lossing weight but not inches???


Most of the time, people complaint that their scale doesnt move but they are lossing inches.... well anyone was the problem the other way around? The scale is moving down but am not lossing inches :-(


  • SophieB74656
    SophieB74656 Posts: 81 Member
    I seem to have that problem. I've lost almost 30lbs and don't see a difference at all. My clothes still fit the same and nobody looking at me can tell that I've lost any weight
  • claw0416
    claw0416 Posts: 95
    BUMP..having the same problem..
  • ashtonvv
    ashtonvv Posts: 144
    bump, going to read after work! .. interested to see some responses
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    I am losing inches but not weight
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    A weight lifting routine will have the biggest impact on inches. I was dropping pounds but not inches for a few months and then I incorporated weights and the inches started coming off too.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Are you actually measuring or just going by your clothes?

    And are you measuring everywhere?

    I tend to lose in my neck and chest before anywhere else.
  • wattsj56
    wattsj56 Posts: 94
    well, i start losing mine in my face / neck first, i won't notice a difference in my stomach or clothes until at least probably 30 pounds or so.
  • tryinghard71
    It could mean you are losing muscle mass especially if your clothes are not fitting any different. Add weight training of some kind. Cardio alone used for weight loss can result in muscle loss.
  • jothekid
    jothekid Posts: 230 Member
    as long as the scale is going down I guess thats a good thing! You can't decide where the fat comes off and the belly is the last place so if that scale keeps going down, it's gonna reach the belly pretty soon! Just keep going & good luck :)
  • angel_eyes17
    angel_eyes17 Posts: 103 Member
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Yes, all kinds of changes happen when you work out and eat less. You build muscle and you lose fat and your body composition changes. The scale is a poor tool. Measurements are sometimes a poor tool too. Sometimes pictures for yourself, front, side, and back to compare with previous dates are the best measurement.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Normally if the scale is going down, but you aren't seeing any change at all in the way that your clothes fit chances are that you are loosing lean mass and not fat.

    Take a look at your diet and see if you are eating very low fat and high carbohydrate this could be an issue. Generally most people have the opposite issue and it's pretty common especially in the low carb high fat community.
  • evereadysmile

    Most of the time, people complaint that their scale doesnt move but they are lossing inches.... well anyone was the problem the other way around? The scale is moving down but am not lossing inches :-(

    I've lost over 20lbs and some of my jeans are looser in the thigh and the seat, but over all my measurements haven't changed a bit. I've been eating well and doing a lot of cardio. I start weight training on Saturday and I'm hoping that helps.
  • paytonOMG
    paytonOMG Posts: 33 Member
    Part of the problem may be water retention, watch your sodium intake. You may be replacing the fat with muscle. The areas where you have fat are like little cities. The cells shrink, but the cities will always be there. Give it time. And measure with a measuring tape. When someone sees you everyday, they can't always tell that you have lost weight, because you are gradually changing. To me my body looks the same, but when i see the pictures i took at week one and my pictures now, there is a difference. Weight training will help to get everything tighter and draw your skin closer to your body. Check your body fat % as well. You are probable getting smaller, but you just can't tell. And once again, give your body time!
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    Are you measuring yourself at the exact same spot each time? I've found that it's really hard to know exactly where you measure yourself. Also, it really depends on how much weight you have to lose. I started wearing a size 24 jeans. It took me 50 pounds before I went down to a size 22. I didn't notice nor did anyone else that I was losing weight until I lost about 50 pounds. Even now after losing 65 pounds, (from 323 to 258 pounds) I still have only dropped one pants size. My daughter on the other hand, started at about 220 and is now down to 195 and she has dropped from a size 18 to a size 14 only losing 25 pounds. So I really think it all depends on how much you have to lose before you will notice any changes in your clothing.
  • Superchas
    Superchas Posts: 129 Member
    Congratulations on weight loss well done.

    It can take a lot of time before need to change clothes particularly if you have been choosing clothes that reflect your posture. i used to buy clothes so that the waistband was below where my waist should be to accommodate my gut so have no precise starting measurements for my ten month diet.

    I found that if you were very large when you started as I was it takes a lot before people start commenting on weight loss for me it was seven stone and even then I was large.

    Finally scales and size will come into something approaching harmony and i now think broadly my waist has shrunk in proportion with overall weight loss and am on my fifth wardrobe.

    keep at it and results will come
  • JennifercitaDEgomez
    Thank you all for your information, has been really helpfull for me