love to hear from other moms

Hello! I had my amazing little man December 31, 2011. When I was unhappy with my weight I used the excuse I just had a baby. Then in July I saw several photos of myself in a bathing suit and set a goal to lose 10 pounds by my son's 1st birthday. I would love to hear tips from other moms on how you are losing the baby weight.


  • LoveMy3CutiesLBH
    Welcome!! I'm a mom of 3 crazy kids and I'm trying to get baby weight off as well. It's tough but I'm making progress. I don't know about tips. I'm making the choice to change my lifestyle to include many more fruits, veggies, lean meats, and cutting out the horrible greasy fast food that I used to love. I'm also adding in exercise which I have not done regularly since I was in junior high. Feel free to add me and we'll get the weight off together!
  • Sojaided34
    Sojaided34 Posts: 113
    Hello. I'm a mom of 4 kids (3 girls and a boy). Been trying to get baby weight off for 4 years now. Doesn't help when I had two kids back to back. I'm just trying to get in exercise when I can. Mostly walking since I just throw the younger 2 kids in the stroller and go. Eating habits: can do a bit better but I don't eat junk food. If I'm craving brownies or something I eat 100 calorie snack packs or grab a pudding. Add me if you want. Always nice to have more friends.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    My kids are just turning 18 and 21. I've always said I couldn't blame any of my weight problems on my kids as I gained less than 20 pounds with both of them. I was so sick is why that happened. You know the 24/7 morning sickness. Looking back on when my kids were young I wished I made time for me to exercise. That's my only insight. Find a way to carve yourself some time. You only need about 1 hour a day 4 times a week.

    I've been exercising since November and I write my exercise times on the family schedule. The family knows to plan around it. Yes, there are a few exceptions, but they are made by me. I don't let anyone else talk me out of my work out time. I've learned it SO important to me. I never could have lost 60 pounds without it. Dieting just doesn't work for me. I always gain it back. Now I work out so hard I don't want to ruin it with unhealthy eating.

  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    counting calories.... My kids are 2 and 3, and I didn't gain much weight from them to be completely honest. I gained 60 with my first and lost 30+ the day I left the hospital, and my 2nd, I gained about 10-15. I gained a lot after having them from stress of a house fire, and my thyroid being busted for over 4 years. But that's how you lose the weight no matter where it comes from. Portion control, hard work and sweat.
  • kikilareggae
    kikilareggae Posts: 289 Member
    Hey! I've got 3 kids- just had my youngest last July (2011). I found out about this site back in late Jan/early February. The first week I lost 5 lbs right away! No kidding. I used to eat fast food every day and I have slipped back into that routine every once in a while but as of now, I've lost 24 pounds. I lost most of the weight in the first 3 or 4 months because I was honest wth myself and acutally logging everything I ate. I started out with 1200 calories a day- it forced me to work out at least 5x a week so I would have enough calories to eat dinnger everyday but it worked! I never starved myself and I've lost the weight slow and steady. As you lose weight, your metabolism adjusts and calories goals will adjust and you will be able to eat more. Don't be afraid to trust in this site's recommendations- it has helped me more than anything ever has and I'm in great shape now and I'm a happier/healthier/nicer mom to my children for it! My husband is pretty happy, too! ;) Also, looking on "Success Stories" in the forum is SOOOO motivating! Everytiime I get in an exercise/food rut, I go check out people's stories and get motivated again! Even for just that day. Do the work and you will see results, no doubt!
  • kikilareggae
    kikilareggae Posts: 289 Member
    One more thing, measure yourself at the beginning of this. Sometimes you won't see the weight coming off on the scale and feel like you've hit a plateau and you'll get discouraged. But you will be losing fat in the form of inches! If you're working out and staying under your calorie goal, you will see results every 2 weeks! :)
  • AmyKemp0515
    I am the mother to a 15 month old preemie. I have been trying to motivate myself to lose weight since before I got pregnant. This will be the first time that I have REALLY tried since my son came home from the hospital. I wish you all luck and hope that I can do this!
  • carlydevi
    carlydevi Posts: 68 Member
    Hi there,

    I have a 3 year old son. To be honest, I weighed a lot less even when I was pregnant. I just stuffed myself and didn't work out at all, so it's my fault and not my son's. ^^''
  • stemab3
    stemab3 Posts: 58
    Hi there, mother of 3 beautiful girls and I also weighed more after giving birth to my youngest than I did during my pregnancy with her. We have to take time to take care of ourselves and set a good example for our children.

    Feel free to add me!
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    I am a mother of 3. had my 3rd baby on May 7, 2012. Gained 40lbs during the pregnancy. Lost 26lbs so far. i am 5'2 and hypothyroid. so after the initial weight loss, i am lucky if i lose 0.5 lbs a week. but trying to workout 6 hours weekly and add strength training to my routine.

    feel free to add me.
  • Sammijc87
    Sammijc87 Posts: 10 Member
    Mother of one and one on the way. Im having my boys back to back and I am just trying to eat healthy for now. I have always been hefty but am wanting to lose the baby fat after I have my lil man in november and losing the weight Ive carried around all my life. Before I had my first son I used this site to lose about thirty pounds by being more aware of what I was eating and having to really think about the calories in everything I put in my body. Add me to your friend list I would love another motivated mother!
  • Sammijc87
    Sammijc87 Posts: 10 Member
    BTW my lil man was born august 14, 2011.
  • franchesca127
    I'm a mom of 2 lilttle ones. I want to lose 40lbs and be the strong happy person I used to be. I tend to be a stress eater and my career choice is all about being stressed out for the 8hrs i'm there!! I may not be able to control my work environment, but i do want to get a handle on me. I'm the most happiest when I'm strong and able.

    Recently i had foot surgery. I'm post OP day #5 bilateral foot surgery. Removed an inflamed nerve and removed painful corns and fixed hammertoes.... I can't wait to get back on my feet. i'm off work for the next 7 weeks and so far being bedbound is making me crazy!! Im taking advantage of this time to learn how to use MFP and gain more support in the MFP community....
  • daisiemae123
    daisiemae123 Posts: 277 Member
    I have one little guy that is 16 months. I had lost 50+ lbs before I got married and slowly put back on about 35 of that. Little man brought on the final 15 and I was back to where I had started. Once I made the decision to do something about it, eating right has been easy (most of the time anyway) because I am making healthy foods for him. Problem I am running into is squeezing in more than 10 minutes of exercise here and there or sometimes not at all. Would love to have some mommy friends.
  • mamamia05
    mamamia05 Posts: 82 Member
    Mom of 5 here...17, 15, 9, 8 and 7 I'm so blessed...down 91 lbs since having my last lil one...being a diabetic really motivates me to teach my kids good nutrition etc..I was in a car accident in 09 and had spinal surgery with complications this past march. Its a huge curve ball as I wanted to get my last 20-25lbs off but I do my best. Would luv to hear from other moms...I had 3 preemies myself who now are running around giving each other mani/pedi's for school tomorrow...I luv being a mother :-)
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    hi, im alos a mum of 3! i have 2 boys who are 4yrs and 2yrs and 1 girl who is just 15months. im also getting married in 4 weeks so iv been slimming down for the wedding and just trying to be overall fitter, healthier and look better! i didnt want to be a frumpy looking mom so when i became pregnant for a third time so close after my second pregnancy i knew things needed to change so i started walking and thankfully didnt gain that much extra weight just 2lbs and since she was born last june i have lost 63lbs its just toning i need to focus on now!
  • dawnM3007
    Hey everyone! I have a 13 month old boy. I lost all my baby weight after 10 months and worked my *kitten* off to do it as I gained 3 stone. However due to personal problems I've not been eating well or working out and have got my horrible side bits on my hips again that I worked so hard to get rid of! Oh and an extra 4/5 lbs too :-( I used to go to the gym 3 x a week and do a bit of running. I love feeling fit and strong and will soon be doing turbo fire. I will be getting up at 6 am to so my workouts b4 my son gets up. I prefer to workout 1st thing in the morning so this suits me :-)