Gym first thing in the morning without food?



  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I work out fasted regularly with no problem both cardio and lifting type workouts. Meal timing is irrelevant as long as you get all the food you need for the day eating all your calories and ideally meeting your macros.

    ^^ this

    ^^ Same.

    I actually prefer fasted workouts. I would just recommend drinking some water beforehand though.
  • Jessb1985
    Jessb1985 Posts: 264 Member
    I always exercise first thing in the morning then eat before going to work. I know if I eat first i'll end up wasting time and procrastinating and nto make it. I've never thought about eating before exercise in the morning and it's never affected me :)
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    When I used to go to the gym it was at 6am. I would take a sports drink with me for hydration, bike to the gym, do my weights work out, then bike home and have breakfast. Work with what works for you. Good luck.
  • tricia156
    tricia156 Posts: 13 Member
    it depends on how long of a workout if I am pressed for time and only doing 30 min no food...longer workout a handful of trail mix and drink 2 cups of water before workout but never a big breakfast yuk:sick:
  • laracolette
    laracolette Posts: 43 Member
    thanks so much for the advice everyone!! I very rarely feel faint or dizzy, so I think it will work well for me :)
  • munchlaxx
    munchlaxx Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks for posting this topic, I had been wondering about this sort of thing. While I don't get ill working out after having some breakfast, I've been having some fat burning issues at the gym. I'm gonna test my workouts on an empty stomach until the weekend and see what happens. I'll probably slip a protein powder drink and/or luna bar in my backpack for emergencies. ;)
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    I don't eat before I work out, and have been fine. I do, however, have a cup of coffee with a splash of almond milk. (Without the coffee, I don't think I could even get my shoes on to get out the door...)
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    You should always have something first. I used to work at a gym and people would pass out all the time because they don't eat and then think they can work out. Your body needs fuel.

    Not true. I'm a trainer part time and I have many clients perform fasted cardio. I've also done it during a cut. Not everyone passes out while doing fasted cardio.
  • apocalypsepwnie
    More success for fat burning if you workout before eating. You have nothing to burn but fat and a little muscle.
    Kickstarts your metabolism and helps your body keep a more even keal all day.
    However, no more than 30-40 mins or if high intensity 20 mins.

    The reason this works, other than the above, is we still haven't evolved past chasing down your meals. Your brain still wants you to hunt and is wanting you to do this.

    If you eat before a work out (depending on what and how long ago) it's more likely you will burn off the energy from that rather than burning fat. So for example low GI will take 3-4 hours to turn into energy and spike in the blood where high GI takes 30-60 mins. So depending what you've eaten beforehand is what you will burn. If you CAN'T work on an empty tummy try a small meal of complex carbs or a protein bar. If you workout within the hour of eating it you wont be working very much if any of it off.

    If you are eating AFTER a workout beware that there is a 45 min window of anabolic recovery. This is prime time where your body is at it's highest for absorbption. So get in 30-50gm of carbs like beans or veggies and 15gm of protein. Any fat eaten in this time will be stored right away. So doing a run before eating that pizza is not a great idea, run it off later.
  • apocalypsepwnie
    You should always have something first. I used to work at a gym and people would pass out all the time because they don't eat and then think they can work out. Your body needs fuel.

    Not true. I'm a trainer part time and I have many clients perform fasted cardio. I've also done it during a cut. Not everyone passes out while doing fasted cardio.

    If you are passing out on fasted cardio there are some other issues. Either you aren't eating enough cals in general or not enough complex carbs to help your blood sugar level stay as even as possible. If you are eating within the 30 min period before working out your body will not burn it unless it's really high GI like a sports drink or protien shake. Pre-digestives.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Try it both ways, then do what feels best. Your body isn't anyone else's and won't react the same way as anyone else's. Listen to your own self and do what you need to be successful.
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    I usually cycle to work (5 miles) at about 8am without eating and then have a bacon butty around 10:30 in the work canteen if I'm hungry ,
  • leappleton
    Hi, I think this is personal preference, I go to the gym for 7am most mornings and literally get out of bed 15 minutes before I start running on the treadmill, I tried eating in the past but it makes me feel sick!