worst pain of my life

anyone know how long am i going to be in pain? i did the following yesterday almost 2x through. i sucked at it. but today i am in the worst pain off my life. i can not even move. it is horrible. http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/


  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    anyone know how long am i going to be in pain? i did the following yesterday almost 2x through. i sucked at it. but today i am in the worst pain off my life. i can not even move. it is horrible. http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/

    Anywhere from 1-3 days is my guess. But keep up the hard work and the DOMS, delayed onset muscular soreness will become less.
  • daisiecpa
    daisiecpa Posts: 103 Member
    thank you. i hope it goes away fast. makes me want to give up. i even weighed more today then last week.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Drink water and eat a lot of protein over the next couple of days. By drink water, I mean like a gallon a day. By a lot of protein, I mean like 150-200 grams a day for at least the next couple of days. Also, tylenol helps if you are having trouble sleeping. You are going to need some extra sleep to assist in healing.

    Don't wait until the pain is 100% gone before exercising again. Walking at a moderate pace will help you heal up faster, as well.
  • UrbanSpaceman75
    I'm using that workout and I'm getting quite good results. I've been able to build up the number of reps per exercise quite quickly, but I was certainly a bit sore after the first go.

    I'm pretty sure the advice on the site is not to do it more than once every other day to allow for recovery time, and I'm sure I've read comments elsewhere about people getting quite a lot of stiffness/soreness afterwards. But if you're in a lot of pain, perhaps something's gone wrong somewhere. Did you warm down/stretch properly afterwards? I tend to run on my rebounder for five minutes before starting, and then for five minutes afterwards. I should also stretch more than I do when I'm done. I've found that warming down/stretching after any form of exercise really makes a difference to recovery time.

    Don't read too much into weighing more. There's always the possibility that it's a fluke result. The other thing about bodyweight exercises - from what I've read - is that they can have the effect of increasing muscle bulk at the same time as burning fat, resulting in no net weight loss. The scales are only part of the story - I think (and I might be wrong) that the benefits I'm getting from it aren't all showing up on the scale.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    DOMS "delayed onset muscle soreness" is common when you start something new and much harder than you have done before! It can take a day or two to ease off - ibuprophen can help but motion, stretching, massage and foam rolling can help as well. Getting back on the horse will help - in fact you may find that you will not get as sore with the next go round = sodo do not quit!
    Extra fluids and extra protein also help.

    As for the weight gain - as your very sore muscles heal they will retain water - this will decrease in time and is no reason not to continue. Most people who weight train weigh the morning before and then don't weigh the day after/
    Stick the scale in the closet and get out the tape measure.
  • daisiecpa
    daisiecpa Posts: 103 Member
    Drink water and eat a lot of protein over the next couple of days. By drink water, I mean like a gallon a day. By a lot of protein, I mean like 150-200 grams a day for at least the next couple of days. Also, tylenol helps if you are having trouble sleeping. You are going to need some extra sleep to assist in healing.

    Don't wait until the pain is 100% gone before exercising again. Walking at a moderate pace will help you heal up faster, as well.

    thanks i tried walking around a little tonight it hurts so bad. how long should i weight to do the routine again? i also skipped my regular walk today of 40 minutes no way i could do that.
  • daisiecpa
    daisiecpa Posts: 103 Member
    I'm using that workout and I'm getting quite good results. I've been able to build up the number of reps per exercise quite quickly, but I was certainly a bit sore after the first go.

    I'm pretty sure the advice on the site is not to do it more than once every other day to allow for recovery time, and I'm sure I've read comments elsewhere about people getting quite a lot of stiffness/soreness afterwards. But if you're in a lot of pain, perhaps something's gone wrong somewhere. Did you warm down/stretch properly afterwards? I tend to run on my rebounder for five minutes before starting, and then for five minutes afterwards. I should also stretch more than I do when I'm done. I've found that warming down/stretching after any form of exercise really makes a difference to recovery time.

    Don't read too much into weighing more. There's always the possibility that it's a fluke result. The other thing about bodyweight exercises - from what I've read - is that they can have the effect of increasing muscle bulk at the same time as burning fat, resulting in no net weight loss. The scales are only part of the story - I think (and I might be wrong) that the benefits I'm getting from it aren't all showing up on the scale.

    thank u. i only did the routine 1 day. next time i do i am only do part of the exercises in 1 circuit until i work my way. it is crazy how bad i hurt. i did not hurt doing it. i did warm up before i walked to my bank and back then started the exercises. i did stretched after but i am sure not enough. i need to look up some stretching online.
  • daisiecpa
    daisiecpa Posts: 103 Member
    DOMS "delayed onset muscle soreness" is common when you start something new and much harder than you have done before! It can take a day or two to ease off - ibuprophen can help but motion, stretching, massage and foam rolling can help as well. Getting back on the horse will help - in fact you may find that you will not get as sore with the next go round = sodo do not quit!
    Extra fluids and extra protein also help.

    As for the weight gain - as your very sore muscles heal they will retain water - this will decrease in time and is no reason not to continue. Most people who weight train weigh the morning before and then don't weigh the day after/
    Stick the scale in the closet and get out the tape measure.

    thank u. how long should i wait to try it again. i also tried to walk a little bit today but not my usual 40 minutes. i should have done my weigh in a day early on saturday. it was so depressing today to be up 3 pounds. i know i did not eat enough to gain a pound so it has to be water but still sucks. i need the scale to move down. lol.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    everyone else has already given you all the practical info on this, i just wanted to chip in an say good on you for having a go, don't let this discourage you, and that i so, so feel for you.
    I've been there before. i've spent 2 days dreading needing to use the bathroom because getting down onto the toilet was agony, and getting off it again was worse.
  • daisiecpa
    daisiecpa Posts: 103 Member
    everyone else has already given you all the practical info on this, i just wanted to chip in an say good on you for having a go, don't let this discourage you, and that i so, so feel for you.
    I've been there before. i've spent 2 days dreading needing to use the bathroom because getting down onto the toilet was agony, and getting off it again was worse.

    thank u. im trying not to be discouraged it is hard though. i have been working 6 months to lose weight and it is so hard. and disappointing when i am trying to do something good for myself and i am in the worst pain ever. and yes the bathroom is the worst part. i should have done less squats as i needed to do them today. lol.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    Poor sausage! don't give up, youre too tough to get beaten by some workout.
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    Drink plenty of water.. make sure you are stretching before AND after work outs...

    Pro Tip .. Take a cool shower ( almost cold ) after a good work out.. This increases blood flow throw out your body and will help with recovery and rebuilding..
  • daisiecpa
    daisiecpa Posts: 103 Member
    Drink plenty of water.. make sure you are stretching before AND after work outs...

    Pro Tip .. Take a cool shower ( almost cold ) after a good work out.. This increases blood flow throw out your body and will help with recovery and rebuilding..

    thank u. i am going to look up some stretching exercises so i do it right next time
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Just wanted to say Im going through the same thing as you since yesterday. Although Ive been working out for over a year I had a new PT on Sunday and boy does he know how to work us, I just see it that the pain is a sign of change, as everyone has already said up your protein and water intake and try and do exercise through the pain, although it sucks Im heading to the gym tonight for an hours session its the only thing thats going to stop my muscles from getting stiff from the pain.

    Just remember your on the right track!
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    I found having BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) really reduced the muscle soreness for me. I still feel it a bit but it doesn't last as long.
  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    . i've spent 2 days dreading needing to use the bathroom because getting down onto the toilet was agony, and getting off it again was worse.

    :laugh: hahah :drinker:
  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member
    Drink water and eat a lot of protein over the next couple of days. By drink water, I mean like a gallon a day. By a lot of protein, I mean like 150-200 grams a day for at least the next couple of days. Also, tylenol helps if you are having trouble sleeping. You are going to need some extra sleep to assist in healing.

    Don't wait until the pain is 100% gone before exercising again. Walking at a moderate pace will help you heal up faster, as well.
    Agree with all the above

    Check its a 'nice' muscle pain/soreness and is generally in most muscles as then it arises because of stored by products including lactic acid- second day is worst- try gentle stretching and very gently move, move, move. Saunas will help as will baths and heat in general as it increases circulation but not in the first day's recovery. Can follow with ice- packet frozen peas in an old towell RICE- Rest, Ice, Compression and Exercise. Can try a gel with a pain killer in it- I use that when dancing- but generally not a good idea to mask pain because:

    If it goes on for longer and you are still in pain it could be an injury, especially if in a specific area or at a joint. i would seek immediate help if your hip or shoulder is affected as you need to be immobile for that injury to heal and you'll aggrevate it. I got a rotator cuff injury this way and then frozen shoulder which took months to heal because I didn't rest it to start with.

    Sounds like its soreness though - don't let it put you off.

    Suggest next time you need more cool down time and stretches (don't stretch a cold muscle).

    Otherwise, we all get this when we up a workout regime and are all guilty of overdoing it. I actually really like the 'slightly' achy feeling as it makes me feel smug. Day 3 should be a good day to do a cut down version if you can manage it.

    Well done though for making a good if not too good a start!!!:devil:
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Ouch, sounds hurty. You've gotten a bunch of nice advice here, so feel better and stick with it!

    The only thing I'd like to add is that, when you do stretches before working out, you should try to avoid static stretches (i.e. getting into a pose and holding it). Things like circling your head around slowly, windmilling your arms, swinging your legs up are all good.
  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member
    Drink plenty of water.. make sure you are stretching before AND after work outs...

    Pro Tip .. Take a cool shower ( almost cold ) after a good work out.. This increases blood flow throw out your body and will help with recovery and rebuilding..

    thank u. i am going to look up some stretching exercises so i do it right next time

    Please don't 'stretch' a cold muscle (see Bathesebas advice)- think you could do damage to tendons this way. Otherwise sounds good to me.

  • SnowWight
    SnowWight Posts: 7 Member
    Drink water and eat a lot of protein over the next couple of days. By drink water, I mean like a gallon a day. By a lot of protein, I mean like 150-200 grams a day for at least the next couple of days. Also, tylenol helps if you are having trouble sleeping. You are going to need some extra sleep to assist in healing.

    Don't wait until the pain is 100% gone before exercising again. Walking at a moderate pace will help you heal up faster, as well.
    Agree with all the above

    Check its a 'nice' muscle pain/soreness and is generally in most muscles as then it arises because of stored by products including lactic acid- second day is worst- try gentle stretching and very gently move, move, move. Saunas will help as will baths and heat in general as it increases circulation but not in the first day's recovery. Can follow with ice- packet frozen peas in an old towell RICE- Rest, Ice, Compression and Exercise. Can try a gel with a pain killer in it- I use that when dancing- but generally not a good idea to mask pain because:

    That's Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation not exercise!