Rrrrrrrr... DOCTORS!



  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    My dr told me that a procedure that I knew to be a diagnostic procedure because I had had it done before was actually a treatment for the condition that he was diagnosing. I decided to go to a specialist for that one.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I tend to say that doctors are idiots and I mean it fully.

    There have been so many issues with SO many doctors that my wife has visited over the last few years that it makes me crazy! I could go through it all and give examples but this post would turn into a gigantic wall of text.

    Needless to say that while you still have to be on your toes, we've had MUCH better luck with naturopath doctors actually LISTENING to what she has to say, does the appropriate tests, takes time to interpret them and provide her with treatment options, with plenty of follow up and reliance on drugs only when it makes sense.
  • clariangel
    clariangel Posts: 156 Member
    My grandmother always said you need to take care of you own health and don't rely solely on doctors. Because doctors "practice medicine". I giggled when she said that, but I understand what she meant.
  • nikilovesaxl
    My doctor literally blaims everything on my weight. Oh, you have a headache? Its cause you're fat. You broke your arm? Fatty. But I've lost 35 pounds and she hasn't even acknowledged it. As if my self esteem wasn't low enough. I don't need this wench telling me all my problems are because I'm overweight when I know they're not.
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    I tend to say, "Doctors are idiots".

    I don't really mean it. Usually, they are pretty smart people. Every doctor I have met outside of their office, like in a social gathering, seem pretty sharp. But, I think they get caught up in weird *kitten*. A guy I work with is probably in the best shape of anyone I know, and his doctor was telling him that he is obese. He kept questioning them, and kept asking because it concerned him. Eventually, the doctor backed off and told him to not worry about it. Why make that statement at all until you are sure. All you have to do is look at him and you can tell he's not obese. It's ridiculous. It's times like those when I realize that they aren't really using their brains. They are just looking at paper.

    Going through cancer with my mom, I've learned to never ever trust a single word any doctor tells you, ever. Question EVERYTHING they say and never just take their word for it. Ever. They might kill you.

    I agree!!! When my grandmother had breast cancer, they almost performed surgery on the wrong breast!!!! She kept saying no, it's the right one, not the left, and they thought she was just saying things from the medication. Good thing my grandfather stepped in. And even before she was diagnosed, she went to the doctor several times saying she had an uncomfortable lump in her breast but they kept telling her nothing was there.
  • oldsoggyswimmer
    I agree with Brian. Look for a doctor that you can speak with, you trust and who comunicates ideas well to you. They could be the smartest one of them all and if they can not communicate with you regarding results and plans they have for you - then it doesn't matter - you might as well use Dr. Google. Would you go to a store or a restuarant over and over if you kept getting bad food or over charged? I bet doctors have just as many stories about us as patients. Surround yourself with people you trust and work well with, the rest takes care of itself.

    And of course BMI doesn't tell us anything about body fat%, it was never intended to. It remains a quick and easy method for INSURANCE companies to predict risk of certain illnesses.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    I agree, and I have no agenda. Just an average woman who has a physical once a year.

    All the years I was overweight by 60 pounds - never a word about "Lose some weight." So I have the opposite gripe. Instead of treating the cause, I was being treated for the symptoms.

    Reflux? Here, have this $1,800 procedure.

    Knee pain? How about physical therapy, X-Rays, MRIs, surgery? $4,700 later......

    Constant migraines? Here, let's try (no joke - over the years,) "Let's try antidepressants, beta blockers, anti-seizure meds, or all-at-once." ..add in a rotating pharmacoepia of specific expensive drugs to take when the above prophyllactic measures failed.

    Back pain? *see knee pain above. Only I didn't do the surgery this time. I was getting smarter.

    Fast forward. Lost the 60 pounds. Took myself off all the drugs. I'm fine. NO thanks to you, Ms. Medical Doctor. I don't even talk to her about my issues anymore....oh, wait, what issues?

    Whatever happened to nutrition and exercise? Cures just about anything. Oh yeah, can't make any money off that.

  • MerBear1985
    I HATE the doctors that use BMI to determine obesity and whether or not you need to lose weight. I was told when I was 16.....16!!!!!! that I had to lose at least 10lbs to be in a healthy weight range. At my lowest weight as an adult I still was not within the "healthy" range and I looked like I didn't eat (I had been sick) and people were asking me if I was ok. If any doctor told me that today I would kick them to the curb.

    **Do I also need to mention I was playing soccer, field hockey and many other sports at the time and was pretty much all muscle?

    Stupid Doctors!
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    My doctors (FP and OB) are awesome. They listen to everything I have to say, and are understanding of genetics and so on. I think he might need a new doctor? At LEAST a second opinion before he commits to anything,
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Docs are trained to treat the biological workings of the body. Nutrition and nourishment really isn't their strong point. It's a damn shame.

    This^ and trained to treat illness, not prevention. Unfortunately, that now usually means pharmaceuticals or other questionable procedures. Any doctor who "poo poos" natural remedies, medicinal plants, and promotes an unhealthy diet (low fat) isn't very knowledgable imo.

    I've had a number of doctors who were very honest and disclosed that they could not offer nutritional advice because they didn't learn much about it in school (one course). I appreciate the honesty, but since diet is the main factor for health, I must rely on gathering my own information and taking responsibility for my own health. However, there certainly still is a time and place for their advice/treatment, keeping in mind that they work within what I consider to be a very flawed industry.

    Doctors have their uses, but one must also do what makes sense for their own health. Following only the BMI recommendations to determine a healthy weight isn't accurate nor necessarily healthy. Achieving the mid to low range of my BMI would make me too thin, gaunt, and unhealthy. I've seen my Mom at that range and she looked, and felt, close to death.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I think doctors have their place when there is something seriously wrong. If I break an arm, ok, I'm going to go to the doctor. My Dad's cancer doctor was great, and what was potentially a death sentence for him has been turned around and he's cancer free for the time being.

    That being said, when my wife took a survey and exhibited 90 out of 120 symptoms for a thyroid disorder but couldn't get her GP to run additional tests (when first ones came back "normal") and I had to get irate with his office. She asked for a consultation to a specialist and he refused. Again, I had to intervene, and then when the endocrinologist said her issues were not thyroid related but because she is "lazy and fat" that pushed it over the edge.

    Once we found a naturopath that looked at the blood work again, she found that there was an issue, and several more that indicate an autoimmune disorder. NONE of these results were ever talked about before this. After her thyroid got treated many other issues resolved themselves too such as

    Low body temp
    Unexplained rashes and hives
    Etc, etc, etc

    Of course all of these were because she's fat and lazy though...right?
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    A lot of doctors barely have any time to spend with their patients. I read, on average, a doctor spends maybe 5-10 minutes with a patient per appointment. Typically you see your doctor once a year. They don't know you, they're busy, and they may not be 100% in the room with you as they are thinking of the zillion other patients/appointments they have or how they missed lunch because someone was 30 minutes late and it threw off their entire schedule. It happens. That is why magazines, news stories, whatever tell you to go to your doctor with a list of questions and if you don't like the answer or the diagnosis to get a 2nd or 3rd opinion. It doesn't mean #1 was wrong but you are just making sure. If #2 comes up with same diagnosis, you should be good. If my doctor doesn't listen to me, next!

    I once saw a new doctor. I asked for advair (only med that works on my asthma). He refused to give it to me, saying I didn't need something that strong. I was in my late 20's at the time and had been on various asthma drugs since about 2nd grade. I think I know what works... But I tried the drug he wanted me to. Guess what? It didn't work. We know our bodies better than a doctor sometimes. We have to live in it 24/7/365.
  • Birdie
    Birdie Posts: 256 Member
    Your going to see a lot of this type stuff due to new government regulations. Everything is now online and automated. The doctors input your numbers and they are told what you have to work on and what tests to do. If they don't comply then they will get in trouble. All the doctors at my clinic HATE this new system.
  • pixelberry
    pixelberry Posts: 167 Member
    I dropped 30+ pounds on my own without the help of the doctor. Come annual physical time the doctor then accused me of being anorexic. I promptly found a new doctor.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Your going to see a lot of this type stuff due to new government regulations. Everything is now online and automated. The doctors input your numbers and they are told what you have to work on and what tests to do. If they don't comply then they will get in trouble. All the doctors at my clinic HATE this new system.

    ????? Where is this supposedly happening?
  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    Why did he want your friend to take off some weight? There may have been a good reason, like if he has severe joint problems in his lower extremities or some organ disease.

    There are reasons to take off weight that have nothing to do with being "fat".

    There was no specific reason called out, and, again, my friend is in good shape. Exercises a lot, etc. No joint pain or anything like that. Just mindless adherence to the BMI chart.

    Did your friend ask? I mean, that's pretty startling incompetence right there if the story is as you tell it. Obviously there's no healthy way for a person with 11% body fat to lose 20 pounds of fat. There are a very few studies which indicate some health risks to being "overweight" even when that weight is muscle, but those are few and appear to be outliers. Overall I can't see any doctor saying what your friend's did if he actually had all the info available.
  • vtachycardia
    I tend to say that doctors are idiots and I mean it fully.

    There have been so many issues with SO many doctors that my wife has visited over the last few years that it makes me crazy! I could go through it all and give examples but this post would turn into a gigantic wall of text.

    Needless to say that while you still have to be on your toes, we've had MUCH better luck with naturopath doctors actually LISTENING to what she has to say, does the appropriate tests, takes time to interpret them and provide her with treatment options, with plenty of follow up and reliance on drugs only when it makes sense.

    Luck and naturopath - two words meant for each other.

    Do you know what they call alternative medicine that works?

  • vtachycardia
    Btw . I know a chemist who switched to alternative medicine and remedies. Actually manufacturing, recently diagnosed with lymphatic cancer and now incurable because he did not immediately go to a real doctor.

    Sad news, now his non-smoking or drinking wife has incurable throat cancer. And just for total bad luck, daughter passed because of ms. All children raised on alternatives and organic.

    And with that data set my case is proved. No wait, it was anecdotal.

    Now I must have some bleach for my flu and hydrochloric acid for my digestion.
  • wayned22
    wayned22 Posts: 10
    Doctors and, for the most part "weight guidelines" in general do not take into account above average muscle mass, larger frame bone structure, etc. The BMI guidelines do not take above average muscle mass into account as well. Not everyone fits into the "guidelines" . If your friend really has 11% body fat then his doctor is an idiot. (more than likely though the calipers were used inccorectly)
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I agree, and I have no agenda. Just an average woman who has a physical once a year.

    All the years I was overweight by 60 pounds - never a word about "Lose some weight." So I have the opposite gripe. Instead of treating the cause, I was being treated for the symptoms.

    Reflux? Here, have this $1,800 procedure.

    Knee pain? How about physical therapy, X-Rays, MRIs, surgery? $4,700 later......

    Constant migraines? Here, let's try (no joke - over the years,) "Let's try antidepressants, beta blockers, anti-seizure meds, or all-at-once." ..add in a rotating pharmacoepia of specific expensive drugs to take when the above prophyllactic measures failed.

    Back pain? *see knee pain above. Only I didn't do the surgery this time. I was getting smarter.

    Fast forward. Lost the 60 pounds. Took myself off all the drugs. I'm fine. NO thanks to you, Ms. Medical Doctor. I don't even talk to her about my issues anymore....oh, wait, what issues?

    Whatever happened to nutrition and exercise? Cures just about anything. Oh yeah, can't make any money off that.

    And, most people are not going to lose the weight no matter what you tell them. Not that doctors shouldn't still mention that x problem would be greatly improved if you were able to lose y amount of weight, but in reality most overweight people either stay overweight or become obese.