Just starting out! Hello

Just thought i'd say hello as i'm embarking on the challenge that hopefully will bring me closer to a happier healthier me as i approach 40. I have a few personal targets for this year as they say it's when life begins. So with my 40th birthday in June not so far away i am joining a couple of friends in the training programme for a 10K in June and a half marathon in September. I'm a snacker and chocoholic so any advice on how to handle the chocolate crash or cravings would be helpful as i need to learn to stick to 3 meals a day and try not to snack since that seems to be when i look for a treat.


  • sirCed
    sirCed Posts: 16
    Welcome to the site and the best of luck. I recommend eating more than 3 meals a day. Possibly 5 or 6 small meals. As the day gets later in the evening the smalls should get smaller. This may help with your cravings as well as speeding up your metabolism. When you eat these meals make sure there not junk food.....lol. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • socialgemini406
    Never thought of it like that. Great idea. Thank you !
  • raleigh
    raleigh Posts: 87 Member
    Its really hard for me to eat 5-6 meals a day because sometimes I get out of control because its like over snacking to me. It really works great for some people, though. I am a CHOCOHOLIC so I always try to save room at the end of the day for some dark chocolate, or a chocolate pudding cup. I also found some chocolate tea from Teavana and it is really good! It really tastes like chocolate. I also love fiber one bars which are so good and have a really nice amount of choco chips.

    I also find that when I eat foods during the day that aren't sweet, I don't crave sweets as much at the end of the day, so maybe that will work for you too!

    Good luck and let me know if you find a chocolate de-craver
  • sirCed
    sirCed Posts: 16
    Again it all depends on what your eating. the fiberone bars are okay. the oats and chocolate are good if you have a craving.
  • socialgemini406
    Are the products you talk about available in the UK. I live in Scotland.

    I think i am going to try your idea of not having the sweet thing until evening and perhaps make that my reward for sticking to my calories and excerise goals throughout each day.

    Don't you worry if i find a crave crusher i'll be sure to post a note on here !

    thanks for getting in touch.
  • sirCed
    sirCed Posts: 16
    No problem. they should be available in the Uk. If not they should have something very similar