High protien diaries

Hi, I'm looking for anyone that is eating 100gms or more of protien/day and has an open diary that I can look at to get more ideas. I prefer to try to eat regular unprocessed foods to meet this goal...prefer to stay away from powders and things like that. Thanks:smile:


  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    Hello, I usually try and get more than 100 g of protein a day. Sometimes I don't make it though either. But my diary is open and I usually get close :happy:
  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member
    You can look at mine, too. Sometimes I think it's nice to look at what other people are eating when you get bored with food and need some new ideas.
  • snowpumpkin10ac
    snowpumpkin10ac Posts: 2 Member
    Greek yogurt. One cup has 100 calories, 0 fat and 18 grams of protein.
  • UrbanWild
    That's me--140g. a day. I get quite a bit from powder, but I think they are perfectly healthy when used in conjunction with other proteins from nuts, dairy, poultry, fish, and meat. The deal with eating 'unprocessed foods' is that you often get unwanted fat from them. I'd be UNDER my fat totals for the day if it wasn't for the meats and poultry--even the lean kinds have a fair amount of fat content.

    Another thing on powders: some are way better than others in both ingredients, absorbtion, and flavor. You have to do some research and read some reviews. Then do your own taste tests until you find ones you like. So far I am a fan of Optimal Nutrition Gold Standard. Worth every penny.
  • easfahl
    easfahl Posts: 567 Member
    *Raises hand* I'm a 100+ gram a day protein girl, and my diary is open as well.
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    On MOST days I do, but some days I fall short and I do use protein powder on lifting days, feel free to add me.
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    mine is not open right now since I am kinda taking a mental break from logging but I have ideas that helped me:

    Breakfast- I would add cottage cheese to scrambled eggs and use low sodium ham or low sodium bacon as well. The sodium is still high so if you watch your sodium this may not be for you. Around 30 grams of protein!

    Lunch- One of my favorites was salsa chicken with avocado on top of a salad and I used a little greek yogurt on top instead of sour cream. This meal usually was 59 grams of protein!

    Dinner- One of my favorites was Greek Yogurt Chicken, my version of this recipe was 96 grams of protein!!!
    If you dont like greek yogurt don't worry you can't taste it here is the recipe: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/682756-greek-yogurt-melt-in-your-mouth-chicken

    Snacks: Cottage cheese, Tuna, Almonds

    Hope this helps :smile:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Mine's public, I usually get 225-250g a day with no protein powder (though I do have a bar for a snack before pre-workout). Sometimes I will supplement with powder if needed.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I always have 100+g of protein a day, feel free to take a look at my diary.

    On strength training days I aim for about 180g.... on non strength training days I'm usually around 130-150

    ETA: I DO use protein powder, regularly, works wonders, more people should use it!
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I aim for 110 or so a day. My diary is open to friends.

    I generally get my protein from low-fat dairy (skim milk, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.); eggs; lean meat. I occasionally use a powder for a smoothie.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    I eat about 130-160g protien. My diary is open to friends. Add me and you'll be able to see it.

    I do use protien powder and I don't eat meat 4-5 days of the week. I do eat eggs and dairy but do not drink milk.

    My main sources of protien are fage 0, eggs, tofu, seitan, whole grains, cheese, soy based products.
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    800 calories into my day and I'm at 80g, still haven't had lunch or dinner.
  • KS_4691
    KS_4691 Posts: 228 Member
    Check out my diary. I eat protein on protein on protein.
  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
  • MariaLivingFit
    MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
    My range of daily protein for the last two weeks has been 120 - 180.

    I have 1 protein powder drink per day, but other than that I eat mostly unprocessed foods.

    My diary is open to friends if you'd like to add me. Good luck! :-)
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Me too. 298 grams is my daily goal. I do have to have some powders to get there, but eat lots of other high protein natural items too!
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    My diary's open. I usually get between 90 and 140g per day with no shakes/bars
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    Hi, I'm looking for anyone that is eating 100gms or more of protien/day and has an open diary that I can look at to get more ideas. I prefer to try to eat regular unprocessed foods to meet this goal...prefer to stay away from powders and things like that. Thanks:smile:

    Chobani - 23g per serving (plain)
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    bumping for later...thanks!
  • jesss5885
    jesss5885 Posts: 187 Member
    feel free to look at mine!
    i usually get 100-150g a day