Flavored water

Any tips on how I can flavor my water? I don't want to buy flavored water from the store when I have perfectly good tap water at home, but I'm afraid that I might get sick of drinking just plain water.
Sometimes I add lemon slices, but does anyone else have any other suggestions?


  • CaffeineAssisted
    CaffeineAssisted Posts: 14 Member
    I bought the flavored essence 3 pack but I haven't actually tried it yet because I saw a fair amount of bad reviews on amazon saying that it taste artificial :/ I bought it because it said natural ingredients but who knows. Apparently The True Lemon/ True Lime line seems to be very popular. I will be trying them next because I was addicted to soda and flavored drinks but can't have them anymore.
  • WaimanaloMan
    WaimanaloMan Posts: 160 Member
    There are quite a few cordials you can mix with your water, we like the Ocean Spray cranberry one and a generic lime juice cordial. Just read the calories carefully, for example our cranberry mix amounts to about 96 calories for a glass, but the lime mix only comes to 6 calories for the same volume! I know 96 calories might not seem like a lot, but if you are drinking over 10 glasses of water a day it will add up pretty quick. Have fun picking one out!
  • daughterofthesea
    daughterofthesea Posts: 82 Member
    You could put squash in it, get the ones that have less sugar or "diet" squash.
  • anjukins
    anjukins Posts: 103 Member
    i often add crushed mint, sliced cucumber, lemon slices, or lime slices to my water. also sometimes i add an herbal tea bag (like orange blossom or berry) to a quart of water and put it in the fridge for an hour or so.

    also, my mom has a water carbonator, and she flavors her sparkling water with 'natures flavours' spring water drops. she likes them.
  • KeelsSa
    KeelsSa Posts: 3
    I add a slice of lemon and a slice of lime to boiling water..maybe a candarel sweetner too. Very nice and tends to fill me up too :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    A chopped apple and a stick of cinnamon
    Cucumber and mint
    Lemon and lime slices
  • Thank you for your suggestions!
  • Making your own iced tea might be good! Just boil the water, let it steep, and either pour it over ice to drink immediately, or leave it in the fridge overnight to cool (I use a mason jar that has a cute little handle on the side for drinking).

    I know celestial seasonings has some good "zinger" blends that are specifically made to be iced, but you can do it with pretty much any kind of tea you like. The trick is to let it steep for the exact amount of time they tell you -- certain teas taste fine hot if you leave the bag in for too long but get really bitter once they're cold!
  • I started using Mio a few weeks ago, a lot of different flavors and some have caffiene which I still need in the mornings.
  • Jelleebean
    Jelleebean Posts: 212
    I started using Mio a few weeks ago, a lot of different flavors and some have caffiene which I still need in the mornings.

    i am ADDICTED to the strawberry watermelon... and hubby is quite the fan of the blueberry pomegrante. :)
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I can't stand those bottled flavored water.
    My tip is get some fruity, exciting tea bags and just through them into your cold water.
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    buy frozen fruit and place them in a jug of water....let sit over night in fridge....buy 3 or 4 different ones.....and voila! U got ur very own low cal fruit punch!
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    I feel that flavored waters, etc are really unnatural.

    You can freeze fruit juices into ice cubes!
    You can also freeze fruit and add it to your water.

    Other options, you can add the following:
    1. Sliced cucumber. (Lemon also goes well with cucumber!)
    2. Citrus Fruit.
    3. Fresh mint leaves. (You can also add strawberries to it for extra goodness)
    4. Fruit like strawberries, pineapple, rasberries, honeydew, blueberries, peaches.
    5. Mixed fruit: Orange, lemon, lime, strawberrys, and cucumber go well together
    6. Sun tea! Liptons tea bags with sliced lemon over plenty of ice.

    If it still doesnt sound appealing, maybe try it with carbonated water instead.
  • I use a few things
    Crystal light

    On the days i crave soda. I bought a soda stream and its awesome. That way i can have the carbonated water. I will add mio flavors or crystal light to it or simply lime or lemon juice.

    In a need for alcohol drinks... Try the crystal light appletini or the margarita's they are awesome. Those are only 5 calories and I enjoy the appletini :)) Maybe that will help you out...

    Soda Streams you are now able to buy at walmart and its slightly spendy but its the best thing we have EVER bought :))
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I like to put a little bit of lemon juice in it =)
  • cindys0417
    cindys0417 Posts: 1,274 Member
    Just buy the flavored packets that are no calories . I only use 1/2 packet in bottle of water (16 oz) to give it a little taste. It works for me. I get the hawaiian punch ones as they are only $1 for pack of 8...I lose weight consistently so it doesnt hurt to use the flavored packets.
  • Try using different fruits :)
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    I started using Mio a few weeks ago, a lot of different flavors and some have caffiene which I still need in the mornings.

    i am ADDICTED to the strawberry watermelon... and hubby is quite the fan of the blueberry pomegrante. :)

    Try the berry pomegranate mixed with the lemonade. It's amazing!
  • latinlady435
    latinlady435 Posts: 33 Member
    bump for ideas
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member

    Get a small piece of ginger root. Cut off the skin and add a piece to your glass or pitcher. VERY refreshing.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Every now and then, when I get bored with plain water all day, I'll get a 6 oz container of raspberries and smash them through a fine mesh strainer. Then I mix the raspberry juice with 2 packets of Stevia in the Raw for a little extra sweetness, squeeze some lemon juice into it and dump it in a pitcher of filtered water. Yum.
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I usually have sugar free fruit squashes, Vimto, Lemon, Orange and Blackcurrant. I like my squash really weak and watery though, so there are not many calories.
  • put a couple drops of vanilla in it
  • skankamaggot
    skankamaggot Posts: 146 Member
    True lemon / True lime
  • katwi99
    katwi99 Posts: 12
    I add liquid Stevia - actually English Toffee and Vanilla. It does change plain water up a bit
  • The cheapest and most tasty, to me, are Wylers Suger Free Light Singles To Go. There are 8 packets per box and only cost $1 per box. Use one per bottle of water. Buy them at Dollar Tree, Family Dollar, Walgreen, CVS for $1. At Walmart and most grocers, they cost more. My favorites are Raspberry and Peach. The also have Iced Tea/0Lemonade, lemonade, Fruit Punch, Hawaiian Punch, on and on. Not all stores have all favors.