Quitting smoking and losing weight? Come say hello



  • quickchekgal
    quickchekgal Posts: 213 Member
    Me! Hello there. My name is Lacey. I haven't officially quit..but I have cut back a lot. I don't really smoke during the week at all and just have some on the weekends. Usually when I go out. But, I'm a stress smoker. I've been really stressed out lately and find myself wanting to buy a pack! Ughhh :(
  • cindybindyboo
    I quit smoking 9 months ago using an electronic cigarette. I turned into a food pig everything tasted so yummy and put on 14kg! If i didnt do something about it im sure my weight would have just kept going up and up and up. Its slowly going the other way now, but i really should have done what you are doing and started a healthier diet at the time of quitting. I just thought it wouldnt happen to me but i guess cigarettes really keep the heart pumping and therefor weight down :(
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Add me if you'd like some support. I quit smoking with the patch 7 weeks ago. I was super snotty and super hungry for the first few days. And again when I stopped with the patch.

    I had tried unsuccessfully 3 times over the past 2 years to quit but, the weight gain scared me into going back to it. This time I am doing it all right. No smoke, no alcoholic drinks, working out and eating well.

    Gotta say I am feeling fantastic.
  • sassified66
    sassified66 Posts: 31 Member
    Good luck with all your trying to accomplish! I have done well with MFP, but soon I will venture the task <shaking> of quiting smoking.. I love to smoke and I am a Very dedicated smoker.. shamefully to say... I love it.... But with losing my weight I know I can be 10 times as healthy if I kick this habit.....I will attempt this next month....Good luck again... ill be thinking about you, maybe add me as a friend and we can encourage each other....
  • ktlynn4queen
    ktlynn4queen Posts: 6 Member
    Good for you! It has been 3 months since my last cigarette. I gained 10 lbs when I quit. At first, I quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Wow was that hard!! So I replaced it with sweets!!

    What I have found is that when I exercise, it relieves my stress and I don't feel the need to indulge on cigarettes and junk.

    The first month is always the hardest, but I just stuck with it and chewed my Nicorette!

    It takes 21 days to break a habit.

    The hardest things that we do are always worth it!

    Good Luck!
  • BryVia12
    BryVia12 Posts: 181 Member
    I have been using MFP since Jan 2012, and have lost 42lbs. Only about 5 pounds away from my goal. Yesterday I went for a physical and expected a really good report. NOT - I was called back to the doctor 20 min after I left, they asked me to come back for a second chest X-Ray. There was "shadowing" on my both chest x-rays, dr said it is probably "nothing" but is sending it out to a specialist for a second look. Also told I have begining stages of emphysema, was given Spiriva, and inhaler, and am being referred to a Pulmonoligist for further test. Docotor also concerned about slow heartbeat, have to pick up Holter monitor on Thursday. Of course, doc said I really needed to quit smoking! I am 49, and didn't start smoking until my mid 30's. Anyway, my quit date is Sept. 4th, next Tuesday. I am going to use the "patch". I am scared, and frustrated....

    :cry: I hope your tests come out ok. I understand that you are scared. Quitting now will add years to your life, whether the news is good or bad. You can do it, take it one craving at a time. Good luck to you:drinker:

    I quit in January of this year after smoking for 20 years. I went 2 weeks without a smoke then I started dieting. I ate whatever I wanted in those 2 weeks, anything that would help me beat the craving. I still crave them but now I am a runner and the 2 don't mix. I would rather be a runner than a smoker! Best of luck to all of you. You can do it! Choose health!
  • LindaM66
    I quit smoking 3 months ago and was a smoker for 30 years. I started MFP about 3 weeks ago and have lost a total of 7 pounds to date. So I wish you luck and much success
  • LindaM66
    I have been using MFP since Jan 2012, and have lost 42lbs. Only about 5 pounds away from my goal. Yesterday I went for a physical and expected a really good report. NOT - I was called back to the doctor 20 min after I left, they asked me to come back for a second chest X-Ray. There was "shadowing" on my both chest x-rays, dr said it is probably "nothing" but is sending it out to a specialist for a second look. Also told I have begining stages of emphysema, was given Spiriva, and inhaler, and am being referred to a Pulmonoligist for further test. Docotor also concerned about slow heartbeat, have to pick up Holter monitor on Thursday. Of course, doc said I really needed to quit smoking! I am 49, and didn't start smoking until my mid 30's. Anyway, my quit date is Sept. 4th, next Tuesday. I am going to use the "patch". I am scared, and frustrated....

    I'm sorry you have to go through this..... I hope your test are okay and I wish you luck with quitting smoking. You can add me as a friend for support if you wish.:smile:
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I have been using MFP since Jan 2012, and have lost 42lbs. Only about 5 pounds away from my goal. Yesterday I went for a physical and expected a really good report. NOT - I was called back to the doctor 20 min after I left, they asked me to come back for a second chest X-Ray. There was "shadowing" on my both chest x-rays, dr said it is probably "nothing" but is sending it out to a specialist for a second look. Also told I have begining stages of emphysema, was given Spiriva, and inhaler, and am being referred to a Pulmonoligist for further test. Docotor also concerned about slow heartbeat, have to pick up Holter monitor on Thursday. Of course, doc said I really needed to quit smoking! I am 49, and didn't start smoking until my mid 30's. Anyway, my quit date is Sept. 4th, next Tuesday. I am going to use the "patch". I am scared, and frustrated....

    Hey there, same thing with me and guess what? I went and got an ecig and stopped smoking traditional cigs and stopped using the ecig after about 8 months. I started running and my lung function is back now to 98%, so there is hope!

    Now I do have trouble breathing when air quality is bad or its super humid, but other than that, I am well. So dont sweat it, just stop smoking and start exercising more, pretty soon, you are going to be surprised at how much easier exercising is going to be. I used to struggle watching a cop chase a perp on tv, now I can actually run for miles! ( well before my back injury I could run three straight miles).

    I never in a million years thought I would get one of those smoking related diseases, ya know, cause I am awesome like that. I was so freaking scared when I found out what was going on it was not hard for me to stop. The thought of dying with emphysema scares me. I have seen what it does to people. Struggling to catch my breath is very scary.
  • Nmgirl21
    i was never a smoker until the beginning of may..... the beginning of this month i choose to quit because i always promised my grandmother i wouldnt start the habit my whole family is addicted too. but since i quit the beggining of the month i gained a total of 8 lbs already! and it hasnt even been a month yet! i havent touched a cigg since but im now using one of those e ciggs ( the vapor ones) its kinda expensive to buy one but is totally worth how much the cost! i CANNOT smoke ciggs no more they make me sick.. even the smell gets to me and it never has due to being around smokers my whole life lol :) just wanted to share..
  • funmonk
    funmonk Posts: 20
    This thread could not have came at a better time. My quit date is Sunday. I'm using chantix this time. I hope it works, I am to the point where I hate being a smoker. I think my determination to quit is good.
  • andivaclavicek
    I joined MFP back in February, had my last cigarette on July 31st. I quit cold turkey. I managed to only put on 4 lbs of quitting weight and have taken that back off. Now, time to move forward. I know that I needed to quit smoking to truly accomplish my fitness goals. :smile:
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    I lost 30 pounds then quit smoking last April and lost another 30lbs! You can do it if you put your mind to it!
  • skinnyskittles
    I would also like to say a big WELL DONE and CONGRATULATIONS to everyone else who has given those horrible sticks away. Best thing anyone could ever do for themselves.
    I quit smoking over three months ago............

    .........I would say expect for it to be difficult, youll feel emotions more clearly and strongly than you ever have before when youre not eating take aways and not smoking.

    Ah s*** that's why I am such an arguementative b***** lately.

    3 weeks I have given away the stinky things (I did cheat a few times I admit- though I didn't enjoy it hence why I believe I can still say I no longer smoke)

    Still get the impulse for one which baffles me now because they truly are disgusting.
    The first week was mega munch-a-thon then I bought a heap of sugar free gum. The emotions have affected my eating habits for the last week though.
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    I am quitting too - on my 4th week of Chantix (which has made it much easier). I had gained weight prior to quitting. But hope we can all support one another.