Minimal weight loss. Am I doing something wrong?



  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Here's something to keep in mind. Did you gain the weight you're now trying to lose in 2 weeks? A month? A few months? A few years? No? More than likely it gradually crept on over weeks, months, years even. During that time there were weeks where you ate more than other weeks, weeks where you ate less than other weeks, where you moved more, where you moved less. Did you continue to gain a steady 2 lbs a week? Doubtful because while there's a lot of science involved in this process, i.e. thermodynamics, biological processes etc., weight loss is *not* a science and as such, you cannot expect that much consistency.

    You can create consistency which would eventually net you the result you want. That is, consistent caloric deficit created by consuming fewer calories than you burn, consistent exercise to change the physical composition of your body (fat to muscle ratios etc.), consistent logging to monitor intake, and consistent positive outlook to help with the doldrums that go along with this process (they're inevitable).

    Best of luck to you.
  • AZMarywa
    Believe I started MFP in late April 2012, and am down 8 lbs. That is slow but that is the way I want it. If I lose fast, I have backlash hunger and gain it all back right away. That has not happened since I started MFP and I keep slowly going in the right direction.
  • negrita1126
    keep in mind things like water weight, monthly cycles and all that good stuff. One week I lost 4 lbs just because I started drinking all of my water and was able to flush my system a bit. Don't get discouraged. You can do this. I have been doing this since May. I've lost about 10 lbs and have been able to keep it off even though I don't always stay on track. I still have another 20 lbs to go and I know that I am in the right place with the right group of people to see me through.

    Keep up the good work. I hope you start feeling better soon. You will be "back on track" before you know it.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    I started mfp 2 weeks ago. I lost 2 pounds the first week but only half a pound the second week. Just last night I changed my settings to 0 workouts a week. This changed my caloric need from 1350 to 1330. I use the sedentary setting because my job is at night in a hospital. Some nights I have nothing to do and it turns into a desk job. I do workout and enter this in to adjust my net calories. What am I doing wrong? Why would I only lose half a pound the second week? Can I plateau this soon? Also, I'm not sure if this may effect any advice you can give me but I have been fighting a cold this past week. I was hoping that may be what is effecting my progress.

    The cold actually could be hindering the process as well. If you're not feeling well, you're not going to put all the effort into exercise that you should.


    Also, I'm looking at your food diary. I noticed there are several days in there where the majority of your calories are eaten at dinner. What you could try is eating more calories at breakfast, and less at night- that way your body can burn them off through daily activity throughout the day.

    And just a thought, you could also edit your food diary to track sodium and sugar intake as well. A lot of sodium can cause you to retain water, which is what you lose primarily at first.
  • ido426
    ido426 Posts: 14 Member
    I know it takes a long time to lose the weight properly. My fear was that I was wasting weeks by doing something wrong that I could have adjusted if I had only knew. I am in two weeks and I don't fully trust mfp yet.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Hi! First of all, if you're doing MFP right, the weight should come off slowly - but since you're changing eating habits, it should also stay off. I find once I lose a couple pounds, my weight will fluctuate back up or stay the same for a week or more before I lose again. My clothes have gotten looser - in fact I'm down two pant sizes, so even if the scale doesn't always show the effects, I know I'm losing. Secondly, I looked at the past few days of your food diary. You eat a lot of cheese! That may be something you need to cut back on. I'm sure you love it, and you can certainly keep eating cheese, but maybe make an effort to cut that intake by half. I also see wine quite often. For me, I really limit the alcohol - a lot of calories for almost no nutritional value. Once you start exercizing regularly, which I recommend, you can add some of those things back in - in moderation. But if you want to lose without a lot of exercise, you really need to cut back calories, and I would start with those high in sugars, fat, and things that are processed (ready-made foods.) Good luck!
  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    do not get discouraged!!! there have been weeks where i either a. lost nothing. or b. gained a pound or 2....slow and steady wins the race....get the numbers out of your head...its only going to frustrate you. there have been many times where i just felt like giving up and i didnt....i kept going....and i am much happier and healthier for it..... focus on getting healthy....make that your main goal...and start taking measurements instead of tracking your weight on the scale....
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Track your sodium. It has a bigger impact than you might expect. Also, if (and only if) it won't make you crazy, weigh yourself once a day but only log your weight once a week - that way you'll know if you just happen to be bloated. I've had days where I'm 2lbs heavier on my weigh-in day than I've been the rest of the week just because I overate/had too much sodium/didn't hydrate enough the day before.

    Most importantly, it's a slow process. You won't lose 2lbs every week, you might not lose 1lb every week - but it's not a plateau unless you don't see anything moving at all for a month or two. Be patient and keep eating right.
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    Be patient and keep moving pushing forward. I have been working since September and have only lost about 26 lbs...average of only about 1/2 lb a week but, I am pushing. It will happen, slow and steady wins the race. I am hoping kicking myself in gear with my workouts recently will help that out but, I am still gonna keep moving!!

    GOOD LUCK and give your body some time...dont re-adjust too quickly. You must give your body time to adjust to the schedule you give it. Do something for a month then, if you dont see many results, then change it up a bit.

    "A huge part of losing weight is believing you can do it and realizing it's not going to happen overnight."

    GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • negrita1126
    Great tips! I'm glad I looked at this post. Now I can incorporate this into my game plan! Thanks!
  • leopardjunkie
    make sure you are weighing at the same time each weigh in, preferably before eating and after using the rest room when you wake up :) Your weight fluctuates during the day and weighing at different time can cause a difference. I like to wear the same clothing or similar when weighing as well.

    I would look at weight loss as a whole instead of weekly. I use the weekly just to make sure I am not making gains/or holding steady.

    Also, and you don"t have to answer but take into mind that your body maybe storing water weight if you are not getting enough water or are close your your cycle. If you don't get enought water your body will store the water you are getting to get what it needs. so make sure you are getting your water.

    Some week I loose .5 sometimes 3 depends on the week a loss is a loss :) it all adds up. It is best to take it slow

    Also if you are lifting weights during your work out (which is a good idea it will fuel your weight loss) You may see an increase in your weght as you build muscle, but the muscle will help you burn fat faster! So try and measure and weigh weekly so you can use the two together so see your progress. Measurements will help you see changes that the scale does not :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The only thing you're doing wrong is having unrealistic expectations.

    Weight loss isn't linear. Some weeks you'll lose more, some you'll lose less, some you won't lose at all and there might even be some weeks you gain.

    Track your progress with more than just the scale.

    Take a buttload of "before" pictures in minimal clothing from every angle. Take progress photos in a few weeks, and compare them. Take measurements, and compare them in a few weeks. Set fitness goals for yourself, whether it's to train for a 5k or complete the 30 Day Shred or just make a point to exercise 5 days a week. Go by how clothes fit, and go shopping just to try stuff on every now and then.

    The scale is just ONE fraction of your progress. And not a very reliable one.
  • ido426
    ido426 Posts: 14 Member
    My diary is a bit deceiving. I try to complete my entires quickly so if my whole grain bread is stored under lunch I enter it as lunch even if it is a dinner. I'm new so that's the way I have been making it easier to log food.
  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    A lot of people on the forum (including myself) believe in eating more to lose weight. I was scared by the idea but have given it a try and am finally starting to lose. Also, I'm not starving anymore. It took almost 3 weeks for my body to adjust to my new lifestyle (trying to make permanent changes, not just a diet) and now I'm finally seeing movement in the scale. YAY.

    If you are interested in eating more to lose weight, send me a message I'll send you a link to a thread that explains it all very well. I'm not on the computer where I have it bookmarked. (or maybe someone else reading this can post it)
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    Like everyone says, losing weight is a slow, non-linear process. And that's the correct way to be doing it. Any week with any kind of loss is a victory!

    You didn't say in your post, and no one's actually asked it seems, but what are you doing for exercise? It really is the combination of diet and exercise that helps you lose weight the most effective way. Even if it's just starting with 10 minutes of a walk around the block, and building from there.

    Keep with it! It can get discouraging at times, I know that all too well. But many small steps make for great strides. I'd like to be down more pounds now than I am almost 6 months in to my journey. But I shouldn't be turning up my nose at the near 40 pounds down. Unfortunately, in a numbers-based society, it makes it hard to celebrate our victories if it's not what we want to see, even if they are victories nonetheless. :)
  • ido426
    ido426 Posts: 14 Member
    I do eat later but my days are shifted. I wake up at 9am and work 4p-12a. I don't go to bed till 1am. So my dinner at 8pm is realistic. Otherwise I am starving at 11pm and that is dangerous. Especially if the ER goes crazy and I'm running like a fool.
    And wine is essential. I won't give up a glass or two of wine unless someone tells me I will absolutely not lose weight due to the habit. Cheese and wine, man mfp is a slap in the face. What a reality check.
  • blueyedmami
    “It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Give it 12 weeks. Don’t QUIT!"

    Also, try using an exercise ball to sit instead of a chair at work. It'll not only help you improve your core muscles and posture.
    Take the stairs instead of the elevator if possible. Get a pedometer if you don't have one. Knowing how many steps you take actually makes you want to walk more. :)

    Little things can add up to a lot. Just don't give up! You've got this!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Just had a quick glimpse at your logs.

    Couple of things that may help... Water. Drink it, log it, love it. Water is great for many things... some people will argue that we get a lot of our essential water from the foods we eat. This is true, however consider the following;

    1. No one ever got fat drinking water. The same can not be said for wine, flavored coffees, soda pop, and even milk.
    2. Water helps volumize food. Drinking a glass of water before a meal helps to expand the food in your stomach and slows digestion. You can feel more full for longer and improves your sense of satiety.
    3. Your brain processes hunger and thirst in a similar manner. Quite often we mistake the impulse for thirst with the one for hunger. Try drinking a glass of water and waiting 10 minutes before you eat. You may find you don't really need a meal or snack.
    4. Water purifies and helps cleanse your body of all the stuff it doesn't need.
    5. If you are drinking water, you aren't drinking something else.

    You might also want to consider adding more veggies to your diet. We get a great number of essential minerals and vitamins in our diet thru vegetables. They are nutrient rich and usually low in fats and calories (depending on how they are cooked and served...i.e. a baked potato is only as healthy as the toppings you put on it)

    When I first started on my journey to a leaner, healthier me... I pledged to do 5:30. 5:30 means this... 5 Servings of fruits and vegetables and 30 minutes of exercise a day. Commit to this and you may be surprised at how quickly it all works out for you.

    I lost my first 80 pounds using this before I heard of MFP.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    No big suggestions from me just stay the course and you will loose it quicker than you gained it. Its a process and a learning experience as long as your not gaining your on the right track. Like the above poster said I elimated processed suger dropped to about 1600 to 1800 calories a day and excersised for about 45 min to 60 min at least everyother day. and ate clean well 80 percent anyways and still do.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I don't really know your stats so I can't really comment with regards to calories but you are doing well sticking to them. As a few people have mentioned water is crucial to ensuring you are able to flush the sodium out of your system. I see a lot of processed foods, lunch meats, cheeses etc. Nothing bad by any means but a lot of sodium. MFP sets its 'goal' higher than is generally considered safe for most people so if you are not tracking it as a point of interest you may be retaining water and thus slowing your weight loss.

    I wouldn't say you are doing anything wrong as I normally give at least 2 - 3 weeks before I make any changes to my macros/calories etc. Keep at it for a little longer and try to slowly change towards more healthy natural choices. Definitely do a little research as what will work for someone will not necessarily work for others and we all have to find our own ways thru.