Is my fat intake too low?

I consistently hit under goal for my fat intake. It's not deliberate - while trying to make better food choices, the fat content went down on it's own. I'm wondering how low is *too* low for fat, and if I need to work at adding more sources of healthy fat?

(PS - I opened my diary for this - please be kind - I'm trying to make good choices, and I'm still learning)


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    if you eat oily fish three times a week you'll cover the essentials, don't go overboard on low fat stuff for example a bit less meat in the burger but a higher % fat etc. Doesn't look too low in the diary.
  • whiskeycharged
    whiskeycharged Posts: 400 Member
    I took a look at the last few days of your diary. Looks good to me. Keep it up. :happy:

    If you wanted to increase your fat a liitle, I would suggest adding healthy fats. For example, almonds, natural PB, avacado.
  • Absref71
    Absref71 Posts: 75 Member
    Yes your fats are too high, they are sitting at 30% of your calories whereas you ideally should have 20% from fats. Drop your fat to 30 and your results will improve without needing to force feed yourself.
    Instead increase your protein to make your calorie limit as it is sitting at 20% at the moment
  • Absref71
    Absref71 Posts: 75 Member
    *drop your fat to 30 grams