BIggest Loser Work out!!


I have been working out to the Jillian DVD...OMG It is a great work out. I am still on level one, but I could really feel it in my legs and lower tummy. Yesterday was day 2... And I know I have to be burning alot of Calories! It ranges from jumpin jacks to push ups to leg kicks and weight training...its just great!

Just wanted to put that out case anyone was looking for a good work out DVD


  • JackieBoo
    Received mine in the mail yesterday... bought the 3 DVD set. Can't wait to try it later this evening!
  • RhaRha
    RhaRha Posts: 16
    I have her 1-2-3 20 minute workout and she totally kicks butt! I've only had it for about 2 weeks and am still on level 1... I don't think I'll be ready for level 2 for a month or so... my muscles burn like crazy still!! Keep it up! She's hardcore!
  • siobhannestor
    I love her workouts - access them through "on demand" but am thinking of buying her videos the next time I am in the market for one.
  • lindsayrose
    I love! love! love! her videos. I did the 30 Day Shred back in November and I am alternating her No More Trouble Zones and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism every other day. These DVD's are the best I have ever found and give me a better workout than a trainer could do. I feel stronger and more toned, not to mention that my cardio gets easier everyday from how strong I have gotten. Just had to post my feeling about Jillian.:bigsmile: