Hurricane Isaac is coming....



  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Im in SE texas, we're watching it. took down our canopy and moved lawn chairs. hope it doesnt get ugly for anyone. o had two friends bail out of new orleans last night.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    No Hurricanes in Ontario. I lived & worked in Mississippi post-Katrina, it was so tragic. My prayers are with the people (& my friends) in the Gulf Coast.
  • aegisprncs
    aegisprncs Posts: 240 Member
    Even the edge of the storm was producing multiple tornadoes here yesterday off of very TINY cells that were coming through. They were extremely intense. Don't take it too lightly even though it's not a higher category storm.

    I'm not. I've been through too many to take it lightly. Each is different.

    Definitely. Here in Florida everybody seems to think we're immune to large storm systems since every single one always "comes right at us" and dodges us last minute. If we ever got hit by something we would be hit HARD since nobody takes them seriously and just throws hurricane parties and goes surfing.

    Whats wrong with a hurricane party? You can be smart and have a hurricane party!!
    We have PLENTY of time to prepare for these storms - its not like they form right on top of us!! We started to clean up, gas up, stock up on Wed and Thurs. By Sat we were ready to have friends over - cards and rum make for an awesome time waiting for the storm to come through.

    The thing is - people often wait until the very last moment. NOAA is really good at their job and has done great job at predicting where the storm will hit and the intensity.

    I'd rather deal with Hurricanes any day of the week over earthquakes, blizzards, tornados, wild fires!!!

    I completely agree :-)
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Even the edge of the storm was producing multiple tornadoes here yesterday off of very TINY cells that were coming through. They were extremely intense. Don't take it too lightly even though it's not a higher category storm.

    I'm not. I've been through too many to take it lightly. Each is different.

    Definitely. Here in Florida everybody seems to think we're immune to large storm systems since every single one always "comes right at us" and dodges us last minute. If we ever got hit by something we would be hit HARD since nobody takes them seriously and just throws hurricane parties and goes surfing.

    Whats wrong with a hurricane party? You can be smart and have a hurricane party!!
    We have PLENTY of time to prepare for these storms - its not like they form right on top of us!! We started to clean up, gas up, stock up on Wed and Thurs. By Sat we were ready to have friends over - cards and rum make for an awesome time waiting for the storm to come through.

    The thing is - people often wait until the very last moment. NOAA is really good at their job and has done great job at predicting where the storm will hit and the intensity.

    I'd rather deal with Hurricanes any day of the week over earthquakes, blizzards, tornados, wild fires!!!

    Haha nothing wrong with a hurricane party! What I mean though is when a hurricane is expected to hit, people here only seem to buy alcohol instead of water/other essentials because they know it won't hit us, as usual. Majority of people I knew were posting on facebook to sound 'cool' about how they weren't going to prepare for the storm except to sit out on the beach for a while to catch waves.

    And of course, they were right. Our state somehow dodged it AGAIN. I hope that everybody in the storm's path is well prepared and safe!
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Even the edge of the storm was producing multiple tornadoes here yesterday off of very TINY cells that were coming through. They were extremely intense. Don't take it too lightly even though it's not a higher category storm.

    I'm not. I've been through too many to take it lightly. Each is different.

    Definitely. Here in Florida everybody seems to think we're immune to large storm systems since every single one always "comes right at us" and dodges us last minute. If we ever got hit by something we would be hit HARD since nobody takes them seriously and just throws hurricane parties and goes surfing.

    Whats wrong with a hurricane party? You can be smart and have a hurricane party!!
    We have PLENTY of time to prepare for these storms - its not like they form right on top of us!! We started to clean up, gas up, stock up on Wed and Thurs. By Sat we were ready to have friends over - cards and rum make for an awesome time waiting for the storm to come through.

    The thing is - people often wait until the very last moment. NOAA is really good at their job and has done great job at predicting where the storm will hit and the intensity.

    I'd rather deal with Hurricanes any day of the week over earthquakes, blizzards, tornados, wild fires!!!

    Haha nothing wrong with a hurricane party! What I mean though is when a hurricane is expected to hit, people here only seem to buy alcohol instead of water/other essentials because they know it won't hit us, as usual. Majority of people I knew were posting on facebook to sound 'cool' about how they weren't going to prepare for the storm except to sit out on the beach for a while to catch waves.

    And of course, they were right. Our state somehow dodged it AGAIN. I hope that everybody in the storm's path is well prepared and safe!

    :happy: Gotcha!!

    And yes there are some idiots who are not prepared and suffer the consequences. Prepare, prepare and maybe a little more preparing - then PARTAY!!! :drinker:
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    Um, isn't it mandatory to evacuate if you have a child that is unable to care for itself if you are incapable? If not, it should be. And you're completely ridiculous for not leaving if you honestly think it's going to be bad enough to cause loss of power.
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    We're actually expecting the hurricane to make land fall on the coast area where I'm from either tonight or first thing tomorrow morning.

    I'm ready but nervous because this go around I have an 11 month old.... I'm sitting at work checking my list of items and I guess I"ll go fill up my car.

    When Hurrican Katrinia Came My mother, brother, and myself were without power for 2 weeks.. hopefully it won't be that bad :(

    Anyone else affected by the hurricane?

    It was just a TS when it came to S. Fla. REALLY REALLY bad rain. If you look at the other Hurricane Isaac threads out there, and look at some of the photo's I posted...we are on the SOUTHEASTERN part of fla..which was hardly touched, and still had some serious flooding.
  • JayTee146
    JayTee146 Posts: 218 Member
    I went to the store yesterday because I got nervous that I didn't have enough water and.. it looked like a bomb hit the store.. people were clearing shelves of canned food, I seen people walking around with one and two baskets full of water... I thought wow! I just wanna grocery shop! not to mention I waited in line for almost 20 minutes.

    I just discovered a few hours ago I've been :grumble: "drafted":grumble: by my boss and his boss to volenteer at the shelter. I normally wouldn't have an issue except for now I have a child and I don't want to leave her for anything in the world. I'm to report there in the morning. I did tell my boss to tell his boss that I'm taking down addresses so that I can mail pics of my BUTT for them to kiss:smooched: if it's not looking right tomorrow. He kept talking and I said... hey.. sir... just tell me who to address this letter to because I'm not leaving my HOUSE! my heart goes out to anyone displaced by this storm/hurricane however I don't want to leave my baby at allllllllllllll!
  • JayTee146
    JayTee146 Posts: 218 Member
    Um, isn't it mandatory to evacuate if you have a child that is unable to care for itself if you are incapable? If not, it should be. And you're completely ridiculous for not leaving if you honestly think it's going to be bad enough to cause loss of power.

    no where to go... I don't have the resources or money to go anywhere. I'm not on the coast I'm about an hour and a half or so away... True I should have an emergency fund to go so I wouldn't have to worry but honest.. all extra money goes towards caring for my daughter and bills...
  • MidnightSaturn
    MidnightSaturn Posts: 16 Member
    Um, isn't it mandatory to evacuate if you have a child that is unable to care for itself if you are incapable? If not, it should be. And you're completely ridiculous for not leaving if you honestly think it's going to be bad enough to cause loss of power.

    No one is ridiculous if they can't leave their homes for stuff like this. We all have our individual situations, some of us have nowhere to go, and the power companies aren't exactly the best. We live in Baton Rouge and every time the wind blows our lights go out, whether there's a storm or a sunny day out. Please be a little more considerate when it comes to these things, they're quite devastating for everyone involved.
  • prunella1066
    prunella1066 Posts: 89 Member
    Um, isn't it mandatory to evacuate if you have a child that is unable to care for itself if you are incapable? If not, it should be. And you're completely ridiculous for not leaving if you honestly think it's going to be bad enough to cause loss of power.

    No one is ridiculous if they can't leave their homes for stuff like this. We all have our individual situations, some of us have nowhere to go, and the power companies aren't exactly the best. We live in Baton Rouge and every time the wind blows our lights go out, whether there's a storm or a sunny day out. Please be a little more considerate when it comes to these things, they're quite devastating for everyone involved.

    Thank you!! Yes.....everyone has their own individual situation and it isn't always easy to just evacuate as people may think it is. I am in Ocean Springs, MS and I hope things are ok for you JayTee. We are ok here at the house and still have power right now. But there's a lot of flooding just off the coast and probably in other areas around the bayous and rivers. I am praying for everyone going through this horrible storm that just won't seem to go away!! Please take care and be safe!! :)