Joint pain after jog

One week ago I did jogging/walking intervals for two miles on a rubberized track. It was the first time I have made my body jog or run since I was in the military 5 years ago. The next day I woke up feeling like both of my hips had been dislocated. They popped every time I walked and the pain was pretty serious. I don't remember ever going through this before when I had to run all the time. I am wondering if this is just normal joint pain from running while this overweight? or maybe I am just getting older and starting to feel the soreness? Should I stick to power walking until I get to a safe weight for running? Any advice would be helpful thank you!


  • mandybledsoe
    mandybledsoe Posts: 43 Member
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    I would guess you started with too much too soon. Ease it back and let your body get accustomed to moving again.
  • Alexz210
    Alexz210 Posts: 78 Member
    I experienced joint pain when I first started running again. I ran through it, and it eventually subsided. I think it is always wise to rest a day in between each run.

    Lately I have been having AWFUL pain in my knee when I run. I'll take a few days off and try again, and it is just awful. I'm not sure what to do about it. It's sad, because I was really making some progress with my running intervals. I can only hope that rest will do the trick!

    Good luck!
  • Monkeymomma05
    My chiropractor told me to use more ab muscles to help prevent the hip popping and make sure posture is good which has helped immensely! I also take Omega 3 for joint pain along with building up your muscles in general will help. But yeah, if you haven't ran that long of distance in that length of time you may want to try out shorter length and gradually build up.
  • ashleyconstantine
    ashleyconstantine Posts: 73 Member
    I'm a bigger girl and I run. My knees get so sore. I usually just take Tylenol right after, cause that's when it hurts the worst. Defintely not the best idea... but it works for me.
  • gombolyu
    gombolyu Posts: 136 Member
    I also would suggest a moderate jog, and would be fine to take some joint protector supplements as well.
  • glonigan
    glonigan Posts: 82
    I would agree with maybe to much to soon. My experience has been that most of my joint soreness is due in part to lack of mobility. If you have a foam roller it can be your best friend for running and helping you recover. You may take a look at your ankle/knee/hip mobility and stretch those out on your non-run days. Ice is also a great thing. Best of luck to you.
  • ul00kg00d
    I agree...ease back into it and stretch a little longer maybe. I remember going through the same thing when I got back into it. I googled hip stretches online to learn about different moves adn it helped.

    Good for you in getting back into the swing of things!!
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    I started with half a block out and back 4 years ago did that for a few days went t o a block etc etc etc keep increasing slowly then speeding up a little still have stiff joints sometimes if I overreach so I wou;d suggest take a day or two to feel better and work a shorter distance at first
    keep the faith I did 8.25 miles last sunday so it can be done with patience
  • vyanadevi
    vyanadevi Posts: 134 Member
    Are you stretching before your jog? I would start with that, maybe google some stretches and do them before headign out. I would also scale it back and work up to it gradually. That's what I did, for me it was my knees, I don't want to put any pressure on my knees so I really stretch and then take it easy, I listen to my body and see how much I can push and sometimes, I can go a full minute on the threadmill at like 4.5 but then I have to scale it back for my knees sake. Hope this helps. Oh I also take a day inbetween and I am also going to get some fish oil.
  • Squeezalsize10
    One week ago I did jogging/walking intervals for two miles on a rubberized track. It was the first time I have made my body jog or run since I was in the military 5 years ago. The next day I woke up feeling like both of my hips had been dislocated. They popped every time I walked and the pain was pretty serious. I don't remember ever going through this before when I had to run all the time. I am wondering if this is just normal joint pain from running while this overweight? or maybe I am just getting older and starting to feel the soreness? Should I stick to power walking until I get to a safe weight for running? Any advice would be helpful thank you!

    Your still young it shouldn't hurt that bad, i would suggest seeing your doctor to get this checked out.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I would agree with maybe to much to soon. My experience has been that most of my joint soreness is due in part to lack of mobility. If you have a foam roller it can be your best friend for running and helping you recover. You may take a look at your ankle/knee/hip mobility and stretch those out on your non-run days. Ice is also a great thing. Best of luck to you.

    this!! Foam rollers are amazing and work wonders. I'm new to running.... and currently in my third week of training for a half marathon.... It's going great, and I've adjusted quite well (up until this point was just running intervals, since february).... I'm doing strength training as well.....

    foam rollers.... and epsom salt baths -- help way more than drugs.
  • phillieschic
    Always start with a 5 minute warm-up walk.
    Slow down your speed.
    Don't do as much at one time.
    Work up to longer distances.

    Good luck.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I'll just tell what happened to me even though there's a good chance this isn't you. :smile:

    After about a year of working out, I got to where I could not do any kind of impact workouts anymore without bad hip pain. My hips would hurt so bad that walking would be difficult for a few days. Once, after jogging, I could barely walk for a few days so I finally called a chiropractor.

    I stopped doing any workouts that involve impact and I was still needing a chiro adjustment like every week! Then every other week. Now I can go about a month or longer thank goodness.

    I also had pretty bad Symphysis pubis dysfunction during my last pregnancy and I think the hip problems are related.

    I decided to join the gym so I can do weight lifting and elliptical workouts because I can't do jogging or jumping or anything like that without messing up my hips. :frown:

    If the pain continues, I'd recommend a chiropractor. I also bought a DVD which I think is helpful for strengthening my hips, but I still don't think they are strong enough because last time I tried a workout DVD with jumping type stuff I really regretted it. Anyway the DVD is viniyoga hip, sacrum, and low back.
  • lynda155
    lynda155 Posts: 112 Member
    I did not have hip pain, but I did have tremendous knee pain(in front of the knee cap).. I went to see my ortho dr and he told me the pain was due to the leg muscles not being strong enough to support the knee. He had me begin leg strength exercises and the knee pain went away... I would suggest if you can talk with a ortho dr to show you the proper movements to strengthen the knees and legs.
    Good Luck and stay Healthy!!!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Probably too much too soon but it could also be muscular imbalances - running requires strong hips and glutes.

    Here's a little homework for you.....,7124,s6-238-263-266-13852-0,00.html,7120,s6-241-285--13543-0,00.html,7120,s6-241-286--13410-0,00.html

    you didn't mention anything about your pre-run warm up.,7120,s6-241-287--13442-0,00.html
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    We have a wonderful chiropractor that can put things back in their place. Pain in my hip knocked me out of the game altogether and my teenage daughter had problems with her knees. He fixed both and much more.
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    I have problems with my right knee all the time, and now my right hip after jogging. I definitely need to see an ortho and/or chiro, for help!

    BTW - OP - good for you for getting back out there and running again!!
  • ATclassof2021
    ATclassof2021 Posts: 232 Member
    Like others mentioned, too much too soon. And taken Motrin not is probably inflammation