yoyo dieter - serious this time!!!!

Hiya, Im Kate. I actually registered on this site ages ago but I find it so hard sticking to dieting, especially since losing my job. I was happy at a size 14 about 5 years ago but Im now Im around a size 20/22 and over 18 stone. Really could do with some support from fellow dieters to help me get back down to a healthy size 12/14. Im not sure motivation/will power actually exists at the moment!!


  • Lisame11
    Lisame11 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Kate,

    I've been yoyo dieting for years, gaining a little more each time. Sounds like we have something in common there. I would also love to be size 14 again.

    It took me a long time to be ready to make that change, but here I am, feeling positive and actually believing that I can do it. (In the past I would have felt it impossible to reach and given up!) I haven't been here long but I love this site. Its full of info, helps me track my calories, and I love the support you get here. Add me as a friend if you like. Maybe we could motivate each other.

  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    For someone who struggles with yo-yo dieting, the best advice I can give is to not 'give up' certain foods up front. Try eating things that you enjoy in moderation instead of being super strict and forcing yourself to eat foods that are deemed 'healthy' all the time. If it fits within your calories/macros, eat it with no shame!

    Best of luck :drinker:
  • Stefanie1030
    Hi Kate! I too fluctuate my weight up and down. I do better when I track my food and activity. I haven't been committed for too long now, which puts me back at the top of my weight range with a closet of clothes that are tight or do not fit! I have a tendency to binge eat (especially sweets). What kills me is I have studied both fitness and nutrition and have tons of knowledge at my fingertips, but lack the will power to put what I know into practice. If you (or anyone) would like to add me as a friend, I would love to have someone to motivate and who might help me as well!

  • kittii13
    thanks, thats realy helped. however im not feeling at all positive. i am currently on anti depressants and since losing my job i find myself infront of the tv all day. i dont have a social life at all either, i dont know anyone in my area which makes it even more hard to feel good about myself.
    knowing that i can still eat what i like helps but i barely eat anything as it is. ive been eating weightwatchers ready meals which are between 250-400cals and thats it all day and i was still putting on weight so i gave up with healthy food and have been eating pizzas again and im not putting on anymore weight eating 1500 cals a day as i was when i was eating 400, i just feel worse.
    i have tried eating healthily and exercising but nothing seems to work. i havent lost any weight since i was 17 and eating only a couple of times per week.
    sorry, im going on a bit! having no one to talk to makes things kinda build up!
  • AliasSha
    AliasSha Posts: 46 Member
    I yoyo also. its hard, but even when we fall off, it is good we try and get back on :D
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    I have yo-yo'd in the past too.

    Feel free to add me if you like.

    Also - don't be afraid to eat! Although too many calories have brought on the weight gain, it is important to find that *magic* number that you need, without eating too few. Try this link to figure out your BMR and TDEE. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12.

    You can do it! :)
  • Reecebullet
    Reecebullet Posts: 141 Member
    For someone who struggles with yo-yo dieting, the best advice I can give is to not 'give up' certain foods up front. Try eating things that you enjoy in moderation instead of being super strict and forcing yourself to eat foods that are deemed 'healthy' all the time. If it fits within your calories/macros, eat it with no shame!

    Best of luck :drinker:

    Absolutely agree with that. I was a yo-yo dieter for so so many years. I decided that I wouldn't give up certain foods I really like, I'd just portion those foods instead, then stick to 'healthy' foods the rest of the way. Haven't yo-yo'ed since.
  • kittii13
    thats the thing though, i eat bugger all but im still getting fatter. its got to the point i actually cant go out the house as i have no clothes that fit
  • mhairi81
    mhairi81 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey Kate, I'm in the same boat and had got up to the same size before starting yet another 'go' at losing some weight and getting my life back on track. Although diet and making changes helped me, I often slip back if I'm feeling low. The thing that has pulled me through and made changes not only to the scales, but to my body and mind is exercise. It literally has been a real life saver. I try and do something each day for 20 mins and it def works. And often when I 've exercised I have a clearer mind about my food intake as well. It's been a slow process, but the yo yo's have been slightly smaller and a year later I've dropped a dress size and a stone and a half. Prob not a great achievement for some people, but for me, whose weight has only been creeping upwards, it's amazing! You've done the right thing coming back on here, it's very motivational and you can always find people to encourage and support you.
    Why not start tonight? Go on Youtube anf find a ten min video and give it a go!
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    For someone who struggles with yo-yo dieting, the best advice I can give is to not 'give up' certain foods up front. Try eating things that you enjoy in moderation instead of being super strict and forcing yourself to eat foods that are deemed 'healthy' all the time. If it fits within your calories/macros, eat it with no shame!

    Best of luck :drinker:

    This- i have a terrible sweet tooth,and i did try cutting out sweets and chocolate-but i ended up eating double the quantity-now i just allot 200 calories of my food for chocolate and sweet and have that daily-that way im not depriving myself and im still eating healthy daily.I have developed a maintainable lifestyle.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    thanks, thats realy helped. however im not feeling at all positive. i am currently on anti depressants and since losing my job i find myself infront of the tv all day. i dont have a social life at all either, i dont know anyone in my area which makes it even more hard to feel good about myself.
    knowing that i can still eat what i like helps but i barely eat anything as it is. ive been eating weightwatchers ready meals which are between 250-400cals and thats it all day and i was still putting on weight so i gave up with healthy food and have been eating pizzas again and im not putting on anymore weight eating 1500 cals a day as i was when i was eating 400, i just feel worse.
    i have tried eating healthily and exercising but nothing seems to work. i havent lost any weight since i was 17 and eating only a couple of times per week.
    sorry, im going on a bit! having no one to talk to makes things kinda build up!

    The ironic thing about eating so little/switching to eating a lot and going back and forth is that I'd assume your metabolism is going crazy (complete assumption - I'm far from a nutritionist or anything close). If you eat around your BMR I'm sure you will have no problems losing weight. Eating MORE can actually help you lose weight in some cases! Definitely don't give up, there's a balance of eating/enjoying you food while losing weight that you've been yet to discover. This site can easily help you a lot.
  • kittii13
    Thankyou. I feel like crying. Having people actualy trying to help me is really nice. Ive realy got no one in my life but knowing ive got you guys to talk to... :)