Eating Out at Zizzi's. Please Help!

christina101 Posts: 8
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So far I have lost 9lb and and doing really well. I am really enjoying loosing weight, eating helathy and exersing.
However I have a bit of a dilema coming up.
I have been intived out to my friends Baby Shower at Zizzis (Italian resturant chain in the UK). Obviously I really want to go, but I am worried this will ruin my diet.
I would normally just say, of well one meal out won't hurt but the next day is my boyfriends birthday and we have friends coming over for dinner (I am cooking though so hopefully I can keep it low cal) and the week after that it is our annerversary and we are meant to be going to this resturant that I have ALWAYS wanted to go to, so I am trying to see that as my treat.

I am vegetarian too so I can't have the lower cal looking things like any of the salads.
I would be really greatful for some advise.

Here is the menu

I am thinking maybe the Spagehhti Pomodoro (and just eating half - maybe with a side salad)
Or the anti-pasta vegetarian platta without the dough sticks (and mozzerella) afain with a salad, or the Aubergine Parmingana?

Really any help would be much appreciated.
I really want to stay on track!

Lots of love xox


  • My trainer would tell you to eat your regular meal prior to attending the party. Do NOT go there hungry. This will do 2 things: 1) keep you on track with your current eating lifestyle, and 2) give you the advantage when dealing with cravings or temptations. As for what to order, I would imagine my trainer would say stick to your current meal plan and if you choose something and eat it, you'll pay for it later. My trainer would also say to share your eating lifestyle with the host of the party. Most people are exceptionally supportive and will understand. When sitting for the meal, eat "light" and take home the rest. Once it is home, do what you will with it, other than eat it of course. Options: a) toss it, b) nearest hungry animal, c) nearest insects, or d) let it rot and decay. Good luck on your getting control of your weight and God bless.
  • cheekyk
    cheekyk Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Christina

    I personally think you should have what ever you want. 1 meal will not ruin your diet. I would just increase my exercise for that day. Go for a brisk walk and earn the calories.

  • hi, i went to zizzi's the night before last. i didn't think ahead as to what i could eat so i kept my calories low for the day and managed a bit of exercise before i went so i earnt the chance to eat a few more.
    your suggestions sound good. the main thing is just to keep away from bread, cheese, cream etc but the special on tuesday for dessert was a choc sorbet and vanilla frozen yoghurt. very low on calories which made me feel much better after eating it :o)
    enjoy your meal x
  • firstly well done on your weigh loss. And eating only half a portion with a sald will help. But if you want me to be honest you have done so well and by you having one bad day will not make you put on weight. We all need a bit of time out once in a while to enjoy a meal plus if you do you are less likely to get bored with dieting.

    I have from time to time had a meal i shouldn't and felt guilty afterwards but then i found out i did not put on weight and was quite pleased. So go out with your friend and enjoy yourself let me know how you get on and also enjoy your anniversary. What i would do if you do not really want to break it is try and eat plenty of sald with your meal and also drink some water beforehand as this curbs your appetite so you will not want to eat as much x
  • Thank you so much for all the advise!

    One other question. The day of the baby shower I will be working all day then going straight out. So I may not have time to exercise that day (as I normally do it in the evenings after work). Will it balance out if I do an extra load of exercise the following morning?

    Thanks guys xox
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