Hang on... This wasn't supposed to happen!

I'm just about to start wk 3 of MFP and did my Tuesday weigh-in. After losing 1.8lbs in 2 weeks I've.... Put a pound back on?!?! I am looking smaller from all the cardio (body pump, body conditioning, boxercise, running) and toning exercises (yoga, Pilates) I've been putting in and I'm not giving up but this is disheartening. I only want to lose 15lbs or so and am going at 1lb a week. Should I reduce it to 1/2 lb?

I've made my diary public for a while. Im 5'8, now 158.6lbs, medium build. I do eat back my exercise calories and I have a lightly active job in an airport.


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Don't be disheartened! First of all, what matters more? Looking smaller, or the number on the scale that no one else can see?

    1 lb is just normal fluctuation. Weight loss is not linear. Even when you are maintaining weight, it's not staying exactly the same all the time. It goes up and down constantly due to water fluctuations which can be caused by an increase in exercise (sound familiar?) or changes in the amount of sodium you eat, or the amount of carbs you eat, or by hormonal fluctuations. It can easily fluctuate by several pounds over the course of a day. Try to look at the bigger picture - it's the overall trend that matters, and you'll be able to see that after a bit more time.

    If you're looking to lose 15 lbs, then yes I would recommend aiming to lose 0.5 lb a week. I've not looked at your diary, but it sounds like you're doing things right, so just keep at it. If you're not already, consider taking measurements of your body, and full-body photos. They will show your progress when the scale doesn't, especially so close to your goal.
  • mariagabriella
    mariagabriella Posts: 267 Member
    your weight is probably just fluctuating. I'd keep an eye on it but don't get too upset. you're probably doing everything right, keep it up and your body will follow. :)
  • squires03071986
    squires03071986 Posts: 48 Member
    The first few weeks I started I lost nothing and actually put weight on, I actually went to the doctors about it because I was so annoyed! If you can see that your body is changing then you are doing things right. I now don't weigh once a week, I aim for once a fortnight which is hard but worth it. The fluctuations were really demotivating me. Like the previous post says weight varies so much even when you are maintaining.

    If you are doing gym work and drinking more water this will effect the result on the scale. I started to take measurements and found that depsite the scales saying I had put weight on, I had lost inches.

    I am now finally on the road to losing weight despite a slow start! Good luck and keep going :-)
  • vailias
    vailias Posts: 5
    Totally normal fluctuation. Could even be temporary fluid weight.
    1lb of water = 2 cups.

    Don't stress over the small stuff.
    The cortisol will work against you. ;)
  • smokinjackd
    I have no idea just exactly what a Crusty White Bloomer is but reading your diary has made me miss some of the foods I used to love in England, bacon just sound so much better when you call it rashers.
    Seriously though, I did notice some points which may help accelerate your weight loss.
    1: STOP EATING WHITE BREAD...you know better...lol
    2: Mix in some raw veg, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, lettuce, you have a severe lack of raw green veggies.
    3: Beans and legumes are your friends, not heinz beans in sugar sauce, real beans.
    Other than that your diary looks pretty good, its only been three weeks, true weight loss takes time, stick with it.
  • thetq
    thetq Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you, everyone!

    I do try not to eat white bread, but since I'm the only one in the house that eats granary I end up chucking most of a loaf away and it seems such a waste. You're right about the raw green veg, I've not had many salads recently. That I will put right.

    I do feel like I'm on the right track, a friend who I'd not seen for 2 weeks said today I look brighter , I feel much better and I'm sleeping like a log at night, cutting my caffeine intake down has done wonders for my insomnia.

    I'm off to the gym now, I promise I will have a salad for dinner... But I do love those Heinz beans...
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! I lost 10lbs really quickly in the first 6 weeks, then nothing. I've been stuck at 165lb (I'm 5'8" also) for a month. But guess what...I lost TWO sizes. I am literally swimming in my clothes right now, and family and friends that I haven't seen for the past month have been like WOWW did you lose like 30lbs!? I know it's frustrating to not see the scale move, but you are doing a lot of great workouts that are probably burning off more fat than you think.

    Stick with it! You're doing the right thing.
  • vailias
    vailias Posts: 5
    Bread lasts longer in the fridge or freezer. I have to do that with this particular rye I like for the same reasons.

    Second: Remember that weight isn't health or fitness.

    Example: http://blog.fitocracy.com/post/28837494645/fitocracy-member-spotlight-super-luminal

    Girl went from 5'8" at 120lbs (and 27% bodyfat) to 5'8" and 125lbs with.. much less.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Thank you, everyone!

    I do try not to eat white bread, but since I'm the only one in the house that eats granary I end up chucking most of a loaf away and it seems such a waste. You're right about the raw green veg, I've not had many salads recently. That I will put right.

    I do feel like I'm on the right track, a friend who I'd not seen for 2 weeks said today I look brighter , I feel much better and I'm sleeping like a log at night, cutting my caffeine intake down has done wonders for my insomnia.

    I'm off to the gym now, I promise I will have a salad for dinner... But I do love those Heinz beans...

    You can get the half loafs of wholemeal bread, you can also freeze a loaf and take out the slices as you need them. Baked beans are just fine to eat, they are good for protein and fibre. You can now get Heinz Five Beanz which are nom, you can also get reduced sodium and sugar beans which taste no different to the 'normal' ones.

    Bacon - you can get the lean stuff which saves taking the fat off or what ever a normal rasher (sorry I'm vege so don't know much about bacon!)

    Start to track sodium and sugar

    Swap out the white rice for brown rice

    Other than that just stick with it, the weight will come off. You did'nt gain weight over the course of a couple of weeks and probably lost some on the way to where you are now. The same will be true for your weight loss journey :flowerforyou:
  • mskatee
    mskatee Posts: 33
    Someone on here once called the scale a Random Number Generator. It's true. I've said this many times and I'll say it again: when I was building a lot of muscle I went down a whole dress size without losing a pound. That's when I tossed out the scale and bought a tape measure.