venting about wifey GRRR!!!!



  • bluechip777
    bluechip777 Posts: 160 Member
    If you can, I say get a coach. There are some that are very reasonably priced! You have to do what coach says, right? Our natural tendency isn't to question a coach. With that said, you can put everything on your coach as well, "Coach said..." so I have to eat this or I can't eat this, etc. So wifey will have to get on board or she's on her own for food. Sometimes the best influence is just to do you and lead by example. You're either on this train or....
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    Stop taking her to fast food. Just stop. Remind her that she made a commitment to do this with you, and that its important to you, and then stop enabling her.

    Also - make a grocery list (you can even find some sites that will create a meal plan for the week for you and give you a grocery list) then just go in and print it out. Shopping is much less annoying/painful if you just follow a list.
    ^^ ^^
    I'm sorry its getting to you though. unsupportive spouses are hard work. Keep at it though she'll either join you or give up, if she giveup then this is your thing so make the most of it.
  • Tamisha15
    Tamisha15 Posts: 83 Member
    Might I suggest, if you haven't, talking to your wife about this instead of strangers? :) communication is the key!

    Ditto, I know your just venting but let her know how you feel. Vent to her she might surprise you, I know that is what I would want my hubby to do and he expects the same from me.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Might I suggest, if you haven't, talking to your wife about this instead of strangers? :) communication is the key!

    Ditto, I know your just venting but let her know how you feel. Vent to her she might surprise you, I know that is what I would want my hubby to do and he expects the same from me.

    I knew a woman several years ago that was ad that her husband purchased her training sessions with a personal trainer. He sat her down, told her he loved her and wanted what was best for her and their family. She got mad at him and told him he should love her for who she was blah blah blah. She had 6 weeks of sessions paid, she went to 1 week and quit.

    Cut to a year later, husband leaves (more to the story than just her weight and bad food choices) but the next thing you know, I am seeing her BACK at the gym working with that trainer for the rest of her sessions. What does she say to me? I am going to lose this weight and make him want me back and sorry he left me. SERIOUSLY????????? Why does this happen? Why do we wait until they leave to want to do this?

    Long story short, people do not listen until crap gets hard, then they start paying attention. I am NOT stating that he should leave, by no means should he do that, for better or worse means exactly that. BUT, thinking we can lovingly talk to people and they will understand does not always work. Also, it is good to vent to total strangers sometimes because then they can typically call someone out on their behavior as well. If she say, well you never shop and he states he hates it, its a lost cause, if we tell him, hey dude, take responsibility and shop then there is a better chance he is going to listen to. This is not just about her, he is enabling this behavior. He plays a part in it as well.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    Nope. I call shenanigans. You are the only one responsible for your own life.

    NO ONE is trying to sabatoge you.

    Don't want fast food? Don't eat it.

    YOU don't LIKE to go grocery shopping but EXPECT your wife to buy you healthy foods? GET REAL.