Evil temptation....help

I am dying here. My room mate (skinny cow) just bought 4 pints of Ben and Jerry half baked, ice cream snickers bars, ice cream twix bars, bagels and shmeer, 4x24 cases of Sam Adams Oktoberfest, chips, pretzels, buttery popcorn, blueberry muffins with crumbly goodness and enough soda to make the dead rise, farm house cheddar, cheese curds (one of the main reasons Wisconsinites are fat)...and real triple butterkase cheese (3x the milk fat of cheddar) and brats. I get that this is Wisconsin and tailgating is akin to a purification ritual proceeding a religious celebration (long live football) but couldn't the jerk have gotten fruits and veggies? A whole week of utter temptation followed by the day I will likely break and devour a half pound of cheese curds and five brats and will wash it down with a half dozen beers. Help. I have lost 4lbs in two weeks and I don't want to screw this up!


  • joannecollar
    joannecollar Posts: 4 Member
    Im feeling your pain. I eat well by day, but by 7pm when dinner is eaten and the babies are in bed, I cant help it, i just get a monster sugar craving and cram in a packet of biscuits or the chocolate in the fridge. :(
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    "Do not give up what you want the most for what you want in the moment".

    You're facing quite a test of fortitude. And yeah, you could give in and eat your way through this week, but that won't get you to your weight loss goals. You have to choose what's more important to you.

    If I were you, I'd plan to be out a lot this week to minimize the temptation.
  • Gerrie1178
    Gerrie1178 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't let your roommate ruin this for you. Do not give in to temptation. I know it's hard but you must be strong. If you have a sweet tooth have a yogurt or a bowl of healthy cereal or a piece of fruit. Let your roommate know that these items she bought are causing a problem for you. I've tried diets before and failed because my husband wasn't doing it with me and he was eating stuff that I wasn't allowing myself to have. It works better if you have a good support system under your roof. Your roommate doesn't have to be on the diet with you but they could tone down on the junk a bit since its too tempting. And technically you can have that stuff if you wanted to waste your calories and fats and so on for the day. It's just not worth it though.
  • Don't be tempted. If you have to, put a note on the fridge, cabinets, or wherever the food may be with your Goal weight. everytime you go to eat the food you know will set you back the note might help you stay away from it. Good luck
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member
    Good idea. I would likely get more exercise if I am out too.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    "Do not give up what you want the most for what you want in the moment".

    You're facing quite a test of fortitude. And yeah, you could give in and eat your way through this week, but that won't get you to your weight loss goals. You have to choose what's more important to you.

    If I were you, I'd plan to be out a lot this week to minimize the temptation.

    ^^ THIS!!