anybody have 150lbs or more to lose?

I am 5'11". I weigh about twice what I'd like to. The "healthy weight" for someone 5'11 is 140-170-ish but I've weighed that before and just looked skinny and yucky. My absolute "perfect world" goal weight is 180. Right now, i'm at 360.

whoa. the fact that I wrote that for the whole world to see is..... (imagine eyes as big as saucers)

Anyways, My boyfriend and I are planning on getting married by the end of the year. I know that's only 4 months away but I'd like to lose 40lbs (or more) by then. that's 10 pounds a month which I think is doable (and healthly so!)

I got divorced 2 years ago and lost about 75 pounds. (a bad marriage and a uh...jerk of a husband = me gaining a TON of weight) and while i AM proud of myself for that loss.....there is much much more to go.

Anybody want to join me?


  • carriejones80
    Hey there!!! Your story is similar to mine! With minor details different. I started July 1st and was right at 292. I have been separated since November of 2009, and finally after a child support battle for a year, I got my finalized divorced on November of 2009. Then, last September my ex married his wife, who cannot stand me for unknown reasons and chooses to take it out on my 8 yr old daughter. So, in February of this year he started a custody battle and that got settled in July. He lost. But, in the process of these issues I gained around 50-60 pounds. But, something snapped and I am ready for the new me congrats on finding love again! Add me if u want too. We can make this journey together. Lots of love and success...Carrie
  • carriejones80
    Separated in 2008...whoops...btw he cheated on me for three years out of the 9 we were married.
  • DeeMiss
    DeeMiss Posts: 47 Member
    You also lost the weight of that jerk holding you down! Congrats on losing that! I am recently married, I used to use this site alot and stopped.

    It did work! Life got in my way. Wedding planning, job change, etc.. All the excuses. But I am back, and kids are next on the list. But I need to lose some weight!
    I haven't weighed myself yet. (been on here a week) But I am going to tomorrow, my 1st weigh in (well, since I left!) I know I am somewhere between 245-270 ish? and I am 5'4...yeah I have a whole person to lose.

    My longest term goal is to be under 200 lbs, and then I will work on it from there. I will send you a request. I also do mon-fri challenges and weekend pop challenges (via my feed)

    So feel free to join any of those-scroll down my page and you see them. Goals and competition keeps me motivated.
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    congrats on your engagement~ i wish you every happiness! i, too, have a "whole person" to lose~ i'm at around 290, and i'm only 5'2", so i should be around 120-130. i would be THRILLED to park it around 140.... haven't seen the "other side" of 200 for quite a while..... i'm waaay older than you (58), but that's ok..... i've got to lose this weight THIS TIME to get healthy. am currently on med leave, dealing with severe arthritis. i know it's a direct result of the weight. gotta get healthy~ and it WILL take me quite a while. i'm hoping mfp will give me the motivation and encouragement i need. i'll do what i can to help you~ feel free to "add me" as a friend. thanks,
    janie :flowerforyou:
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I don't have that much to lose anymore, but did when I first started. I am the same height as you and started at 332.4. I am currently 222.8 and looking to get down to 175 so I have about 47 more pounds to go.
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    i'd love to join you. i, too, have a LOT to lose~ more than 150#. feel free to add me as a friend. i'll do what i can to encourage you. thanks for your time,

    janie :flowerforyou:
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I started in Jan 2011 (MFP in Aug 2011) and when I get to my GW, I will have lost 187 lbs. :)
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    Hey hun I have 200 to lose, feel free to add me! We can do this
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    I have a LOT to lose as well. And plenty of life drama and health problems that have hindered over my progress. I am ready to re-start in September. Please feel free to add me!

    I am 5'6.5
    Started here at 357 lbs last October
    Currently around 325 (going to readjust my weight once I officially re-start MFP)
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    My highest weight was nearly 370 so yeah :)
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I don't have quite that much to lose anymore, but I did when I started back in March. I weighed 338 when I started, and now I am at 256. I want to be around 150, so I still have a ways to go. I would love to be friends!
  • Narisong
    Narisong Posts: 191
    You can do whatever you set your mind to. I've got 100 left and as you can see... I've lost 100 :-)
  • Jane61849
    Jane61849 Posts: 30 Member

    Count me in. I started a month ago, lost 10 pounds and have regained 3. Until I was 31 I gained 10 pounds a year. Since then I've sat at this weight for 16 years. I need to lose 160 or so, and I'm getting back on track again this week.

    I'll send you a friend request.

  • LadyKatie2010
    Hey there!!! Your story is similar to mine! With minor details different. I started July 1st and was right at 292. I have been separated since November of 2009, and finally after a child support battle for a year, I got my finalized divorced on November of 2009. Then, last September my ex married his wife, who cannot stand me for unknown reasons and chooses to take it out on my 8 yr old daughter. So, in February of this year he started a custody battle and that got settled in July. He lost. But, in the process of these issues I gained around 50-60 pounds. But, something snapped and I am ready for the new me congrats on finding love again! Add me if u want too. We can make this journey together. Lots of love and success...Carrie

    Getting divorced is so hard! infinitely harder, I imagine, with kids involved because you can never really "cut ties" with the ex. Im glad your daughter is with you! :) And trust me, I understand about gaining weight because of what's going on in life. I am ashamed and embarassed I let myself get so big. keep saying "tomorrow I'll do something about it" and alot of tomorrows came and went. so time to just put on my big girl panties and deal with it!!

    good luck to you!!
  • LadyKatie2010
    You also lost the weight of that jerk holding you down! Congrats on losing that! I am recently married, I used to use this site alot and stopped.

    It did work! Life got in my way. Wedding planning, job change, etc.. All the excuses. But I am back, and kids are next on the list. But I need to lose some weight!
    I haven't weighed myself yet. (been on here a week) But I am going to tomorrow, my 1st weigh in (well, since I left!) I know I am somewhere between 245-270 ish? and I am 5'4...yeah I have a whole person to lose.

    My longest term goal is to be under 200 lbs, and then I will work on it from there. I will send you a request. I also do mon-fri challenges and weekend pop challenges (via my feed)

    So feel free to join any of those-scroll down my page and you see them. Goals and competition keeps me motivated.

    Yeah...I also have a whole person to lose! I'm right there with ya, sister! :)
  • LadyKatie2010
    congrats on your engagement~ i wish you every happiness! i, too, have a "whole person" to lose~ i'm at around 290, and i'm only 5'2", so i should be around 120-130. i would be THRILLED to park it around 140.... haven't seen the "other side" of 200 for quite a while..... i'm waaay older than you (58), but that's ok..... i've got to lose this weight THIS TIME to get healthy. am currently on med leave, dealing with severe arthritis. i know it's a direct result of the weight. gotta get healthy~ and it WILL take me quite a while. i'm hoping mfp will give me the motivation and encouragement i need. i'll do what i can to help you~ feel free to "add me" as a friend. thanks,
    janie :flowerforyou:

    We're not officially engaged yet! He's in idaho and i'm in nevada. we'll be reunited next week. (SO excited. I have seen him in 6 weeks!) but thank you! :)

    and yes, girl, we can do this. I have faith in us!! losing weight will be so much better for us in the long run. my knees wont hurt so much! (isnt 25 a little young for knee issues??)
  • LadyKatie2010
    I don't have that much to lose anymore, but did when I first started. I am the same height as you and started at 332.4. I am currently 222.8 and looking to get down to 175 so I have about 47 more pounds to go.

    Awesome job!!! :)
  • LadyKatie2010
    i'd love to join you. i, too, have a LOT to lose~ more than 150#. feel free to add me as a friend. i'll do what i can to encourage you. thanks for your time,

    janie :flowerforyou:

    whether it's 150 or 1500...we can do this!!!! might slip and fall alot but as long as we get back up and keep going.... we'll get there!
  • LadyKatie2010
    I started in Jan 2011 (MFP in Aug 2011) and when I get to my GW, I will have lost 187 lbs. :)

    nice! and congrats on the loss so far! it's awesome!
  • LadyKatie2010
    Hey hun I have 200 to lose, feel free to add me! We can do this

    heck yes we can!!! :)