Daily Calorie Count

So, I have 1200 set for my daily intake and this seems to be such a struggle, I am just curious...what is everyone's daily intake and what do you normally eat to stay within? Maybe, for lunch I should just stick to a protein bar because I feel like after lunch, I only have 300 remaining...just curious about everyone else!


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    2600... and eat all if not more. At only 40 lbs to lose, you should be aiming for 1 lb per week and if you exercise then you should eat 50-75% of the calories back. In my opinion and experience there is no reason to only eat 1200 calories. And its hard to sustain calories that low.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    1470... maybe 300 for breakfast yogurt , blueberries, coffe, lunch about 600 chicken sandwich some nuts cheese, dinner another 600 salad with ranch some fish today and a beer, my diary is open if youd like to look:)
  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    I have mine set to 1550. If I ate only that I would lose about 0.8lbs per week. I am five feet seven inches and about 148-149lbs. You do not need to starve yourself to lose weight.
  • NearlyJen
    NearlyJen Posts: 104 Member
    1645 and I am 5'6" 138lbs. 1200 is a nightmare - read this post and recalculate:

  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Everyone is different so don't compare yourself to anyone else. Just do what YOU need to lose. Losing weight is HARD, no way around it. If you have fat to lose (I've been there), you have to be patient and some days won't be fun.. it's just not fun. There is no magic pill. If you are short you will have less calories, this is the boat I am in. If you are tall you will have more. If you are short and you eat the same as a tall person you will never lose weight. The proof is in the pudding. You will know when you see the trend over time. You can rest and stay on a plateau, then eat at a deficit again (the hardest part). As you get leaner you can actually eat more, and then when you are in maintenance you can eat more, but even then it's hard because you are walking a fine line (you can't eat too little because you are too lean, and you can't eat too much because you will back slide). We have an over abundance of food and to stay fit is to swim against the stream. Good luck!
  • jacqui1612
    jacqui1612 Posts: 128 Member

    Definitely look at this. I am on 1730. Which I got from that.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    2200-2700 depending on my exercise
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    At 1200 and like it. I'm learning how to eat more veggies and staying out of fast food places for the most part. There is a disagreement about eating back exercise calories. I do not. I eat as close to 1200 as possible and if I go over, it's usually only a little bit or a cheat day is to blow off the whole day and not care. Those are rare. I eat 1200 and whatever my exercise is extra burned, not extra food for me. So many days I actually net out 600-900 but I've really consumed 1200. Hope that makes sense. I've lost 32 lbs in just short of 3 months. It's all up to you and what you can live with or learn to live with. I've chosen healthier food choices and feel quite full most of the time.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    I am 5'4" and eat about 1400 per day although I don't sweat it if I go over 100 or so, especially on days I exercise, which is almost every day, for at least 30 minutes a day. 1200 is super hard, I couldn't do it. I have lost 25 pounds so far with a goal of 15 more.
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    Yanno, everyone if different. The calories assigned have to do with age, gender, height etc.

    I'm at 1540. Today I went over and yesterday I was under.

    What is on your daily menu?

    Have you tried eating more fruit, vegetables, legumes and whole grains? Eating stuff with the bulky fiber will help fill you up.
  • Thank you so much everyone! I am 5'9 (so on the tall side) and I am just trying to get teh baby weight off I gained. I was at a comfortable 140lbs before I got pregnant and gained close to 80lbs, bringing me up to 225, but down to 170, so trying to get these last 40 0ff. When playing around with the site, I changed the setting to a 2lb loss a week (as I am trying to get this off), but realized for me personally 1200 calories perday was so HARD!!! So, now I chnaged to 1 lb a week giving me 1410, now that teh day is over I have 590 left, much more attainable. What happens with me, I run out of my 1200 calories and then eat bad by 8pm, so this will be very helpful to me. Thanks so much! The links a few sent, I printed out (as it was very long) and I will read tonight. Thanks for all of your help!