Working out and gaining weight??? =(



  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    I just posted a thread earlier. I havent' gained or lost, but I have lost inches and changed my body shape.
    Don't focus too much on the scale, take measurements and pics.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    You must be new.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Up your cals to 1500 and drink more water. See what happens. Also do you measure your inches?
  • angenjake
    Don't get discouraged, certain times of the month are unforgiving:) Just keep doing what you have been doing, you are supposed to be taking in water equaled to half you body weight, some people think they are drinking enough, but they are not even coming close. You are doing great:)
  • Couponqueenren
    Couponqueenren Posts: 47 Member
    Awe sweetie don't get discouraged. I gained 10 pounds when I first started working out. Your body just needs to adjust. Keep up the tracking and moving and in no time you will start seeing results. And take measurements. Those will be a better guide than the scale. Congrats on your new life changes :)
  • jmpetros
    jmpetros Posts: 10
    When nurses weigh their patients, it is usually first thing in the morning right after the patients use the bathroom. You may find that your weights are more accurate if you do this.

    Secondly, like everyone else has said, you may be gaining muscle, you may be retaining water. Don't give up. It'll come off.
  • bblich02
    bblich02 Posts: 57
    patience my dear!! it'll come in time. and don't be fixated on the scale. take measurements! muscle is denser than fat, therefore taking up less space! so you might weigh more because of muscle, and you'll be able to fit in your clothes much better!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    First of all, congrats on making a commitment to better health!
    I wouldn't worry about a gain since it's only been one week. A lot of factors can reflect a gain. What is your sodium intake? Are you staying under your carbs macros? Were you sedentary before you started exercising?
    Keep working on it, keep exercising, make sure you eat enough and that it's healthy food too. You'll get there, I promise!
  • racerscottw227
    If you are going to weigh yourself daily, do so in the morning after you use the restroom and before you eat or drink anything. That way you can minimize any variables that might make your weight fluctuate unnaturally.

    Also, for the first couple of weeks my weight fluctuated wildly. After my body got used to drinking water only, and eating right, and exercising things began to calm down.
  • checof
    checof Posts: 114
    First of all

    This is good advice, because it's true you're bound to weigh more in the evenings as compared to the morning. However, the key thing is to always weigh yourself at the same time of day as you did the week before. Weight fluctuates during the day, so it's not an accurate measurement if you weigh yourself at different times. Also, once a week weigh ins are less stressful than daily, and more accurate. Good luck!