Looking for friends and support!

Hello, I am posting this because I am at my wits end with getting healthy. I dont have any other choice......if I dont stop the binge eating and rapid weight gain, I am afraid I wont make it to see my children grow up. I have an addiction to food that consumes my life and I cant seem to get control of it. Has anyone else battled this problem? I am almost 200 lbs overweight and I am still YOUNG, I dont deserve this, but cant seem to love myself enough to fight for it. I have tried counseling for years, overeaters anonymous, been turned down for gastric bypass because my emotional eating, used diet pills over the counter and prescription, starved myself, NOTHING WORKS. I need support from anyone who has been in my shoes. This is my last hope to change my life, please, if you can offer any support, I could really use it and use as many friends as I can to help me along this journey. I dont want to go out like this, I want to live and enjoy life again with my family.


  • accutron
    accutron Posts: 10
    First, don't be too hard on yourself. It is easy to do just for the fact that it is easy. If you are here then you did the same thing I did & that is look for help. Look through this whole site & you will get motivated to do something about your situation. You will see you are not alone & this will give you motavation. Some light walking on a schedule could be a start & then progress from there. Don't give up!
  • kerbylin
    kerbylin Posts: 9 Member
    I can understand you! You are me!! All I can say is you have come to the right place. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and lets get down to business. There are some great motivators here. I have had swings where I just dont want to log. I will go back and look and I see people are looking for me. I have days where I mess up my eating. Well, there is always tomorrow and many things to learn about why you do this. I am not a professional at this but I have heart. I would love to be there with you! Hang in girl and know you are not alone!
  • HI, new here, but I agree this seems like the right place. I've tried everything myself, WW, NS, anything you name it. Being a binge eater is hard when your addiction is tied to something you can't quite cold turkey. Along with this app for my phone I found Jamie Eason from bodybuilding.com to be inspirational, along with reading and learning as much as I can about food addiction. I wanted to take back my life and I'm only 6mos on this path, with a long way to go, but I'm feeling great. I know you can too! The first step is the hardest, as cliche as that sound but really saying "self this is it!" is the way to go.

    I have a 5 year old and I'm a single parent so I know things can get tough. If you slip up, do as the others say: don't beat yourself up and pick yourself back up. Health and fitness is a life long thing, not overnight. Like you said, I want to live so it's gotta be done!

    I hope none of this sounds redundant or phoney because I've been known to be an eye roller myself, but it's all about self love. Love yourself with the nutritious food and treat yourself with exercise. Start slow and then pick up the momentum and when that voice in your head says "no I can't" you say "screw you" and do one more rep or 5 more minutes, or walk an extra lap etc. (Personally, I went out and got the brightest pink gym bag I could find and treated myself to a flashy pair of 30% off sneakers lol to jump start my path to get myself pumped.)

    Lastly make it fun. If whatever you're doing is not fun-- motivation will be difficult.

    A friend a.k.a Livin_lucid :smile: