Struggling to eat my Caloric Goal .....



  • sherise1214
    sherise1214 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks, i will try to add peanut butter and some healthier nuts, but I LOVE peanut butter and it may be a trigger, i use to eat peanut butter with chocolate bars making my own reeces. its hard not to finish all the pistachios too! But i do get your point!
  • sherise1214
    sherise1214 Posts: 45 Member
    @ marieautumn, I do workout, and i also took a weight training and cardio class in the past, and i did eat those calories, but it wasnt with healthy food, so i previously went from the plus size 16 to now a size regular size 14 and medium tops, but my weight only changed 5-10 pounds. I want to see weight move, and not eat all my exercise calories, i do get hungry from working out, but i also wasnt eating right at all back then, i ate two meals a day, and the rest junk, I am eating three healthier meals, and more veggie and fruit snacks, but still eat my treats so i wont binge. But with all the eating more veggies, and fruit I am fuller than eating a candy bar. Know what is bad, i have taken two nutrition classes, but eating healthy food doesnt add up to all those calories, and if i burn an extra 500 calories, i dont want to eat that much added sugar either from fruit, and veggies are hard to eat already, LOL
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I was never a breakfast eater so thats been a struggle i had to overcome, and still dont want much for breakfast- the advice will all be considered

    lots of people prefer not to eat early, and that works too. I think the primary reason that an early meal is beneficial for some people, is that if they skip breakfast, they get to lunchtime really hungry and eat too much. If you just aren't hungry until later in the day, then don't force yourself to eat early. In fact some people, including me, tend to be hungrier all day if we eat early, so I don't eat in the morning unless I'm actually feeling hungry for it (or if i exercise early, then I get hungry!).
  • sherise1214
    sherise1214 Posts: 45 Member
    no offense but i dont understand how people just "can't possibly eat my calorie goal" did you put on weight in the first place? ok that enough of my ranting.
    if you really aren't hungry, dont eat. with that being said maybe you aren't burning enough calories. I know after i work out and i burn about 500 -600 cals per my HRM, i am usually starving. Try burning more fuel.

    I do workout, and i also took a weight training and cardio class in the past, and i did eat those calories, but it wasnt with healthy food, so i previously went from the plus size 16 to now a size regular size 14 and medium tops, but my weight only changed 5-10 pounds. I want to see weight move, and not eat all my exercise calories, i do get hungry from working out, but i also wasnt eating right at all back then, i ate two meals a day, and the rest junk, I am eating three healthier meals, and more veggie and fruit snacks, but still eat my treats so i wont binge. But with all the eating more veggies, and fruit I am fuller than eating a candy bar. Know what is bad, i have taken two nutrition classes, but eating healthy food doesnt add up to all those calories, and if i burn an extra 500 calories, i dont want to eat that much added sugar either from fruit, and veggies are hard to eat already, LOL Right now im doing Bob Harper Pure Burn with 5, 10, 15 pound weights, and Zumba, belly dancing, use my weighted hula hoop, etc.,
  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    no offense but i dont understand how people just "can't possibly eat my calorie goal" did you put on weight in the first place? ok that enough of my ranting.

    Because she is now paying attention to what she eats. For her this means consuming lower calorie, yet high volume foods, such as fruit and vegetables. It is really easy to eat thousands of calories, when you could care less where they came from.

    For example my favorite cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory is about 1000 calories at least.

    yes but i doubt you were ever eating that every day, right?

    Not that exactly, but some version of it. I had very poor eating habits. I never ate much "food". I would have brownies, milkshakes and the like-fast food everyday. Then I would say, "I don't eat that much, so why I am getting fat?". So, once you start eating food, the sheer volume of healthy tasty things that you can have is daunting for some. Just my 0.02 :-)
  • smokinjackd
    According to my fitbit/MFP calculation I was supposed to eat 3800 calories yesterday to keep my 2 pounds a week weight loss going, I ended up the day at 2161, thats it, couldn't eat anymore, had a great steak supper, wasn't suffering, didn't wake up hungry, I was just full. If you are eating everything you want, healthy, and balanced, then you should be just fine.
  • sherise1214
    sherise1214 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks everyone! Will add more healthy fats and nuts ASAP.! I love nuts, but by the jar not the serving unfortunately, so have to practice self control, which may be easier since I feel fuller longer from the fruits, etc., will make some changes soon. someone asked about protein, I eat plenty, I only buy extra lean beef, and try to eat more turkey and chicken breast, I never liked steak, not big on most meats, too heavy. always eaten chicken and fish over beef,except for taco addiction, but ow I make them much healthier.
  • sherise1214
    sherise1214 Posts: 45 Member
    I don't where where you are, and I don't know you at all, so my advice is assuming you don't know this.

    Most people do not know how to "listen to their bodies". They don't really know when they are full or when they are hungry. They think they do, but they don't. Otherwise, they would not have a problem. And, they wouldn't be here.

    Again, this is assuming that you don't know this.

    The second point is to eat when you are not hungry. If you feel hungry, it's too late and you might over eat. This is what most people do...wait until they are hungry. Big mistake. Eat when you are not hungry, but just feel slightly peckish. You will eat less, and you will make better choices.

    Once you do this for a while, you will start to tell when you are getting hungry. I normally eat a small something every couple of hours. It seems like I eat constantly. But, I still lose weight and I am learning better to not get to that stage where I'm actually hungry. When I get to that point, I tend to eat a lot in one sitting.

    I have stared to eat at set times, so I won't reach hunger, I eat within a hour of rising, and within 2 hours a snack and by the 3rd hour my next meal, the problems are at portion size healthy meals can be low as 250 and it's a good size dish of food. so I am already eating when I'm not hungry per se but at the end of the day i didnt really like another 4th meal, but I might try it and see how it goes, or add more calories to the three meals, thanks I understood what u were meaning, if I wait it's hard not to binge, for me I had to make my meals in advance so I wont go for the processed ready to eat foods around.
  • LCoombs45
    no offense but i dont understand how people just "can't possibly eat my calorie goal" did you put on weight in the first place? ok that enough of my ranting.

    Because she is now paying attention to what she eats. For her this means consuming lower calorie, yet high volume foods, such as fruit and vegetables. It is really easy to eat thousands of calories, when you could care less where they came from.

    For example my favorite cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory is about 1000 calories at least.

    yes but i doubt you were ever eating that every day, right?

    Not that exactly, but some version of it. I had very poor eating habits. I never ate much "food". I would have brownies, milkshakes and the like-fast food everyday. Then I would say, "I don't eat that much, so why I am getting fat?". So, once you start eating food, the sheer volume of healthy tasty things that you can have is daunting for some. Just my 0.02 :-)

    Exactly this! I have been on MFP/eating healthy for about a week now and find it very hard to eat all of the veggies and other foods that would get me to my goal, because although there are much fewer calories, there is much more bulk! Donuts and espresso drinks didn't fill me up at all, but give me some carrots and broccoli and I feel full.

    I've been worrying about this since I seem to be ending up at 2-300 under my calories at the end of the night, and started putting peanut butter on whole wheat tortillas before bed to reach my goal, even though I wasn't hungry!
  • sherise1214
    sherise1214 Posts: 45 Member
    no offense but i dont understand how people just "can't possibly eat my calorie goal" did you put on weight in the first place? ok that enough of my ranting.

    Because she is now paying attention to what she eats. For her this means consuming lower calorie, yet high volume foods, such as fruit and vegetables. It is really easy to eat thousands of calories, when you could care less where they came from.

    For example my favorite cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory is about 1000 calories at least.

    yes but i doubt you were ever eating that every day, right?

    Not that exactly, but some version of it. I had very poor eating habits. I never ate much "food". I would have brownies, milkshakes and the like-fast food everyday. Then I would say, "I don't eat that much, so why I am getting fat?". So, once you start eating food, the sheer volume of healthy tasty things that you can have is daunting for some. Just my 0.02 :-)

    Exactly this! I have been on MFP/eating healthy for about a week now and find it very hard to eat all of the veggies and other foods that would get me to my goal, because although there are much fewer calories, there is much more bulk! Donuts and espresso drinks didn't fill me up at all, but give me some carrots and broccoli and I feel full.

    I've been worrying about this since I seem to be ending up at 2-300 under my calories at the end of the night, and started putting peanut butter on whole wheat tortillas before bed to reach my goal, even though I wasn't hungry!

    you said it much better! Lol, before I was eating more calories, but I wasn't feeling full like now, candy bars and donuts didnt make me full.
  • Kristan_Forsey
    Kristan_Forsey Posts: 103 Member
    I see you eat low fat dairy. Try switching to full fat for the extra calories.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    You seem to be getting 50-60% of your calories from snacks and not actual meals. Try including one or two meals with some of those snacks so the calorie ratio is 75% meals/25% snacks.

    What I find is that people try to eat too perfectly while they drastically cut back on calories. Having a reasonable and sustainable plan isn't about cutting out all the foods you deem bad - its about making smarter decisions while staying within your calorie allotment, getting the bulk (80%) of your calories from whole foods and filling in the rest with snacks, fruits, etc. If you deprive yourself too much you'll make it a lot harder to switch to maintenance when you up calories fearing you'll gain back the weight.
  • gogonunubean
    gogonunubean Posts: 160 Member
    Looking at your diary, it seems much of your food is processed, high sodium. It may be something you want to tweak in the future: adding more whole grains and fresh veggies.

    And that for me, is the key. It is not one size fits all, nor will one plan carry you through all your weight loss journey. I am always having to make adjustments to keep heading in the right direction.
  • sherise1214
    sherise1214 Posts: 45 Member
    Looking at your diary, it seems much of your food is processed, high sodium. It may be something you want to tweak in the future: adding more whole grains and fresh veggies.

    And that for me, is the key. It is not one size fits all, nor will one plan carry you through all your weight loss journey. I am always having to make adjustments to keep heading in the right direction.

    Thank you, but not really, lots of the foods in my thing don't allow for adjustments, such as I eat stir fry frozen with the packet of seasoning, I never ever use the whole thing, not even half, but the sodium numbers for the bags are already in, it's nothing wrong with the veggies, but the sauce. I don't bother correcting it all though! My junk will be processed since I can't make chips, etc., but most of my meals I make. I like sauces which I don't make, I try to use as little as possible. Will indeed take the info and tweak more.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Looking at your diary, it seems much of your food is processed, high sodium. It may be something you want to tweak in the future: adding more whole grains and fresh veggies.

    And that for me, is the key. It is not one size fits all, nor will one plan carry you through all your weight loss journey. I am always having to make adjustments to keep heading in the right direction.

    Thank you, but not really, lots of the foods in my thing don't allow for adjustments, such as I eat stir fry frozen with the packet of seasoning, I never ever use the whole thing, not even half, but the sodium numbers for the bags are already in, it's nothing wrong with the veggies, but the sauce. I don't bother correcting it all though! My junk will be processed since I can't make chips, etc., but most of my meals I make. I like sauces which I don't make, I try to use as little as possible. Will indeed take the info and tweak more.

    If you regularly use premade sauces, and also indulge in salty chips, just make sure you are drinking lots of water, and also getting enough potassium to balance it out. Honestly, most premade sauces, even cut in half, are going to be a LOT more sodium than anything you prepare yourself. I've stopped buying veggies that come with sauces for this reason. Another thing to consider is that once you make the effort to cut out those high-sodium items, after just a few days, your body actually gets used to it, and food with less salt starts to taste better (really, it's true!). Just something to think about.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Starvation mode is a myth. Do not stuff yourself to reach a goal that where someone just threw out an arbitrary number and now people preach like gospel.

    If you are not allergic to nuts eat them, one ounce is 150-200 depending on the nuts.
  • sherise1214
    sherise1214 Posts: 45 Member
    Looking at your diary, it seems much of your food is processed, high sodium. It may be something you want to tweak in the future: adding more whole grains and fresh veggies.

    And that for me, is the key. It is not one size fits all, nor will one plan carry you through all your weight loss journey. I am always having to make adjustments to keep heading in the right direction.

    Thank you, but not really, lots of the foods in my thing don't allow for adjustments, such as I eat stir fry frozen with the packet of seasoning, I never ever use the whole thing, not even half, but the sodium numbers for the bags are already in, it's nothing wrong with the veggies, but the sauce. I don't bother correcting it all though! My junk will be processed since I can't make chips, etc., but most of my meals I make. I like sauces which I don't make, I try to use as little as possible. Will indeed take the info and tweak more.

    If you regularly use premade sauces, and also indulge in salty chips, just make sure you are drinking lots of water, and also getting enough potassium to balance it out. Honestly, most premade sauces, even cut in half, are going to be a LOT more sodium than anything you prepare yourself. I've stopped buying veggies that come with sauces for this reason. Another thing to consider is that once you make the effort to cut out those high-sodium items, after just a few days, your body actually gets used to it, and food with less salt starts to taste better (really, it's true!). Just something to think about.

    Thanks true about sauces and things, but we need sodium too, lol I dont buy salt ever since i feel most foods include enough and most of my spices are now mrs. dash, i never ever add salt to my food except for grits, but dont really eat them often. So i get what you are saying. I figured its too much in process stuff so i never ever buy salt. Felt bad cause a guest wanted salt and they had to find it in their car, lol.