Any females around 5'10"?

I am 5'10" and currently weigh around 165. It's hard to relate to some of the other threads with women much smaller than me. I was curious with people closer to my height what is the average weight and body measurements? Right now I believe that I am 38-33-39, my thigh is 23.5. I am feeling pretty good about everything except my waist. I feel that I could lose a few more inches there. If it's not too personal I would greatly appreciate replies.


  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I have no idea what my measurements are...but I'm 5'10'' and at 173 right now, goal of 155. We need a tall kids club. :laugh:
  • MegKat
    MegKat Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'8 and 165, I want to loose 10 pounds. My friend is 6' and 200. So I think you are doing great! It's nice to have a number in mind but the closer you get the more you can think about the areas you need to change rather than the amount of weight. I know what you mean, it's hard to relate when 115 isn't even an option! Best of luck
  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    I'm 6'1.5" completely barefoot and 6'2" with any shoes at all. :]

    So I'm a little bit over your height but I'm at my goal, 170... although I would loveee to be 160. I believe I have what they call a gourd shape (think butternut squash lol) because my chest is small, my waist is smaller and my hips are the biggest of all. I have not had any children. I'm a 33-28-40. My thigh is 24 inches. So I am definitely bottom heavy. I would LOOOOVE to have smaller hips but from hipbone to hipbone it's 13.5 inches.. so it was never meant to be.

    I have a great butt tho.. so that's something. :] And I completely agree to the tall club thing!! I feel GIGANTIC compared to everyonnnnnne but I fit a small men's shirt and size 7-9 jeans.. not exactly big.
  • kellysmithboise
    I am 5'10 and 173. My goal is 145- 150. My problem area is my stomach as well. And yes I agree that it is hard to relate to our shorter friends. My measurements are 38 31 40-- but I haven't checked them in a while.
    Good luck with your goals! You have come so far already:)
  • kellysmithboise
    I am 5'10 and 173. My goal is 145- 150. My problem area is my stomach as well. And yes I agree that it is hard to relate to our shorter friends. My measurements are 38 31 40-- but I haven't checked them in a while.
    Good luck with your goals! You have come so far already:)
  • lydiabeth4
    I totally know how you all feel! I'm 5'11" and i know i will never be a small girl because i also have a very athletic build...I weigh a little over 200 pounds right now and i want to get down around 165. I just started with this site and i'm feeling really good about it! =)
    Tall girls unite!!!!
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    I'm pretty close to 6' and right now I'm 209 with a pant size of 14. I haven't taken measurements for a while, but I'll do that when I'm motivated and report back! I'm aiming for a goal of 170 for now!
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    I have no idea what my measurements are...but I'm 5'10'' and at 173 right now, goal of 155. We need a tall kids club. :laugh:

    That's my height, thats my current weight, and that is my goal weight! Hello body twin!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Yay tall ladies! I'm 5'10" and my goal is about 145lbs. I've definitely got a muscular build (under the FAT, that is.. :laugh:) but from my bone structure - wrists, hips.. - I know I don't have a huge frame. My problem is definitely my torso. I gain in the belly and boobs most of all. Ugh. Not sure of my measurements right now, either.
    I'm glad this thread was started. I've often felt unsure about my goals because there just aren't as many voices discussing what's healthy at our heights! :bigsmile:
  • smiles04
    Wooohoo for tall women! I'm 5'10 and about 137 pounds. I'm trying to gain some weight and looking to be around 145. I'd like to look a little bit healthier. I'm not sure what my measurements are but I am pretty big boned. :tongue:
  • Derm94
    Derm94 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I am 5'8" (on the short side for this thread) and I currently weigh 175. My goal is 160 which I think will put me back in my size 10 clothes. My current measurements are 41 bust, 35 waist, 43 hip. I am huge chested and have a curvy shape even when I am thinner. I've also had 7 kids so there is no chance that these hips will ever be tiny again. I am ok with that though.
    Best of luck to everyone.
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Hi Girls

    I'm 5'10 too, this is a great thread!

    I weigh 153lbs and want to get down to 140lbs

    What I find quite interesting is dress size though, because i never seem to be able to get any lower than a 12 (UK)!!
  • shannahrenee
    Hi ladies! I just recently realized I was only about 5' 9 (I thought I was 5'10 for a very long time and for some reason 5'9 is hard for me to own just yet, I know I'm weird). Anywho...I'm at 187 right now and my goal at the time is 174, I actually don't want to get too skinny, I like being curvy (my boyfriend enjoys it as well :blushing: ) My measurements are about 38 bust 31.5 waist and 40 hips. I'm still in a size 14 I don't know if I'll ever make it into a 12. I have a couple pairs of 12 goal jeans but they really feel like they'll never fit :sad: Oh, also my upper thighs are about 25 (blah!) maybe that's why I can' t fit into the 12. My dress size is a 12 though so I'm pretty happy about that.

    I love hearing what measurements, weights, and sizes the tall girls are. I have a hard time determining goals because of my height so it's nice to have something to learn from.
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Hey all! I am 5'10" and weigh 146 I want to be around 140. I don't know my measurement?
  • smiles04
    Hi Girls

    I'm 5'10 too, this is a great thread!

    I weigh 153lbs and want to get down to 140lbs

    What I find quite interesting is dress size though, because i never seem to be able to get any lower than a 12 (UK)!!

    OMG! Me too. I wear a size 4 in pants. But when I try on dresses that have zippers on the back they just won't zip unless they are an 8 or bigger! I think it's because I have really broad shoulders from swimming. But I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem. THat just shows that people are meant to be different shapes and sizes. :smile:
  • jewls261521
    I'm 5'10" and about 180. I'm looking to lose about 10-15 lbs. before my wedding, but overall my goal is 150.
    FITKIST Posts: 21 Member
    I wish - LOL:love:
  • jentx
    jentx Posts: 244
    I'm 5'8" and weigh 187 right now, my goal is 145. I wear a loose 14 now, but really I just want to be a size 6 jeans, so not sure what the exact weight for that for me is. We totally need to make this a tall girls support group! :flowerforyou:
  • riley408
    I think your measurements are right on track, it is so hard for us to judge due to our height. I"m 5'8", I weigh 141, my measurements are 37-281/2-38, my thigh is 20. My goal is to weigh around 130, I want to lose at least 10 pounds.
  • sojones65
    sojones65 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a tall girl as well....for years I believed I was 5'11 until my physician recently informed me that I'm two inches shorter than I originally thought, but anywho....I feel like a giant in size compared to you ladies...I don't want to list my measurements because they are truly out of line with anyone who has posted. I'll just say I need to lose about 80 pounds to begin to even think of shopping in the misses section....working on it daily....did plyometrics last night (a killer workout) and I'm sore all over...Thanks for the motivation....someone, somewhere is always wanting to climb a tall girl....