Calories from exercise

Do you eat the calories you earn from exercise ??


  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    If you are following the MFP plan (which I am) then Yes you should eat them back, that being said I would advice getting a heart rate monitor (one with a chest strap) to better track your calories burned. It still isn't 100% accurate but you will atleast have a baseline better than relying on the cardio machines numbers or MFP's which tend to be high.. I use a Polar FT60 to track my calories and I eat back 85% of those calories leaving 15% for error... Best of Luck..
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    If you are following the MFP plan (which I am) then Yes you should eat them back, that being said I would advice getting a heart rate monitor (on with a chest strap) to better track your calories burned. It still isn't 100% accurate but you will atleast have a baseline better than relying on the cardio machines numbers or MFP's which tend to high.. I use a Polar FT60 to track my calories and I eat back 85% of those calories leaving 15% for error... Best of Luck..

    Couldn't have said it better :-)
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Yes and no. I use a fitbit, which estimates your daily caloric burn based on movement and distance walked. If I'm having a day like today where I'm in front of the computer a lot, I'll probably end up burning only 200 calories over my normal TDEE. In that case, I won't worry about eating back as much. If I burn more, I eat more.
  • I don't normally eat mine back but plan to eat some back as discussed by some others on here as my fitness improves and I'm doing more regularly.
  • Segath
    Segath Posts: 8 Member
    I've set my activity to sedentary and eat nearly all my exercise calories back, tracked with my hrm, I cycle a hell of a lot and have lost weight steadily whilst eating over 3000 calories most days of heavy exercise.

    I started telling people I was really watching what I ate and was on a calorie deficit until I looked back at my gross calories consumed, its then I realised I had actually cycled off my weight whilst eating over what a sedentary person would eat.

    Eat them calories back and bloody well enjoy them! As long as you are as accurate as possible with the amount you burn and are honest with what you log you will hit your goal.