New to myfitnesspal!

kdenton Posts: 3 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I just joined myfitnesspal today and I'm really excited about it. My husband and I had our first child in April of last year and I am struggling with losing the baby weight. My son is almost 9 months old so I can't really use the excuse of "I just had a baby." I wouldn't use that excuse even if I could. I am tired of making excuses for not losing weight. I am more motivated than I have ever been and I am very anxious and excited about losing down to my goal weight. My work is doing a Biggest Loser contest that started January 6 and it will end on April 15. So far I have lost 5 lbs. I am looking forward to getting this excess weight off and actually feeling good about myself. I am hoping this site will help me on my weight loss journey.


  • Great job - I've started back to tracking here - it's really helpful to be aware of you are eating...I like the tracking of food, exercise and water.
    Just think how much energy you'll have to chase your son around - he'll stay busy.
  • Welcome! Way to go on the 5lbs! Enjoy the site, it's awesome! Keep it up :)
  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    WELCOME TO MFP!!! I "just" had a baby also on May 7,2009. I tried to loose the weight shortly after i had him, but was unsuccessful, I have a 7 & a 5 yr. old also. So, dieting, exercising & getting use to having 3 kiddos was a challenge. It was much easier to grab a pack of Pop tarts & get a nap in where ever possible. Now that the baby is almost 9 months old & the older boys keep each other busy, I have a tiny window to focus on me. I came back on Jan.3rd & have had success. Like you, I am completely focused & running toward my goal!!! Best wishes on your weight loss journey...stay positive!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    I've used the excuse "I just had a baby" now for 27 years!!! This is the year I am actually doing something about it!! :laugh: Good luck on your weight loss journey. I've been using MFP for 2 weeks now and it is a real eye opener to see your calories in black and white does keep you accountable
  • Welcome! :smile: I love this site, it helps out big time, everytime I eat I go and log it in. It makes you think twice when you are going to put something in your mouth. I wish you the best of luck!
  • I had a baby 13 months ago....I just started really pushing myself 3 months ago-my office is doing something similar to the biggest loser also, we are putting in $1.00 a week each for 21 weeks and whoever loses the highest % wins the money!
    Who says that you could lose weight fast my chasing your children around? that really doesnt seem to work for the majority of us does it:laugh:
    I will say that I am ready now to do this, I want to be in shape for him in 3 years when he is playing is now or NEVER!
  • *waves to all* im new as well and this looks like a great site. I hope to get to know new people and stay active :)
  • 5moons
    5moons Posts: 2
    Hi I joined about a week ago. I am 30 years old and I have 2 kids, a 5 year old boy and a 2 year old Girl. I am a stay at home mom. With all the house work, keeping up with the kids plus with the little bit of exercise I fit in to my day, I have lost 4 lbs. My goal is 31 lbs by this summer. Plus a flat tummy. I have had 2 c-sections, 2 different ways. One was and emergency c-section with an up and down cut and 68 staples. the other was a normal bikini cut. I may never wear a bikini again cause of my scares but I would like to look good in a bathing suite. My fitness pal is great. It is easy. It does it all for you plus if even has cleaning as an exercise. Light cleaning and heavy cleaning. Congrats to everyone who has lost weight. Keep up the great work!!
  • kdenton
    kdenton Posts: 3 Member
    At my work everyone put in $20 at the beginning of the contest and at the end whoever loses the most gets the money. We weigh every Wednesday in front of one my co-workers. Knowing I have to weigh in front of someone has really made me stick to my diet and exercising. I thought chasing after a baby was going to help get the weight off too! Unfortunately it didn't because if it had I would be in awesome shape as much as I chase after my little boy! :)
  • kdenton
    kdenton Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the encouragement! I hope we all do well on our weight loss journey and everyone meets their goal!
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