You or your spouse?



  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    I started a lifestyle change 3 yrs ago and to be honest although verbally my partner was supportive, he would really drag me down at home still insisting on eating take aways in front of me and filling the cupboards with sweets and choc! However, in Jan this yr he gave up smoking, starting eating junk morning noon and night and his weight has rocketed! So for the past month or so he has joined me in trying to eat sensibly and exercising. I've just bought a bike so we can go out together. Fair enough, he still eats some junk but he's improved 10 fold and feels better for it. It has also made it so much easier for me to keep going. Long may it continue :)
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    All me. By myself. Although my husband is supportive of my effort, he couldn't care less about himself. :(
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    My hubs refuses to get on here bc the avi for MFP is a pic of a dancer :)
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    I started this journey alone. But my husband eats what I cook and *DOESN'T COMPLAIN* or he will starve.:bigsmile: He has lost weight. Now he needs to get into some type of exercise. He is not very motivated, yet he is the one on all the medication for cholesterol and stuff. While I take no medication for anything.
  • talmudicshrug
    My wife lost weight a couple of years ago. It's hard being the one left behind. I don't know if it's always the case, but usually there are self-esteem issues involved and no man wants to be in a contest with his wife. I know you wouldn't see it that way but most guys do. You have to let them make the decision themselves when they're ready and try not to make judgements about them being "lazy."
  • ridge1980
    ridge1980 Posts: 46 Member
    My husband and I have been doing this together, although I can't see him ever using a social website like this. :)

    Mainly we just have different weaknesses and it works well if we can push each other to overcome them. Wine was the hardest thing for me to give up, but (not counting last week- it was my birthday) we are only drinking a couple of glasses a wine a week. His weakness was not really ever getting into exercising, which has never been my problem so I motivate him and he motivates me. Its been a slow process but we are both moving down the scale.
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    I am on this journey on my own, my hubby is quite fit and does'nt need to lose weight, he very supportive of me, so I can not complain, he eats what I eat since I do all of the cooking, but if he wants a treat he will have it and that doesnt bother me because I know he is healthy and looks after himself:bigsmile: .
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    I started first then my husband. He would be done before me but his job gets in the way so he doesn't have time to go on the site that much. Doesn't have time to eat healthy or to workout. The only work out he will get is PT in the morning. But once he comes back from Fort Sill he will start again on this site and be on his journey.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I started first, since I decided I wanted to compete, then he worked out with me for a bit until he got hurt, then he did the dieting (for the most part for the first competition) with me and has been very supportive the entire time.
  • kandienicole
    My husband is in the US Air Force, so he was already working out 3-5 days a week...the fact that he was so fit made me want to be fit as well (along with our wedding pictures that made me want to cry because I looked so chubby!). I have started us both on clean eating, protein, and weights...and we are both seeing results we are proud of! Working together towards a common goal has made us even closer and that's awesome!
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    I said I wanted to be skinny again, and kinda forced him aboard the fitness train lol, but he's not very good at following a healthy diet or exercise routine, because he grew up on pizza and 4-cheese lasagna and spent much of his teen years playing computer/ video games and watching anime. -_-* But his mom's bought us both memberships to the gym in our new city (we just moved out for college) which was so nice of her!! I can't wait to get started. :)
  • eatkinso
    eatkinso Posts: 14 Member
    This I totally understand.
  • kenyajae
    kenyajae Posts: 48
    My spouse has the body of a athlete unfortunatley I do not and never have lol. He motivates me though and gives me tips. He is always working out because he is Army Special Forces so he has to stay in shape hes almost obssessed with staying in shape clearly that has not been the case with me :bigsmile:

    I think it would be soo great to have that kind of influence... a steady running partner would do wonders for me :)
  • Cassie8877
    Cassie8877 Posts: 177
    Mine pushes me to better myself .. N he wants to become more healthy himself but as much as he is sick of the way he looks n eats he's not ready for this journey yet.. Which will make it hard when he comes back home... But my journey so far had been amazing n I'm addicted lol :)