Need a new me but cant get there

Hi ! I am Victoria I am 22 I am currently 226. 2years ago I weighed 160 and I honestly do not understand sometimes how the weight crept up. I downloaded MFP a year ago and never used it just logged in here and there telling myself eventually my fat *kitten* would get up and take control. 6000 cookies later and a bump into an old friend who made the utterly disgusted face but told me I looked good ? 3 weeks ago I told myself ok I am going to be serious and sure I have logged in pretty much every day but am I taken it seriously ? No I get passed lunch and after that its down hill and binge eating. Its disgusting I get mad at myself. So when is enough enough ? I guess only I can answer that for myself. Anyhow starting next Monday I am opening my food diary to help keep me motivated knowing "friends" will see and track what I am consuming maybe even offer advice. Please no ugly comments every one is different. Any one want a friend with open diary please add me :) !


  • baoneill29
    baoneill29 Posts: 138 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm the same way, do great all day but screw everything up in the afternoon/evening. This is a great start to a lifestyle change for you. And keeping track of everything we eat is a great way to start this. You can do it!
  • :D Absolutely feel free to add me; I'll try to hold you accountable but I will never, ever judge you for mistakes/slip-ups. Without them, you would lack humanity, and I'm more interested in seeing you succeed than putting you down for failings.
  • sassi5
    sassi5 Posts: 49
    You can add me. :)
  • lifesazoo
    lifesazoo Posts: 118
    Every single day is a challenge for me with eating. Feel free to add me. I will log honestly and cheer you on for every single baby step you make towards your goal. This is a complete change of life and doesn't happen overnight, but with the right motivation and will, can happen.
  • Victoria, you are definately NOT the only out there like that! haha. And you just described me? weird... :) I am in a health challenge thing and there are some good recipes that are posted in here.
    Feel free to add me.

    if you are like me, the more support and encouragement you have , its like ya get more motivated to not let them down!
    And some people are good at making you feel guilty if you start to slip into unhealthy patterns again.
    Good luck in your weight loss journey!

  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    sorry about your friend's expression when they saw you. Good thing is are taking control. Tracking does help..even when you eat beyond what you should. It really teaches portion control and balance..a great way to get on track.

    Please add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • very nice reply
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    keeping an accurate diary, i really believe, is THE KEY to beginning to take back control. It helps me make better decisions, and, if you are anything like me, an hour after a binge you can't even remember all the things you ate, AND you are probably trying to forget all about it. We love us some denial to go along with our ice cream. But, if you log it, before or as you eat, even the bad stuff, you can see it. It's right there looking back at you.

    This a good reality check... and you might, hopefully, get to a point where, there you are, about to grab another serving of food you don't need because you just ate, ready to log it... you will see the calories/fat/sugar/salt, and before it goes into your mouth you will say... wait. no. I don't want to do this to myself. and if you can do that once? you can do it again. and again. you CAN.
  • poetictraveller
    poetictraveller Posts: 47 Member
    You CAN get starts with believing in yourself! I believe in you and it looks like plenty of others do too! Please add me so I can cheer you on!
  • brunette_gurl_66
    brunette_gurl_66 Posts: 48 Member
    You can add me as well (I've been there as well); but I do have a question for you. Why start Monday?
  • brunette_gurl_66
    brunette_gurl_66 Posts: 48 Member
    like this
  • JLD81
    JLD81 Posts: 133 Member
    Enjoy the process, not just the goal. Dont view it all as dieting and restricting, but as taking care of yourself and committing to your body. Good luck!
  • Enjoy the process, not just the goal. Dont view it all as dieting and restricting, but as taking care of yourself and committing to your body. Good luck!
    A really good mindset.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Hey, you don't need a new you. You are just fine. You deserve to be healthy, happy, and fit. Why do you feel that you don't deserve it? Stop the nonsense, get over whatever you have to get over and start. You only have to start. Then you only have to keep going.
  • What is a food diary and how do I start one?
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    You can do this. You didn't get in the shape you are over night, so don't expect to get out of overnight. Just do it one day at a time. No one can do this for you, only you can do it and you need to do it for yourself not someone else.
    You can set small goals for yourself. you can go for a walk the next time you are wanting to eat when you are not hungry.
    I know I am old enough to be your mom. But feel free to add me as a friend. I have a daughter your age.

    Just don't give up, we aren't .
  • jeninfl
    jeninfl Posts: 20 Member
    I agree, why wait till Monday? Start now! Set your goals, record what you eat. Don't be hard on yourself if you mess up now and then, it's the long term that matters. Start off making small changes. A few days of accurately recording what I eat is usually enough to get me to see where I can start making changes to do better the next day and it definitely gets easier over time. Don't allow yourself to make excuses for not recording. Even if you overeat, record it, even if you have to estimate what it was you ate. Feel free to add me as a friend, I could use some encouragement, too. :)
  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    Many people (including myself) find that once you start healthy habits, you crave them more. Meaning, if you eat more healthy foods, eventually you don't even want the junk food. I also think that exercising helps control cravings. It makes you feel better and therefore have more control over your bad cravings. If you can get up and get moving I think you'll see a big difference.

    Try small changes. Get rid of (or limit) one or two bad things per week. Drastically changing everything at once is just setting yourself up to fail. But do start a regular exercise routine ASAP. Hopefully this helps. You can do it!!!! Feel free to add me if you want.
  • jeninfl
    jeninfl Posts: 20 Member
    What is a food diary and how do I start one?

    If you are on the website, click the 'Food' tab, if you are on the phone app, click the little icon that looks like a sheet of paper next to the home icon. The food diary is where you log what you eat each day. It is very helpful in tracking calorie intake and also carbs, protein, calcium, water.
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    What is a food diary and how do I start one?

    To the left of your home page it gives you place to log your food or exercise.