you want to save some money. You will probably have some ready by the end of 60 days.
  • jtaylor_ox
    Thank you!
  • sugarspicey
    Hi Jtaylor,
    I watched that movie as well and it was so inspiring. I did about a 5 day juice fast. You really should follow his recipes as much as possible because too much fruit juice will spike your blood sugar whereas the veggie juice won't. How much weight do you have to lose? I wouldn't recommend going as long as he did in the movie. But I would be interested in seeing how it goes for you. I wrote a blog post about our juice fast, you can read it here:


    And here:

  • jstandfield
    jstandfield Posts: 150 Member
    I saw that movie and it is inspired me to buy a juicer but I haven't fasted, there are a lot of recipes on line just be careful of fruit because of the sugar and you are not taking in any fiber, I often add a beet instead of fruit for sweetness. Keep us posted on your progress.
  • jtaylor_ox
    Thank you!
  • jtaylor_ox
    Hi Jtaylor,
    I watched that movie as well and it was so inspiring. I did about a 5 day juice fast. You really should follow his recipes as much as possible because too much fruit juice will spike your blood sugar whereas the veggie juice won't. How much weight do you have to lose? I wouldn't recommend going as long as he did in the movie. But I would be interested in seeing how it goes for you. I wrote a blog post about our juice fast, you can read it here:


    And here:


    I need to lose 40 pounds, Suggested by my surgeon.
    I have a upcoming surgery in January.
    That's why I am really pushing to loose these pounds.
    And Yeah I was told not to use to much fruit Juice because of it's Natural sugars.

    I will start with 10days, Then build my way up to 60 if needed.

    Thank you for your comment, & I will keep you updated if you would like to see how it works out for me.

    - Jessikah.
  • jtaylor_ox
    I saw that movie and it is inspired me to buy a juicer but I haven't fasted, there are a lot of recipes on line just be careful of fruit because of the sugar and you are not taking in any fiber, I often add a beet instead of fruit for sweetness. Keep us posted on your progress.

    Thank you!
    And I will keep everyone updated (: