starting all over again

kmkbh05 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I have been off my "diet" plan for almost 18 months. I just got lazy and found excusses to eat and not work out. I have realized that keeping track of what I eat helps me to stay on track. In 2008 I lost 30 pounds to get ready for a family vacation, once the vacation was over I went back to not eating very well and I haven't really had a routine workout plan since July 2008. I have gained 20 pounds back and in all the wrong places. I still have yet to get in routine to work out but that is due to figuring out how to balance working, going to school, the house, the kids and the husband. I know I can do I just need motivation no vacations planned for this year so now I need something else to keep me going. I hope that just finding people on here will keep me motivated. I have a closet full of clothes I can no longer wear and all the "big" clothes I gave away because I NEVER thought I would go back to that old size. You would think that would motivate me but it hasn't. Maybe if I was competing with someone but I am not. So very sad because I hate the way I look. I am not fat I am just not where I want to be or look like what I want to look like. Any help for motivation would be great.


  • I can totally understand the going off track for a long time part. I definitely have done that but now I am back on track and it feels great. I know it's very tough fitting exercise in sometimes and it can be just as tough to find the time to make the healthier meals, but I also think that when you are eatting healthier and working out, you end up with more energy anyway.
    Maybe your #1 motivation can be those clothes in your closet that aren't fitting right now! Just keep thinking that you are going to fit into them soon and that should help motivate you. Also think of how you are unhappy with how you look and the only way to change it is to get on some type of routine. I don't think you have to workout the same days and times every week or any routine like that, but look over your schedule for the week. If you have a few days where you will have some time to yourself, plan a workout. Continue logging your calories, even if you have to plan the whole week out ahead of time and print the menu that you've created out. Then at least 30 minutes of exercise about 3 times a week should help you fit into those clothes. You don't have very much to lose and you can reach your goal by summer time! Good luck
  • kmkbh05
    kmkbh05 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you. Just hearing a stranger give me motivation may to do the trick. :)
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