Going over my sugar limit with my fruit intake

shardown Posts: 258 Member
Hello all!

I've been trying to be good and to stick within my food intake for the past 3 days but I keep going over my sugar limit with the amount of fruit I take. I've got my food diary open if anyone wants to have a look.

I really love having my fruits and have been consuming them almost daily for the past few weeks but because I'm trying to be better with the food I take, I decided to add a "Sugar" coloumn to see how much I was consuming. Boy was I surprised!

So the question is, should I be reducing the amount of fruits I'm having every day or would I be okay leaving it as is? I have developed a love for fruits now and would reach for one for a snack so if I need to replace it with something with less sugar, what would be better alternatives?

Thank you in advance :)

And please don't judge me too harshly on my food intake. These last 3 days is me on my best food behaviour after logging food consistently for 40-something days.


  • BigRich822
    BigRich822 Posts: 681
    Fruits are great but they have a ton of sugar. I would take out some fruit and substitute it with some fresh Veggies. I limit my fruit intake and only eat vegetables.
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    So things like carrots and cucumbers? I could do that instead of having as many fruits as I currently do.
  • BigRich822
    BigRich822 Posts: 681
    That would work or salad. Everyday I eat a whole pot of steamed veggies, there is none that I dont like.
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    I do not think it is as serious as processed sugars. I have lost all of my weight without worrying about how many grams of sugars I was consuming because I knew I was not eating anything with processed sugars.
    I am definitely a sugar addict and not even a 90 day,"detox," of no processed sugars (no processed ANYTHING) broke my addiction. So, now I am watching my sugar from fruits and vegetables. It has been challenging because I love fresh fruit so much, but there are lower sugar options, thankfully! I am hoping this will kick my habit for good.
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    My sugar has always been way over. As long as your losing weight and you are not a diabetic I wouldn't worry
    about it.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I wish people didn't play the "fruit is evil" card. Fruit has it's place in a diet. The problem isn't carbs, it's people who don't know how to use them.
  • jthomasaz
    jthomasaz Posts: 5 Member
    Carrots are kinda 'carby" though so depending on what kind of eating plan you are on, that might not work either. I was doing WW for a while where all fruits and veggies are free so I was a juicing fool. Well lo and behold I wasn't really losing much weight. Probably because I was taking in way more sugar/carbs than I needed. I have swapped out my fruits with veggies. In fact, and I know this sounds yuk at first, I have been eating fresh, raw squash and zucchini and have really been loving it. Just peel it and use slice it like you would cucumbers. Or green/yellow/red peppers are really good too! And this is cooked, but I have really come to love eggplant and all of these are in season at your fruit market - or mine anyway. Happy Snacking!!
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Do you have a medical reason to limit sugar? Fruit contains a lot of quality nutrients, like loads of fiber, it would be a shame to simply forgo them.
  • Melampus
    Melampus Posts: 95 Member
    You can eat vegetables instead of fruit to eat less sugar but looking at your food diary you aren't eating lots of sugar from processed foods so it seems strange to have a sugar target so low you cannot eat a little fruit. Where did the target come from? I just checked my diary and I am eating more sugar than you and still losing weight quite nicely.
  • jthomasaz
    jthomasaz Posts: 5 Member
    ...and I do still eat my fruits, but I have just way reduced them. I agree with the above comments about fruit not being evil, but in moderation. And if your diet was really crappy, yes obviously a banana although higher in carbs/sugars is going to be much better than a donut. But for me, who didn't have that much weight to lose and eats very cleanly already, this small tweak allowed me to lose the last few lbs that I had to go. So all in all, it really depends on where you are in your lifestyle plan (I hate to use the word diet because it really isn't a diet, it is a behavior change).
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    You can eat vegetables instead of fruit to eat less sugar but looking at your food diary you aren't eating lots of sugar from processed foods so it seems strange to have a sugar target so low you cannot eat a little fruit. Where did the target come from? I just checked my diary and I am eating more sugar than you and still losing weight quite nicely.
    I'm not sure where the target came from. I'm assuming it MPF as I don't recall setting a limit so that's a bit weird.
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    ...and I do still eat my fruits, but I have just way reduced them. I agree with the above comments about fruit not being evil, but in moderation. And if your diet was really crappy, yes obviously a banana although higher in carbs/sugars is going to be much better than a donut. But for me, who didn't have that much weight to lose and eats very cleanly already, this small tweak allowed me to lose the last few lbs that I had to go. So all in all, it really depends on where you are in your lifestyle plan (I hate to use the word diet because it really isn't a diet, it is a behavior change).

    Well I spent the weeks before being a bit careful with what I was eating but not very strict because the last time I tried going cold turkey on everything, I ended up binging my way to a 6 kg gain. So I concentrated on making sure I was working out 5-6 days a week for a month and a bit and decided it's time to ramp up on my how I treat my food. Definetly not looking at it as a diet because I know those don't work so this is a lifestyle change.
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    Do you have a medical reason to limit sugar? Fruit contains a lot of quality nutrients, like loads of fiber, it would be a shame to simply forgo them.

    Nope, no medical reason although diabetes has run rampant on my father's side of the family which is why this concerns me a bit - not enough to completely omit fruits though!
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    You just have to know your carbs folks.

    Fiber = Carb. Role = Push your foods through your intestines.
    Sugar = Carb. Role = To provide your body instant energy to burn. This is a single or double chain molecule. Fructose and Glucose are the only two that meet his criteria.
    Starch (also known as "Other Carbohydrates" = Complex Carb. Role = To provide your body with a steady access to energy to be burned. This is a 3 or more chain molecule. Sucrose (table sugar), grains, and any other "complex carb" fits the bill. These are assumed to be better for your blood sugar but because of their longer digestion, the insulin in your blood keeps fat in your fat cells so when you exercise you're only burning the complex carb sugar.
    Sugar Alcohols = Micro Complex Carb. Role = Same as Starch but a fraction of the calories.

    Yes, it is true that protein can be turned into glucose if you need it, but it's really damn hard to be at a calorie deficit if all you're eating is protein. Not to mention really expensive and taxing on the body.

    EDIT: Fake sugars fit in with the Sugar Alcohols like Aspartame or Sucralose (Splenda) and Truvia. Only since they are chemically created, they are foreign to the body and it will likely trigger an inflammatory response.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Do you have a medical reason to limit sugar? Fruit contains a lot of quality nutrients, like loads of fiber, it would be a shame to simply forgo them.

    Nope, no medical reason although diabetes has run rampant on my father's side of the family which is why this concerns me a bit - not enough to completely omit fruits though!

    Most fruits, with the exception of melon, are pretty low on the Glycemic Index, lower than things like potatoes or rice.
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    I think fruit sugars are okay to eat. But I always wonder why Adam was punished for eating the apple.
  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    I don't see a huge amount of fruit in your diary. I'd be way more worried about the donut, strawberry milkshake, hot dog, cheese fries etc.There is no reason to eliminate fruit from your diet. It is full of vitamins and fiber. Just eat well balanced meals and cut out the refined sugar.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I think fruit sugars are okay to eat. But I always wonder why Adam was punished for eating the apple.

    It came from the tree of Knowledge. I am pretty sure she is ok on that one.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    FRUIT: Eat all you want!

    If you feel like there are too many sugars, start by cutting all other sources of sugar first. Fruit is the best carbohydrate source, in my opinion.
  • lsegatti
    lsegatti Posts: 77 Member
    Consider choosing some fruits that are lower in sugar than others.....berries versus watermelon for example! You can have your fruit and eat it too!

    It always come down to choices.