Frustrated...what am I doing wrong?

tractor Posts: 5 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Frustration has finally settled in. I dont know what I am doing wrong. The last three weeks, nothings seems to be working and Im not seeing any results which is making me second guess my workout plan. Theres times when I just want to give up. I was so motivated after my first months result where I lost 10lbs. In the past three weeks, Ive actually gained back a few lbs. About three weeks ago the lbs stopped dropping so I started surfing MFP for some help, I came across a post on eating my exercise calories because prior to that I would only eat my daily calories. I started to eat most if not all my exercise calories and working out burning anywhere from 700-800 cal. a day from cardio plus strenght training mon,wed,friday. To date, I cant seem to knock off any lbs. Am I not working out hard enough or enough days per week? Sorry for the long read, Im just frustrated and looking for advice from my fellow MFP community.


  • Two questions...
    1) are you clothes fitting any differently? Sometimes the scale can be deceptive.
    2)How much water are you drinking? You need to drink AT LEAST a gallon a day to help flush out your body.

    God bless,
  • tractor
    tractor Posts: 5 Member
    My clothes seem to be fitting slightly better but theres no significant changes for me to really get a good gauge. As for water consumption, thats all I drink now, about a gallon a day, give or take a cup or two. ( I sure miss my soda's ) :(
    Maybe Im just being too impatient and need to just ride it out a little longer.
  • kchirsch
    kchirsch Posts: 5 Member
    Measure yourself, check your inches. I bet you're getting smaller. If you've just started to really work out again in the last month or so, then don't be discouraged, muscle weighs more than fat! So, say you lost 2 lbs of fat but gain 3 in muscle then the scale still goes up. Since muscle is more dense it takes up less space on the body so your inches go down.
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    i'm new and have so far gone from 198lbs to 187. . . before the loss i was working out daily: boot camp classes, yoga, swimming, weights and cardio/strength classes. the losses were slow and mostly imperceptible.

    then i changed my eating habits and the weight has started to come off, slowly but steadily. if you have a wii fit, i love the graph on it, where it measures your BMI (a made up and useless number) and your Kg (which i then convert on the computer into pounds). every day it says "you've lost 0.3 kg" or 0.1 or something and a little green line descends a little more. . . the small victories help and seeing it charted for me really works to encourage me.

    but the biggest change was my snacking - especially with "earning back calories" through exercise on this site, i'm noticing i excuse a lot of after dinner snacks because of the calories i earn through jogging/abs work outs. so hat's my next goal, small and measurable: no eating after 7pm. (1 c. carrot sticks if i MUST have something).

    not sure if this helped, just hoping to encourage you - any positive change is still positive, regardless of the pay off (or rather, regardless of how L-O-N-G it takes to get the pay off!)

    good luck (to us both!!)
    see you in 40 lbs!!
  • You must push yourself when you are working out, exerting energy into your workouts, sweating out the impurities, also flushing it out of your system when you urinate (meaning you must guzzle down that water to replenish the loss of water). Try eating more lean proteins, reduce your sodium(salt) and lipid(fat) intake, eat small meals and healthy snacks. Eliminate processed foods from you diet. Watch your saturated and trans fat intake. Stick with whole grains, leafy greens and fruits and veggies. Eat more things from the earth rather than manufactured foods. Combine cardio workouts with weight training exercises, alternate throughout the week. Get at LEAST 60 minutes of exercise(anything that increases your resting heart rate and makes you sweat) EACH DAY! GOOD LUCK! Try to limit your sugar intake because excess sugars will be turned into fat when the body runs out of places to store it, it will be stored in the muscles which will make you feel more sluggish and your workouts more difficult (plus, your body makes it's own glucose).

    Nutrition/Dietetics student
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