Back Online- Need more support

I haven't been on this site for about 8 months but I decided to go back at it and try this again. I decided it really is time for a change. 8 months ago I was in Iowa and I was doing wonderful, I ate healthy and I ran at least four miles a day. Then a couple months after that I transferred colleges and got into a bad crowd. I ended up becoming depressed and I knew something had to change. I made the biggest change of my life by moving all the way across the country to Pennsylvania. I made some wonderful friends at my new college. We were always active. I didn't even feel like I had to work out because we were always playing active types of game like manhunt (a form of hide and seek in the dark). Then I met a guy. He lit up my world. He didn't go to college but I feel for him hard. Now its the next semester and I'm no longer on campus with all of my active friends. I live in an apartment with my boyfriend and my best friend but they work all day long and I just sit here doing my online classes and keeping the apartment clean and nice. One of my friends took a video the other day and when I watched it I can't believe how much bigger I look then what I looked like 8 months ago. I really do need a change and I would like support to help me. :)

Sorry About The Long Post :P


  • Pennsylvania welcomes you! I hope you have success in reaching your goals. I'm new to this myself, but if ever you need extra support feel free to hit me up. =)
  • Carri1
    Carri1 Posts: 82 Member
    Welcome back! :smile: May you have even more success this time and learn new things to stay healthy and fit!
  • CurvyBlossom
    CurvyBlossom Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks to both of you. :)
  • Welcome back! If you need more encouragement, feel free to add me as a friend.
  • NeeneVa
    NeeneVa Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome back!! Sounds like you are making a great decision to come here for support and get back on track! Let us know how we can help!

  • tairaven
    tairaven Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome back! We're all here to help and support you along the way :-)
  • txdahl
    txdahl Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome back! I know what you mean, my work is sitting at a desk then go to school at night so my time is spent sitting somewhere. With homework by weekends are not very active anymore. Friend request sent.
  • Well, the good thing about being online all day is that you have access to MFP support and other tools. Make a friend request if you like! :O)
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    you've done it in the past so you know what you need to do...we can help support you and help in any way we can. While you're doing those online studies try doing some squats or maybe leg lifts. Arm stretches something to get moving...on my off days I get up on commercials and do squats, and use my bands to workout with. There is a lot you can do...keep at it and best of luck
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 315 Member
    Welcome back! I just came back a couple of months ago too after being gone for about the same length of time, but I'm doing MUCH better this time around! You or anyone else is welcome to add me. I love friends! Everyone here is so motivational and supportive. Love, love, love it!
  • CurvyBlossom
    CurvyBlossom Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks everyone :)