Finding it hard to eat 3 meals a day!

Hi All,
Im a newbie, for the past 25 years I have only eaten one meal a day, Im finding it very difficult to eat 3 times a day, so therefore my calorie intake is below the recommendation, I'm currenty not doing any exercise because of this. Am I right in assuming my appetite for more food will eventually increase?


  • leska1216
    leska1216 Posts: 260
    I never felt like eating, didn't like the sight, smell, taste, feel of food. I forced myself to eat once a day.

    Then I started MFP and logging my intake.

    Big surprise!! I never ate what I thought I was eating, nutrition/calorie wise. I was always under, so my body was never nourished just hydrated as I drink 8 or more liters of water per day.

    So I started this plan and was shocked at the suggested number of calories MFP calculated for me. I have never eaten that many calories in my life!

    But I started eating, and logging my calories, and then I started adding exercise to my life -- and I'm losing weight. Five down and 15 more before reaching 1st goal.......

    I'm on my way, and you can be too!

    Welcome to MFP and good luck on your new life journey. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • pauljanet
    pauljanet Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement, hopefully my appetite will come soon, I don't drink enough water to be honest, but I will work on that issue when I have eaten more food.

    Well done on your weight loss, keep it up, you will get there!
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I wish I had this problem! I'd eat all day long if I could :laugh:
  • Hello! i have been eating 2 meals a day for the last however many 45-7 kgs or roughly 100 pounds, my bmi is underweight... but i have been eating 3000 calories a day for the last week, and my apetite has increased...i now look forward to breakfast which i havent eaten since i was a kid...and find myself hungrier everyday! i also use a natural aromatherapy oil that increases my desire to eat and is mixed with other oils to keep me happy and emotionally even as when i get stressed i turn away from food... and its all helping :)
  • I never felt like eating, didn't like the sight, smell, taste, feel of food. I forced myself to eat once a day.

    Then I started MFP and logging my intake.

    Big surprise!! I never ate what I thought I was eating, nutrition/calorie wise. I was always under, so my body was never nourished just hydrated as I drink 8 or more liters of water per day.

    So I started this plan and was shocked at the suggested number of calories MFP calculated for me. I have never eaten that many calories in my life!

    But I started eating, and logging my calories, and then I started adding exercise to my life -- and I'm losing weight. Five down and 15 more before reaching 1st goal.......

    I'm on my way, and you can be too!

    Welcome to MFP and good luck on your new life journey. Feel free to add me if you like.

    sounds like me, were you were only eating because you actually have too?
  • i am starting back today logging my food...Last two week has beeb very hard,....but, i am back on track...:drinker:
  • pauljanet
    pauljanet Posts: 20 Member
    Gosh, that was just like me... only ate when I had to, if I was stressed I forgot! Obviously I havn't been stressed for some time now..
    People never understood when I told them I had forgotten to eat!
  • leska1216
    leska1216 Posts: 260
    I never felt like eating, didn't like the sight, smell, taste, feel of food. I forced myself to eat once a day.

    Then I started MFP and logging my intake.

    Big surprise!! I never ate what I thought I was eating, nutrition/calorie wise. I was always under, so my body was never nourished just hydrated as I drink 8 or more liters of water per day.

    So I started this plan and was shocked at the suggested number of calories MFP calculated for me. I have never eaten that many calories in my life!

    But I started eating, and logging my calories, and then I started adding exercise to my life -- and I'm losing weight. Five down and 15 more before reaching 1st goal.......

    I'm on my way, and you can be too!

    Welcome to MFP and good luck on your new life journey. Feel free to add me if you like.

    sounds like me, were you were only eating because you actually have too?

    I knew my body needed to be fueled, so I forced myself to eat something everyday. But I was not eating enough to keep a hampster alive! I am doing so much better now, but I still don't eat 3 meals a day, just can't do breakfast. But what I eat is healthy and I do keep close to calorie, so I'm okay!!
  • pauljanet
    pauljanet Posts: 20 Member
    I wish I had this problem! I'd eat all day long if I could :laugh:
    [/lol.. It certainly isnt a healthy way to live believe me! I forgot to mention I never forgot to smoke the 20+ cigarettes though!quote]
  • leska1216
    leska1216 Posts: 260
    Gosh, that was just like me... only ate when I had to, if I was stressed I forgot! Obviously I havn't been stressed for some time now..
    People never understood when I told them I had forgotten to eat!

    I could go days without eating. Didn't want to, never felt hungry, and yes, totally forgot for the most part. And you are so right, people don't understand when you forget to eat or don't want to eat.

    I hope you are eating now!! Food does taste good, and I'm not getting sick at the sight, smell, taste, thought of it.....
  • that's the biggest 'arguement' my husband and I have... he'll get home from work and i'll realize i'm starving because i've had nothing but water and coffee all day lol Didn't make sense why i couldn't lose weight. A bunch of moms at my son's school convinced me to try herbalife - and it really did work! I forced me to have a shake at breakfast and one at lunch - i would just go to the club (they make it all right there for you!) after i would drop my son off and then head over before pick up time - then i'd actually eat a decent dinner and i lost almost 30 lbs without changing anything else! it was insane really... i slacked a lot over the summer with it - but now that i'm doing it full time at home (my son's school has moved and no club nearby) i actually set an alarm on my cell to remind me of breakfast, lunch and snacks in between... i stop what i'm doing and eat lol.