
I was wondering if I would still be loosing weight if I maintained the calories i am supposed to but go over in sugars and carbohydrates etc. Just wondering.... and I was wondering... when your hungry and want a healthy snack what do you guys eat?


  • jquintinjr
    southbeach diet high protein cereal bars. soo good. and idk bout your q
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    On any given day, I will go over my sugar by about double.:cry: Good news is, I'm stilling losing weight!:bigsmile: I've been taking it one hurdle at a time. Calories lowered, check. Sodium lowered, almost there. Sugar content, maybe after sodium:laugh:

    Keep working and the weight will come off!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I don't dwell on if I go over in fat, proteins, carbs ect I mainly just try to stay at my calories.

    For snacks I eat fruit, popcorn, half of a peanut butter and fluff sandwich on light bread, mini bagel with fat free cream cheese, cheese stick, Danactive yogurt drink, cereal and milk, fat free cream cheese w/ salsa, and a pinch of cheddar cheese warmed up and dip with reduced fat wheat thins, rice cake, cottage cheese, or pretzels.
  • sheisjen902
    Orville's 100 Cal Popcorn, Tangerines, 10 Triscuits with 1/2 cup of cottage cheese (high in protein), Silhouette 0+ 35 Cal yogurt.
  • LillyAnne
    LillyAnne Posts: 4 Member
    thanks guys! i really appreciate all your help. I will definately focus on my calories for now and worry about the other stuff later. Thanks for the snack Ideas!
  • chellebelle315
    Mostly when you're looking at sugars/carbs unless you're on a diet that specifically restricts these, the best thing to do is think about whast kind of sugars/carbs/fats

    Most days I go over in Sugars because I eat fresh fruiit and even if I stick to berries and apples those sugars still add up. But because they are whole fruit, the fiber that comes with the fruit helps balance the sugar. Its really refined sugars you need to pay attention to.

    Same thing with carbs. If I go over my carbs, but the majority of my carbs are complex-- from whole grains, beans, veggies, etc then I'm in good shape. If my Carbs came from a bunch of refined flour in white bread and pasta then it wasn't probably my best day.

    IMHO its about counting your calories and trying to fuel your body as much as possible with whole, healthy foods with a minimum of processing and chemicals. Then if something is off one day, I know I still ate things that were good for me.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I don't dwell on if I go over in fat, proteins, carbs ect I mainly just try to stay at my calories.

    For snacks I eat fruit, popcorn, half of a peanut butter and fluff sandwich on light bread, mini bagel with fat free cream cheese, cheese stick, Danactive yogurt drink, cereal and milk, fat free cream cheese w/ salsa, and a pinch of cheddar cheese warmed up and dip with reduced fat wheat thins, rice cake, cottage cheese, or pretzels.

    Man, that's a BIG snack..........:wink:

    (Sorry--couldn't help it ) :devil:
  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    I eat a lot of carbs/sugars. Honestly. Pretzels, kettle corn, pudding, pears, apples, chocolate, chips!!!... and I could go on. :] I have never had a problem losing weight if I stayed under my calories, even if I went over my sugar/carbs.

    My mom did Atkins and lost a ton of weight, and like everyone warns, she gained it ALL BACK so I am definitely nottttttt a believer in "low carb". It just doesn't work. Our bodies work on carbs. I give my body what it wants, but not too much of it (calorie control/counting) and I lose weight. If you are stuck at a plateau, try examining your salt intake (which actually does have and adverse affect on weight loss by making you retain water). Other than that, mix up your workouts a bit. :]

    Hope this helps! :]