Tips on drinking more water?

Does anyone have any creative ideas on how someone can get enough water in a day? I know the minimum is 64 oz. but I'm not even getting close to that amount. I do get closer to that on the weekends, but during the week, I struggle with this. I work full-time and find it hard to take the time to drink and most times I don't even feel thirsty. I know how important drinking water is to losing weight and overall health but I just can't seem to get the minimum amount.

I've tried 24 oz. water bottles, taking them with me everywhere. I still forget to drink it. I don't drink much of anything to be honest. I've been severly dehydrated twice in my life and it isn't pleasant. I love water!!! I just don't understand.

And advice would be wonderful!


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    The way I got myself to drink water was to buy a case of .5 liter bottles. I placed 4 on the kitchen table each night.

    For the 1st week I gagged down 1 bottle.......maybe 2.......but by the 2nd week I wanted more. By the end of the 3rd week I was drinking 4 bottles + each and every day.

    I also made a deal with myself. NO ice tea, coffee, diet soda UNTIL I had 8 oz of water. The good thing is I also cut down on those beverages because I was full when I had my cup of coffee!

    The body wants...........needs water...............and we have trained it to live without. Once your body starts to get the hydration it will crave water.

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I get a lot of my water through herbal teas. I drink them all day long. Especially during the cold weather.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I buy the bottles of flavored water - making sure there are no calories or sodium in them. I'm now drinking more than my amount and trying to cut back to just drink the 64 oz. I originally bought this stuff for my Mom - she hating drinking water and I was lucky to drink 2 glasses a day when I took my vitamins.
  • pgmorgan
    pgmorgan Posts: 8 Member
    Get you a box of those flavored packets, sugar free no calories or minimal calories. use to be only Crystal Light had them now they come in all kinds of brands. All flavors I have boxes all over in the kitchen, the truck, my office, keep a couple in my purse. I am always prepared and they actually taste good. I dont like just drinking water, i have to have some kind of flavor. i went from drinking no water, to about 8 bottles a day.
  • ChrissyM
    I've started putting in a wedge of lime in my water, adds lots of flavor and no artifical sweeteners.
  • doshie1
    doshie1 Posts: 19
    Try to add some flavor to your water, I am not a water fan at all, I would much rather have diet soda, but we all know that is bad bad bad. I allow myself to add a lemonade crystal light packet to my bottle of water each day, I focus on getting a bottle down before lunch (which is sometimes hard) and a bottle at dinner/night time...that puts me at 3 24oz bottles a day minimum.

    Keep trying, the lady that posted to more you drink of it, the more your body will crave it,,,I am finding this to be a very true statement!

    good luck!!!! you CAN do it!
  • 83Molly
    83Molly Posts: 3 Member
    The water bottle that I use has a straw attached to it...I bought it at WalMart for around $5...I find that the sipping is key to getting my water intake in as I tend to take more water in when I sip rather than drink
  • vampwix
    vampwix Posts: 11 Member
    I buy the crystal light that you mix in a pitcher. One of the little tubs makes 64 oz. If it's a flavor I like, I'm more likely to drink the whole thing.
  • ttroses
    ttroses Posts: 16
    I swear by my CamelBak 32oz water bottle. The trick is the built is straw mechanism, which gives many added benefits. I keep it at my desk all day and near me at home too! It seems like I drink more with the straw becuase I can just pick it up and take a long drink when I have time or slip in quick sips when I'm busy. It doesn't take as much effort to drink out of the straw as it does a water bottle that you have to unscrew the cap, so that makes me drink more too. I find that I drink two bottles (the daily amount) easy and sometimes more! Another benefit is that it won't spill when tipped over, tossed in a bag or the car. Not to mention that it is Earth friendly too because you can reuse it and it's BPA free! It may not be for everyone, but I love it!
  • hoamai
    hoamai Posts: 76
    From an article in today's Washington Post and a book by Denise Austin - additions to water

    slices of cucumber (this is really refeshing)
    orange wedges
    shredded ginger
    mint leaves
    chopped strawberries
    two splashes of grapefruit juice (I love this)
    lemon slices (use this a lot)
    a peppermint tea bag
    green tea drops (I just drink green tea)
    a teaspoon of cranberry juice
    celery sticks
    ice cubes made from orange juice
  • tinasullens
    tinasullens Posts: 203 Member
    Wow, awesome advice everyone! I will have to break out my 24 oz. water bottle again, it has a straw built in also and just make myself sip on it all day until I get into the groove again. I like the idea of not allowing myself to drink anything else unless I have at least 8 oz. of water first!

    Thanks everyone!!!!