We have Tried them all... List your Best Fit Finds



  • MFP....duhhhh
    Fitbit.....works with MFP and I don't have to track exercise
    Spinbike with integrated HRM strap that enables me to maintain optimum fat burning throughout my whole ride.
    And don't laugh, but my Totalflex resistance band weight bench...allows me to weightlift on the road without lugging a ton of equipment.
  • C25K-I feel like it changed my life...along with MFP
    Trader Joes- Carribean fruit floes, espresso pillows and reduced guilt multigrain pita chips
    Chobani apple cinnamon greek yogurt
    Taking "me time" to exercise...I deserve it!!
    Non food rewards for weight loss
    Beef jerky for a snack.
    Always paying attention to serving sizes.
    Pitbull Radio channel on Pandora. Best running music ever!
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    Chalene Johnson & Tony Horton.

    Muscle Milk Light Cafe Latte. Oh. My. Gosh. Is that stuff good! Had a Dunkin Donuts coffee coolatta today for 210 calories, and the Muscle Milk over ice for 100 calories and lots of vitamins and minerals is just as good!

    Sara Lee 45 calorie Wheat or Multi Grain bread. Just as good as any other bread!

    Viactive milk chocolate multi vitamins. 20 calories and just like having a small tootsie roll.
  • MommyCat2012
    MommyCat2012 Posts: 12 Member
    Not necessarily in this order:

    1 - weighing in the morning after going to the bathroom without any pants. Always gets the lowest results :) & never getting back on the scale til the next day to avoid being discouraged. (I'm a chronic scale-a-Holic)
    2 - working out before eating breakfast; so I work on burning off my existing energy stores first.
    3 - working out with my husband; so we are both fit up til our Golden Years. We encourage each other to get out of bed to exercise 5 days/week.
    4 - low carb diet...the only diet that has worked for me in my 42 yrs of living
    5 - Atkins food bars -- the chocolate Hazelnut bars are sinfully delish at only 2-3 net carbs
    6 - understanding what net carbs, fiber & sugar alcohols are
    7 - discovering diet snapple & great value powder mixes for my bottled water. I can have flavor, too without the cal/carbs.
    8 - not fearing Splenda
    9 - Dreyer's Smart Carb Ice Cream Bars -- only 5 net carbs!
    10 - Metamucil with breakfast for extra fiber; being "regular" really helps that bloated feeling & extra poundage on the scale. Lol!
    11 - kelp supplements to help with water retention
    12 - giving myself a day off to rest my muscles & lee way to eat off the 'nutritious' food list once in awhile.
    13 - really drinking 8+ glasses of water/day
    14 - believing that I was meant to be healthy
    15 - sharing my weight concerns with my doctor who discovered my out of whack thyroid.

    Of course, MFP and all the success stories I discover here. Helps me really believe it can happen for me, too!
  • MommyCat2012
    MommyCat2012 Posts: 12 Member
    Just had to add 1 more:
    16 - discovering the formula to determine the actual calories burned for any work out based on average heart rate during the workout, age, weight & length of the workout. Didn't know that the heavier you are the more calories you can burn than a skinny person doing the same exercise!
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    Lentils don't actually taste terrible when boiled in beef broth and shallots.
    Catching a woman checking you out while you lift is an almost barbell-dropping ego and motivation boost.
  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member
    MFP and my friends on it
    Fitbit Ultra
    Heart rate monitor
    Blood sugar checker
    Thermometer (for me not the food)
    My slow cooker (for yummy slow cooked fatless recipes)
    My Wok (for fast cooked yummie recipes)
    Plain whey protein powder (for thickening sauces etc, and as a base for ice cream)
    Low cal jelly (i make sweets with it)
    Zero fat greek yogurt
    Quinoa (filling power) and wild rice (not a rice at all)
    Adding beans to almost every meal (4 hr body)
    Biggest loser and on UK TV Secret eaters
    Skimmed milk
    Cocoa powder (no sugar- for that chocolate taste
    Tinned tomato (to make low cal soup)
    Eggs (filling power and vits)
    Ginger Tea, Green Tea
    English Soda Water (water and CO2)
    Giving up alcohol
    Orthotics (for inserting in my trainers and correcting my stances)
    Gel seats (for my cycle) and gel shorts (for my comfort)
    wipes (for equipment at the gym)
    Dumbells and kettle ball
    Ipad and mediamonkey for creating mp3 lists
    Bio oil for my skin
    B12 patches (for deficiency)
    high 5 to make isotonic drinks cheaply
    Gillian M vids ripped to my ipad
    photographic evidence of every meal on evernote food on (of course) my ipad
    My confidence
  • stephenson2012
    stephenson2012 Posts: 94 Member
    Kind bars - nut delight satisfies my craving for nuts - low sugar.
    My ipod
    A good friend to exercise with. It makes the time go quickly. Push each other also.
  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member
    Just had to add 1 more:
    16 - discovering the formula to determine the actual calories burned for any work out based on average heart rate during the workout, age, weight & length of the workout. Didn't know that the heavier you are the more calories you can burn than a skinny person doing the same exercise!
    Studies show that age is largely irrelevant (fortunately): there is only ususally a positive correlation with calories burned and age because of loss of muscle mass because of lack of exercise. It is muscle mass that counts, an older person with good muscles will burn more calories than a younger one of the same sex who is a dedicated couch potato. Body composition all the way.
    Otherwise I would second this wholeheartedly.

  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member
    - C25k Pro app. I loved the ladies voice telling me when to stop and go and listening to my music in between.
    - Moving Comfort bra...keeps the ladies pinned when running. :blushing:
    - Foam Roller. I didn't realize how tight and sore my legs were until I stretched them out.
    - Food scale. Just until I really looked at 3 oz of meat (so tiny!)
    - Other runners - if you don't know - ask! What a great group of people - very helpful.

    I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of right now.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    1) Headphones: Bose earbuds - although they aren't advertised as sports ones, mine stay in no matter what

    2) Calorie counter: MFP - I've tried everything and I rarely last longer than a week, I love MFP

    3) Cooking: Zojirushi Rice cooker - makes cooking rice and other grains easy, Electric pressure cooker - I have a Nesco but this is a great tool, Microwave popcorn popper

    4) Blenders: Although I feel Vitamix is best, I have a Bella Cucina (Macy's brand) bullet that I bought for $19 and has worked making daily smoothies for well over a year. I wouldn't recommend it for green smoothies but for others, it works well

    5) Foods in general: A variety of beans, whole grains, limiting bread, frozen veggies, frozen berries, canned tomatoes, daily fresh fruit (but not going overboard), ezekiel bread when bread is wanted, chia seeds, avocados, salsas/hot sauce for flavoring, etc

    6) Online ordering for food: Rancho Gordo is awesome for beans, Upton tea imports for tea, Amazon for a variety of things, etc

    7) Sports bras: Anita is my favorite brand now but Bare Necessities is a great place to order bras

    8) Exercise clothes in general: I love REI for this purpose. Nike is one of my favorite brands for clothes.

    9) Shoes: I'm still working on this. I love Merrells but I think my exercise classes are starting to take their toll on my shoes. I'm going to try some Nikes to see if they will work.

    10) Working out: For me, the gym is helping me keep a daily routine. I researched gyms in my local are and found one that I felt I would mesh with well.

    11) Measuring food: Foodscale, all the way. Mine is something cheap I bought from Target a couple years ago.

    12) Vitamin supplements: Glucosamine for my knees, Multivitamin for general wellness, Vitamin D pills and Vitamin B12 sublingual.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    MFP -- NUMBER 1

    fitbit -- waited awhile to get it ..now am in love with it




    blue diamond chocolate sprinkled almonds ( OMG)!!!

    Shape Up shoes -- love love love them
  • 40goneby40
    40goneby40 Posts: 36 Member
    - Avocados
    - Nuts from Trader Joes (way cheaper)
    - Almond Milk
    - Crossfit (starting slow because of my bad knees, but what a workout)!!
    - Nike Free shoes. Wearing them makes me want to walk wherever I am walking faster!
    - Local meat and produce (I looked online and now get all of my meat from a farm down the street!)
    - Trader Joes Chocolate Covered Cocoa Nibs -- 1 calorie each and totally satisfies a sweet craving
    - Preparing all fruit and veggies when I bring them home and having them ready in the fridge
    - Foam Roller -- LOVE
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    - my Fitbit Ultra - because being active isn't just working out, it's all the little things I do throughout the day
    - my gym membership - worth every penny I spend
    - my Under Armour sports bra - those babies do not move
    - my FT7 HRM - for more precise calories out
    - my Salter food scale - for more precise calories in
    - the 5K Runner C25K app
    - Benefiber flavourless fiber powder - because too much protein wreaks havoc on my digestive system :blushing:
    - most recently, New Rules of Lifting for Women - it's seriously kicking my @$$
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    Hmm for me...

    1.) MFP finding the love to motivate people motivates me..
    2.) I LOVE my Bowflex Select Tech Dumbells
    3.) Body Beat work out by beach body
    4.) Cycle cross is awesome!
    5.) who would of thought you can find all kinds of cool work out clothes at Ross for cheap!!!!

    A lot of people have said the others I like.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    oh I need to add those low carb high fiber flour tortilla shells.

    La Tortilla Factory Sonoma - Carb Cutting Tortilla, 1 Tortilla (36g) -- only 60 calories for 1 of those.
  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member
    Bump: loving this thread getting tons of ideas!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I thought more people would want to share

    You can just say "bumping my own thread"; we understand.

    LOL I bump my own threads all the time.


    The bad:
    - Carmen Electra Striptease Aerobics - Its actually decent dancer type exercise...but she looks so ridiculous you won't be able to stop laughing.

    - Jillian Michaels Voice...her DVD's are great, but I have learned to mute her and blast music instead.

    The good:

    MFP of course

    Zumba as a studio/class - Something about being amount 20 other people makes you feel obligated to finish the workout

    Jillian Michael DVD's - Ripped in 30, 30 day shred etc. They are cheap ($10) and actually very good.

    Audio books ... I know most people like music when working out, but I found if I can play a good audio book it will keep me going because I'm focused on the story of the book and not how tired, sore, or bored I am while exercising.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My Polar HRM

    Tight capri workout pants (They don't get in the way and hold in what needs holding in :wink: ) - C9 from Target are good, but I also found some Champion ones for a few bucks more on Amazon that were even better (C9 is a slightly cheaper version made by Champion - the Champion ones I bought are made with a more durable material)

    My iPod shuffle (the one that clips onto your clothes because I can't run with anything in my hands)

    The Couch to 5K program (free!), plus downloading playlists with cues (since I don't run with my phone, so apps are pointless to me) and finding a website that taught me how to make my own Couch to 5K mp3s (with cues and everything!)

    A reliable workout partner (knowing my awesome sister was waiting for me at 6AM made me get out of bed)

    A great gym/fitness center (I go to a Spinning studio where the people are like family, and they actually miss me if I don't show up to one of my regular classes)

    A supportive partner (both my sister and my husband)

    GNC Total Lean shakes (I recommend Swiss Chocolate)

    Muscle Milk Light shakes (again, chocolate)

    The ability to make my own peanut butter (cheap and easy so long as you have a food processor)

    A great pair of running shoes (I love my Newtons, but I recommend getting fitted at a running store, not just at your local sporting goods store. Even if you don't buy there, they can at least point you in the direction of what you need as far as shoes and orthotics.)
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    love all the great tips I am going to have to start trying some of them