Need real true encouraging and motivating friends! Please!

Hi! I am in true need of friends to encourage and motivate me! My baby (ladt one out of 4) is now 1 1/2 and after having him I immidately dropped 20 pounds! I have put every bit of it back on and I am so incredibly disgusted with myself! I feel like everywhere I go people are gawking at me thinking I look like a cow! I feel like I weigh 600 pounds and I am not happy with myself at all! I am starting out back at a few pounds less then 200 and am the biggest I have ever been in my life! I am 27 years old with a loving husband and 4 kids that depend! I have struggled with weight my entire life, I am tired of fighting this demon and am ready to be rid of it once and for all! I am doing this for myself and my beautiful family! Please friend me and help me get through this and lose the 60 pounds I am wanting to lose!


  • Hi there!
    My name is Becca and please feel free to add me as a friend. I am trying to lose about 70 pounds. I'm in nursing school and for me, it's always been about emotional eating. If I only ate when I was hungry, I wouldn't have such a weight problelm.

    I think you need to first look into the mirror and tell yourself you love who you see; you are the mother to 4 children and that alone makes you a special person who deserves respect and admiration.

    I'm studying, so I can't stay on long, but I look forward to talking to you more. Do one thing today for yourself; just for you, and enjoy the experience.

    Take care,

    Becca :bigsmile:
  • pokerkat10
    pokerkat10 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    First of all cajunchicla, I understand you're frustration. I went through the same thing and now im trying to get myself back on a right path so I can feel normal again. I lost heaps of weight 2-3 years ago only to put it all back. However this is due to emotional eating just like Beccas. My longterm boyfriend cheated on me and of course instead of going to kickboxing class and kicking *kitten* I closed myself up and ate. Today I logged myself to the forum for the first time because just like you I need some motivation and someone to cheer me on and someone I can do the same for. All my friends unfortunatelly are petite and skinny and they are not supportive one bit.
    At the moment I'm at 176 pounds or 80kg and planning to lose around 44 pounds or 20kg.
    Feel free to add me, and this is open to anyone who would like a new friend.
  • 4Elyse2012
    4Elyse2012 Posts: 39 Member
    I would love to be a part of your journey! I'm 29 and mother to a beautiful 3yr old daughter. I lost around 20lbs 6mo after having her (some of that was stress loss as my husband and I broke up for a little while) and have gained all of it back! I live in Colorado and feel like I am the biggest cow, everyone here is pretty much in awesome shape. So most of the time I don't even want to go be social b/c I feel like everyone is staring at the fat girl(they're probably not, but it still feels like it). I've really been in a rough spot recently and need to get back in gear.

    I take by the cajun in your name you're in south LA? I was born and raised in Shreveport and have lived in Nola a few years, so I know the local cuisine is not usually conducive to losing weight! I hope we can help each other through this!
  • jozaboza
    jozaboza Posts: 8 Member
    I have just read your plea for encouraging friends and I am in the same boat. My friends around me are all great, but when I suggest going for a coffee rather than a pint, they always seem to win, and I am really struggling to stay on the straight an narrow. I have always been an emotional eater, but when I was at school I did at least 2 hours of exercise a day, since Uni and 'real life' kicked in and I became quite badly depressed, I have continued to 'eat my feelings' and the exercise stopped.
    I recently took up cycling, which is great, but my eating is still pretty out of control. I was feeling quite tired and low last night so I ate a whole big bag of M&Ms - even though otherwise I'd had a pretty good day - which is ridiculous, I did NOT need to eat them, I wasn't even hungry! Could one of you please shout at me on a daily basis to behave myself and stop being a piggy idiot please!?
  • cajunchicla2
    cajunchicla2 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi ladies! Thank you so much for telling me your stories! I live in Alexandria, LA and if I'd have to guess I'd say I live in one of the worse states to diet in with all this amazing food! It really is so great knowing I'm not the only one in this position! I think in a lot of ways I feel the way I do because EVERYONE around me has lost weight in mass amounts and I seem to have found it! One of my friends lost the 70 pounds I am trying to lose, my mom has lost 160, and my mother in law has lost 90! I feel like such a failure compared to them! Thanks for friending me! I am hoping with your help and encouragement that I will start to feel better then do better! Have a great day!
  • I totally understand everyone. When I was in university I had lost 75 pounds. I think I didn't appreciate my body enough because I slowly gained it all back. I felt a freedom to eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted but I don't want to have health issues and end up at a point of no return. Plus I have tons of heels that I no longer wear AND my wedding rings no longer fit. I ALMOST paid to have them enlarged but my father said that it was time for both us to lose weight. Perhaps with this, I can encourage my husband to do the same. I really need motivation as well and I want to be there for all of you! Don't hesitate to add me as a friend, I really need the emotional back up and to know that I'm not the only one struggling!
  • cajunchicla2
    cajunchicla2 Posts: 30 Member
    I look forward to having lots of friends to motivate me and for me to help!
  • amymichelle1226
    amymichelle1226 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm always happy to have more friends! The encouragement makes it easier! :) I'm married but no kids yet. I'm two weeks shy of 27 and I started with 50 pounds to lose. That was two months ago, I'm down 11 pounds with 39 more to go!

    I lost 30 pounds two years ago but didn't reach my goal. I gained it all back and then some. Womp! But I refuse to let that happen this time.
  • Rubeha
    Rubeha Posts: 2
    Hey! i know exactly how you guys feel. but my case is worse im not even 20 yet and i weigh 80 kgs :( i am a hypothryroid patient too but i really dont want that to keep me from trying atleast because i dont want to live a life like this. No matter how confident i try to be, people just keep taunting me and calling me names and stuff and it gets very frustrating. i really need some encouragement to keep me going. :)<3
  • I would love to have more friends on here! I'm finally getting around to using this site more and would love to connect with others and follow each other's journeys!
  • idream72
    idream72 Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me! :) I'm currently going on week 8 of my journey and have about 75 more lbs to lose. I check in daily and would love to have more friends to motivate and cheer on!
  • cajunchicla2
    cajunchicla2 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks ladies! Seems like I will have a lot more support now :)