Asthma & Allergy Sufferers



  • I used to have seasonal allergies. Ever since I changed my diet they are almost completely gone! It's pretty awesome.
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    Interesting on the Paleo imput. I have considered doing it for awhile just to see if I have an improvement with my allergies. I am going out of the country in 6 weeks and may try it when I get back.
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 164 Member
    I have asthma and allergies, taking maintaince medication and rescue inhaler. I'm working out hard on daily basis, and if I do a hard cardio, I have to take my inhaler before I start. And it works. Sometimes my asthma is better sometimes worse, but I have a huge determination and I always complete my workouts. I did not even consult my doctor, because I'm sure they would not like some of these workouts I do, and I found that doesn't matter what they say, i can do it
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Interesting on the Paleo imput. I have considered doing it for awhile just to see if I have an improvement with my allergies. I am going out of the country in 6 weeks and may try it when I get back.

    It's made a huge improvement for a few people I know, myself included.

    My wife no longer has aches and pains that turned out to be a recently diagnosed wheat allergy

    A friend of mine had constant horrible acne that has been more or less stopped by going paleo

    Another friend would get literally 12-15 sinus infections a year and was in near constant pain, this year after going paleo he's had 4. He also had asthma that's basically gone and seasonal allergies that were basically bad enough to incapacitate him in the spring and summer, that were barely noticeable this year.
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I'm a life long asthma and allergy sufferer too and see all those racing bibs <--- got them from 5ks, 10milers and a half marathon! Other than the half marathon (which happened to be at the beginning of October AND the worst time for my allergies - I ran 13.2miles with bronchitis!) I managed 9-9:30min/mile pace. I started running by working up from a quarter of the track and then took to the road. You can do it! It may take a little longer than someone without allergies or asthma, but you got this!

    edit: I no longer am able to run (unrelated to the asthma/allergies) but when I could run, I would use my rescue inhaler a few minutes before a run and just run indoors or at a slower pace or less mileage on those high pollen days
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I'm on Zyrtec and it really helps. I also have a wheat allergy and have gone gluten free. The first thing I noticed was how my nasal allergies seem to have vanished. I'm not constantly congested. You wouldn't happen to know if you're allergic to wheat would you? If yes, I would stop the wheat for a few weeks and see how your body reacts. It took two weeks for me but my headaches, breathing issues, and skin rashes have reduced to barely anything. I take the Zyrtec for environmental allergies. I also take Zantac for acid reflux as the doctors once told me it has a weird side affect of reducing allergic reactions like skin rashes. They don't know why - just that it does it. I've used it that way and did notice it's affect.

    Good luck with your running. :)
  • I have had great luck with allegra. I am not a great runner by any means, but I managed a 4.5 mile run tonight. The ragweed is terrible where I am, but I get some relief without drowsiness from allegra. I have asthma as well and I read some great articles about building lung capacity. I don't remember where I found them, but I'm sure you could google it. Also, one of my spin instructors has us count out loud during jumps and that seems to really help build capacity.
  • I'm struggling bad right now. My allergies are so out of whack at the moment they have evolved into a sinus infection that is draining into my chest. I've had horrible laryngitis since Thursday. I went to the Take Care Clinic at the Walgreens near by and the nurse practitioner wrote me an RX for a Z-Pak, told me to continue taking my Allegra and Mucinex and to either switch my Mucinex to the one with sudafed in it or just add sedafed to what I had already been taking. I tried running for the first time since Thursday at the gym tonight and was only able to crank out 25 minutes of my usual 40 at 6.7mph. I couldn't stop coughing & my lungs were just becoming too sore. :sick: