5'7" 130lb ish women trying to lose weight?!

I'm 5'71/2" and I have always weighed in the 118-123 range.. I recently moved out and have gained to about 130lbs. I've started a healthier diet, trying to stay away from drinking and I work out everyday Mon-Fri for an hour along with other short work outs in the mornings. Does anyone have a success story of losing about 10 lbs? That is my goal but it seems so far away!!

Pics if possible?!


  • hi there! I'm actually very close to where you are! I'm trying to lose around 10-15 lbs- I was stuck at 130 for awhile (and I'm a little shorter than you) and was always 118-123. The past 5 years or so I've been stuck at 127-130. Then I got pregnant and just had a baby a month ago. I obviously didn't mind the weight gain because it was for one of the most beautiful reasons in the world! Now, a month later I lost the first 20 lbs from pregnancy within the first 2 weeks and have slowly been dropping weight since then. I'm down to 137 today. I am hoping I can move past the 130 and just keep dropping if I stay in this mindset. Myfitnesspal helps! I've been trying to stay active, going on as many walks as possible, moving around and doing a 20-25 min workout at home every day. Thanks for reaching out! Let's support each other! :) best, Sophie
  • FlamingJune67
    FlamingJune67 Posts: 96 Member
    Is it possible that you always weighed 118-123 because you were a child? And now you are a woman? There is a reason (besides keg parties) that so many girls gain weight in college. Why not concentrate on getting fit and strong. This may make you feel and look so much better than simply losing weight.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I realize I'm going to sound like an old fuddy dud.

    You're 19. You're transitioning from a teenage body into an adult body. You're going to weigh more. You're still at a low and healthy weight for your height.

    If you're concerned about your body composition, the best way to change that is through weight training and good nutrition, not through weight loss. The scale doesn't matter.
  • kelzeydanka
    kelzeydanka Posts: 6 Member
    That's awesome! It is really hard to find people that are trying to lose weight when they are our sizes. Most stop when they get to our weight, but lets definitely keep each other motivated! :)
  • deeznutz777
    deeznutz777 Posts: 23 Member
    Is it possible that you always weighed 118-123 because you were a child? And now you are a woman? There is a reason (besides keg parties) that so many girls gain weight in college. Why not concentrate on getting fit and strong. This may make you feel and look so much better than simply losing weight.

  • huntybunty
    huntybunty Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am about 5'6", started out about 138 at the end of May, and after three months I am now about 127. I work out about 3 times per week, and try to keep my calories around 1300-1400. I have been seeing a personal trainer, who recommended I eat at least 130 grams of protein per day to retain muscle while losing fat...it is tough to eat that much, but I have managed to eat 90-100 grams or so a day, and I think that makes a huge difference--less carbs, more protein. I don't really exercise that much more than I used to...I think the reduced calories combined with the increased protein made the difference for me. You have to be sure you are eating enough to keep your calorie level at least at 1200 per day with all of that exercise. I would recommended getting a heart rate monitor so you know how many calories you are burning. That really helped for me.
  • kelzeydanka
    kelzeydanka Posts: 6 Member
    I realize I'm going to sound like an old fuddy dud.

    You're 19. You're transitioning from a teenage body into an adult body. You're going to weigh more. You're still at a low and healthy weight for your height.

    If you're concerned about your body composition, the best way to change that is through weight training and good nutrition, not through weight loss. The scale doesn't matter.

    I'm not necessarily trying to lose weight, I am eating healthy and doing cardio/strength training everyday. I grew up in a personal training facility so I know that weight doesn't matter as much as being in shape.. and it isn't what I am focusing on most. I'm mostly trying to like the way I look, everything I have gained has gone straight to my stomach. Just looking for girls dealing with the same change/problems. Thank you for the advice though!
  • kelzeydanka
    kelzeydanka Posts: 6 Member
    Is it possible that you always weighed 118-123 because you were a child? And now you are a woman? There is a reason (besides keg parties) that so many girls gain weight in college. Why not concentrate on getting fit and strong. This may make you feel and look so much better than simply losing weight.

    I've gained 10 lbs in two months so I'm pretty sure it's not just my body maturing. I shouldn't have put that I want to lose 10lbs, that isn't my ONLY goal. If I gain 5lbs, but look better than I do now I will be happy.
  • Km0714
    Km0714 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm 5'8 and currently close to 136 ish, it's my goal to get to about 120, feel free to add me!
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    I feel your pain. I am now 21, and was in mid-high 50s all through highschool and now I am 65kg (about 142lb). I have been a little bigger. Luckily the weight has gone to feminine places like hips and boobs (yay) but I have a stomach which I hate :(

    I can feel my body changing in a very short time. It's important to really change your diet. I avoid basically anything processed now BESIDES my chocolate (can't live without). This includes breads and pasta (which I loved). Last time I had pasta I got so sick and it was an unpleasant feeling.

    I have started Jillian's 6-week 6-pack. People say spot-training bad/impossible and this is TRUE. Her workout works on core, back, a bit of legs and a bit of arms, and incorporates HIIT training (high intensity) so it's good cardio too. I mix this up with other videos on the befit channel on YouTube.

    It's only been a few weeks into my journey, but I can tell my stomach has decreased and even my bf complemented it (without me fishing). So just keep strong and keep at it :) and be sure not to UNDER EAT as that will push you backwards.

    Good luck! Jess

    edit: it's also important to know the MFP macros are s*** and you should be having more like 100g of protein and 100g carbs!!
  • It's not like women go through puberty at 20. They actually do it around age 10. I wasn't aware of a secondary puberty that my body goes through that caused this secondary weight gain...I mean, it would be nice, but I think I just ate too much.

    OP, I'm 5'8'' and would kill to be 130. I weigh 154 right now. My goal is to be 120 though. Feel free to add me if you want!!! =)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Just an interesting fact: I am 45 years old. I have 4 kids. I now weigh about 12 lbs. more than I did when I was 19, but interestingly, I still fit into my prom dress and a pair of hideous acid-washed jeans from about 1986 (WITHOUT LYCRA/SPANDEX) that I have saved for all these years just to make sure that I never get too big.

    How is that possible to weigh 12 lbs. more but still wear the same size?

    When I was 19 I was a dancer (as I still am now), but I did not do any other form of exercise. I was "skinny fat", meaning that my body fat percentage was high despite the fact that I was relatively small. As an adult, I have added many more activities, including cycling, paddleboarding and weightlifting. I started lifiting heavy a year ago and I can honestly say my legs, back, and butt have NEVER looked better. I have much more lean muscle mass and consequently less body fat than I did at 19, hence I'm heavier, but I still can fit into those clothes from 26 years ago despite weighing more.

    Who cares about the scale? Not me. I use those acid-washed jeans as my measurement.

    (That being said, I realize that you just gained weight recently and it's not likely to be lean muscle mass, however, my point is that a good goal to have is to build your lean muscle mass and not worry about the scale).

  • count me in. 5ft 6.5 - cw 133 trying to get down to 128-125
    following the road map right now as well...
  • Is it possible that you always weighed 118-123 because you were a child? And now you are a woman? There is a reason (besides keg parties) that so many girls gain weight in college. Why not concentrate on getting fit and strong. This may make you feel and look so much better than simply losing weight.

    I've gained 10 lbs in two months so I'm pretty sure it's not just my body maturing. I shouldn't have put that I want to lose 10lbs, that isn't my ONLY goal. If I gain 5lbs, but look better than I do now I will be happy.

    I'm impressed with how maturely you handled this. Many people in these forums tend to fly off then handle and it is nice to see someone calmly handling/taking advice and revising your previous statement to reflect what you actually meant.
    Maybe the forums aren't so bad! haha
    Good luck on your weight loss journey
  • berthabunny
    berthabunny Posts: 251 Member
    I'm 5'71/2" and I have always weighed in the 118-123 range.. I recently moved out and have gained to about 130lbs. I've started a healthier diet, trying to stay away from drinking and I work out everyday Mon-Fri for an hour along with other short work outs in the mornings. Does anyone have a success story of losing about 10 lbs? That is my goal but it seems so far away!!

    Pics if possible?!

    I gained over ten pounds this past summer, and I feel like I need to lose about 17. I am 5'6", medium to large build and weigh 152. My goal is 135. I know that I have some extra fat, but a lot of muscle underneath, so my goal is just to lose fat, but they go hand in hand! It sounds like your goal should be to change fat into muscle.
    As you have revised your goal to 'to look better', I recommend doing some weights and core. I am almost your age (19 in about a month), and feel like I had to revise what I ate to not gain more weight. I have not gained since August, and I am eating healthier. I do Eat More To Weigh Less because of the amount I exercise, I would look into it if I were you. Many of the women (and men) there lift and will be able to advise you. Also New Rules Of Lifting For Women can help you with that.
  • IkirPaulson
    IkirPaulson Posts: 40 Member
    I am reminded of an excellent quote, one of my favorites actually, by fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld:

    "Yes, some people say to me 'You're too skinny', but never a skinny person says that to me. Only people who could stand to lose a few pounds say that."

    FYI a BMI of 18.5 is still in the healthy range. So do what you have to do to make you happy. I know I am!
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